Spectacular Spider-slu*ts! - Trixiedixie - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter Text

Hailey finally made it home. She was just so exhausted, both mentally and physically. She said so many awful things to Miles, things that she wouldn’t have dreamt of ever saying, but… Instead of apologizing, all she could think about was getting even. Hurting him, the way he just seemed to relish in hurting her. She crept through the front door, sneaking past the living room, only to see that her parents were nowhere to be found. Strange, they were normally camped out on the sofa, watching their favorite show together, on Saturdays. Then, she finally heard it. “THWAPTHWAPTHWAPTHWAPTHWAP”, the sounds of hot, heavy rhythmic POUNDING echoing out from her parents’ bedroom. Eww, gross! Did they have to be so loud? Wait… Hailey couldn’t help but take a closer listen.

“Yeah, you like that, bitch? You love that big fat dick, don’t you?”

“O—Oh I love it, Daddy! DEEPER! f*ck! RUIN ME!”

“DAMN! You’re tighter than a drum, bitch! You haven’t had a real dick in your life, have you? Makes sense, you’ve been married to a cl*t-dick cuck like that all these years!”



Hailey was devastated… No, not her mom, her poor dad, he was going to be so devastated… Hailey had to walk by their door to get to her room, and she couldn’t resist sneaking a quick peek inside… That’s when she saw her dad, standing in the corner, jerking his tiny, pathetic co*cklet to the sight of his wife having her puss* pulverized by a huge, hulking drug-dealing thug from the neighborhood…

Hailey felt a sick twinge of pleasure soaking through her puss*, and bolted into her bedroom, locking the door behind her. Her clothes, they were covered in her own puss*-juices, and reminded her of HIM. She tore them off, tossing them in the trash, before taking a good, long look at her naked reflection in the mirror.

Hailey had long, kinky, jet-black hair, gorgeous, hazel-green eyes, a wide, prominent African nose, and the fattest, fullest, juiciest lips around. Her skin, creamy and rich like delicious mocha, glistening alluringly with a thin sheen of sweat, as droplets rolled down the jaw-dropping slopes of her impossibly fat, heavy, wobbling teen tit*. Her breasts were at least twice the size of her head, if not more, just hefty, squishy, meaty mounds of chocolaty f*ck-flesh jutting ridiculously from her slender, hourglass frame. Her huge, puffy, dark-brown nipples were so stiff and swollen, making her tremble from just the slightest breeze, and especially sensitive after getting them pierced; two silver barbs bolted through each of those oversized Hershey Kisses.

She couldn’t help but look at her modest-sized hips, ample but nowhere near as oversized as Spider-Woman’s. Her long, beautiful legs were also firm and shapely, but still couldn’t compare to the ungodly thickness of that PAWG bitch’s oversized, doughy thighs. And then of course, there was her ass, a pert, perky brown bubble, two round mounds of serviceably-sized assfat. It stung hearing Miles’ voice, telling her he preferred that white whor*’s absurdly overgrown ass-shelf instead. Why did she still care what he thought? Why was it making her so self-conscious… Her panties were getting even wetter just thinking about the sound of his cruel, careless voice ringing in her ear…

God… She could still hear her mom and that bull going at it right next door... Was that his scent seeping into her room? No… It was coming from behind her, outside the open window. It reeked, but was also so familiar… Then she finally realized it.

“Miles…” She gasped, as she turned around and came face to face with that tall, naked, irresistibly sexy Spider-nigg* everybody’s been gushing about. “W—What the f*ck are you doing here?!” She hissed.

Miles' towering body looked even more terrifyingly gargantuan once she got the chance to see it up close, broad, beefy shoulders and thick, sturdy neck casting a massive shadow over her body as she broke out in a cold sweat, knees buckling and heart palpitating beneath her ribcage as her nerves sparked and jittered with an electric reaction of primal fear and female arousal budding through her body.

"The f*ck do you think I'm doing, bitch?" He growled out, his huge, meaty bear paw of a hand closing around Hailey's slender little neck as she gasped beneath his touch, squirming and standing on her toes as the room was FLOODED by the vicious stink of a black stallion mingling with the scent of Spider-Woman's candy-sweet puss* juice that lathered his massive, burly co*ck as it swung between his legs, every bit as hard and scalding hot after pouring out literal GALLONS of ultra thick ball-sludge.

The guttural groans of Hailey's mother in the other room echoed out as she silently tried and failed to scream, almost like a cruel image of what her ultimate fate was in the hands of a hung, perfectly chiseled alpha brute far superior to the one scraping out her mother's puss* and f*cking her stupid in the next room. She felt like a deer locked with a hungry wolf, ripe, glistening, mocha-hued curves jiggling and wobbling with her every breath as though her very body was unconsciously presenting itself for his objectifying gaze, his lustful stare more validating than the millions of followers and simpy bitches that flooded her DMs and cashapp in a poor attempt to fish even the slightest morsel of her attention.

"We never did get to really f*ck ever since you actually got hot, and it'd be a f*cking shame if I didn't. f*cking look at you, you're built like a bimbo blowup doll and it'd be a f*cking disappointment if I didn't get to f*ck you for real. You wanna know why I was so awkward the first time? I was scared, scared of hurting you, breaking you...but I don't give a flying f*ck about that anymore, so since you're such an attention starved bitch, I thought why not at least leave you with a good story of getting that slu*t c*nt of yours RAPED by the Spider-nigg* to tell all your goddamn friends?" Miles told her, spitting on her face before RIPPING her bikini top open to reveal the fat, stiff peaks of her diamond-hard nipples and saucer-sized areolas and squishing his fat, sturdy fingers into all that marshmallowy titflesh jutting out from her chest.

"And in case I needed to say it...don't you dare scream, bitch, but you're used to keeping quiet, aren't you? I'd say it in sign language, but I'm not even sure you f*cking remember it anymore, you're like a whole other f*cking person ever since you changed...though, I am too, so I guess I can't really blame you. But you're so damn f*cking obsessed with yourself, little attention whor*, desperate for people to look your way with those fat f*cking tit* and that slu*tty sexdoll body...maybe you were always like this, and all that activist bullsh*t was just how you got people to give a f*ck about you before you were hot. Not that I care anyway, now get on those f*cking knees and SQUISH THOSE GODDAMN TEASING tit* YOU'RE SO DAMN PROUD OF AROUND THIS co*ck." He silently growled at her, smacking his palms down against her ass and tearing off her skirt and panties in a single movement before pushing her to her knees, his broad, burly chest pumping in the air as she stared up at him with eyes glazed over in utter lust and craven need.

“The f*ck do you think I’m doing, bitch?”, the words were rattling in her head like the rumbling bass of a shell-shock victim assaulted by a triggering stimulus, Hailey was still so stunned to hear how much Miles’ voice had changed. How crude, crass, and outright disrespectful his language had gotten. It should’ve upset her, hearing him call her that word, but instead… It just made her puss* sopping wet. She let out a needy groan as he suddenly squeezed his iron fist around her delicate neck, choking the life out of her, while she took in deeper, greedier whiffs of the mind-rotting Alpha musk quietly seeping into every last corner and crevice in her bedroom. Bathed in moonlight, the massive, looming, midnight-black shadow towering over hardly even looked human, he was more akin to a ferocious and terrifying beast hunting down his plump, helpless prey. She trembled desperately, her wide, doe-like eyes getting even bigger and emptier with a mixture of pure, unadulterated lust and deep, spine-chilling terror.

“F—f*ck you, Miles… G—Get off me!” She squeaked so meekly, her cheeks burning bright with crimson-colored humiliation, as he spat across her face, watching it dribble down the tip of her nose, down her lips, and SPLAT right onto her mammoth-sized pair of soft, squishy, suffocatingly fat cow-tit*. “RRRIIIPPP”, THAT WAS COUTURE HE JUST TORE OFF HER BODY! She wanted to scream, wanted to cry, but all she could do was just stand, moaning and whimpering like a brainless, blithering bitch, as Miles sunk his cruel, calloused hands deep into those mind-bogglingly meaty, fatty, jiggling mounds of African titty-flesh. DAMMIT, why did it have to feel so good, the way his beefy black fingers just brutalized her humongous, heaving rack, sinking in so deep and so hard that her overgrown udders would certainly be covered in big, dark bruises by the end of all this!

With that dumb, slobbering look on her face, the naked, fat-teated Instagram THOT dropped down to her knees. She could still hear her mom’s puss* getting PUMMELLED right next door, the sound of it and Miles’ disgustingly degrading words still echoing deep inside her co*ck-addled mind. Her beautiful hazel-green eyes looked up into his intense, glowering gaze, sending a surge of sticky, sweet cunny-slop squirting desperately all over the floor, as her trembling hands slowly grabbed a hold of her colossal, dark-chocolate tit* and squished them around the sweaty, puss*-glazed black behemoth staring her right in the face…

Fuuuccckkk… The way it just skewered between her gargantuan globes of supple, spongy, wobbling breast-meat, stabbing through to the other side and pumping hot, chunky wads of salty pre-ji*zz all over her alluringly fat, pouty lips, just made Hailey’s eyes swell into the shape of big, pulsating hearts. She slowly pumped her heavy, hulking, mind-numbingly squishy slu*t-udders up and down that long, fatly-veined bull-co*ck, squeezing tighter, jiggling faster, bouncing harder, while her fat, juicy tongue came lolling out of her steaming hot maw, dragging across Miles’ dark, purplish, ungodly oversized co*ckhead.

“Y—You’re out of your mind if you think I’m just going to let you f*ck me, Miles… A—After everything you said… A—All you’re getting is this…” Her voice was muffled by the big, beastly mushroom tip down shoved deep inside her furnace-like maw, slurping and suckling so hard, while her gigantic, doughy-soft rack squeezed and bounced up and down his steel-hard monster co*ck even harder and faster!

A rough, heavy, open-handed SMACK that left poor Hailey's jaw damn near unhinged and her pretty face bruised red from the sheer force of such a colossal hand violently asserting itself over her weak, feminine form and leaving a blazing red handprint over her chocolaty skin that she'd be covering up with makeup for weeks for her new photoshoots.

"That ain't your goddamn choice to make Hailey, I know you might have got the wrong impression from how much I tried to act like a good little Spider-Boy for your ass, but I'm taking what I want from you, not f*cking asking. Now keep scrubbing those fat black tit* on my co*ck before I make you choke on it instead." He spat out at her, seeing fit to hawk out another fat, bubbly, phlegm filled trickle of thick, gooey spit right between her round, marshmallow soft coon tit* and pumped his hips into that heavenly rack with a PLAPLAPLAPLAP! that just barely managed to skirt beneath the sound of her mother being pumped into by her own breeding bull.

"Hmph, like mother like daughter, huh? Looks like you're gonna get f*cked by a real man right as your mother is. You ever knew what a co*ck obsessed little whor* she was? Personally I had her pegged, but with that little white wimp you call a dad...no wonder she hopped on some dumb thug's co*ck the second she found the chance. Not you though, Hailey Greene is too good for that, even though you're f*cking squirting like a whor* taking this dick between those tit*." He told her, slowing his hips to a crawl and making every last slide of his beefy black bullydick all the more torturously hot, the scalding, veiny flesh of his meaty member tracing along the cavernous cove of her cleavage before he whapped his fat co*ck along her face and marked her with his musky sweat and stinky ji*zz.

"That's the one thing I thought made us being together so difficult, you know? You always had so much of a f*cking ego, I didn't get it back when you were playing at this...good girl protestor bullsh*t act of yours, but it was always about you the whole time, I had to go to your f*cking protests all the time, and when you tossed all that sh*t aside to be a model, I had to watch and support you flaunting these fat f*cking COW UDDERS too. But you know what, fine, you wanna end things, fine. But we're doing it on my terms, and I say it ends with me SCRAPING THAT TEASING puss* WITH THIS DICK SO YOU'LL NEVER FEEL ANY LIMPDICK BITCHES AGAIN!" Miles ranted, his anger mingling with his lust as he grabbed poor Hailey by her tiny waist and tossed her into the air in a full nelson that left her completely at his mercy, what little squeals she could give stopped by her own tattered panties being stuffed down her throat as her formerly oh-so-sweet boyfriend brutally busted into her c*nt in a single vicious thrust that refused to hold back his superhuman strength in the slightest!

God Hailey’s throat was getting even wetter and sloppier, those fat, fleshy, quivering pink walls squeezing so ravenously and molding around the ungodly fat shape of Miles’ brain-breaking black behemoth. Fuuuggh, it was so sweaty, so salty, so unimaginably studly, it was making Hailey’s mouth just melt, drooling with so much sugary slobber, caking inch after inch of that terrifyingly thick slab of nigg*r-co*ck in thick, sloppy sheen of nasty throat-slime, while she smeared her ruby-red lipstick and sticky lipgloss all over it the further it RAMMED down her throat!

The spoiled little stuck-up bitch just secretly adored being treated like a filthy, braindead slu*t, loved hearing that big, black, overbearing bully call her every disgusting name his f*ck-starved mind could think up, while the vicious “SMACK” “SMACK” “SMACK” of his solid, musclebound hips crashing against her outrageously plush, pillowy, wobbling bitch-tit* sent shivers rolling down her spine! Her hazy, heart-shaped eyes rolled deep into the back of her skull as Miles spat all over her slu*tty, slobbering face like she was just some nasty little street-walker, as the deeply humiliated black bimbo squirted all over herself in a fit of pure, unbridled ecstasy!

Suddenly, Miles grabbed a hold of her thick, heavy-chested body and pulled her up into his massive, monstrously built arms; hoisting her into a slu*tty, humiliating full Nelson, as that mind-bogglingly massive, bloated co*ckhead was got primed right up against her fat, puffy, agonizingly swollen puss*-lips.

“W—What the f*ck are you doing?! L—Let go of me! I told you, I was only giving you a f*cking blowj*b! S—Stop it!” Hailey finally shut the f*ck up once Miles forced her panties deep inside her mouth, muffling her cries, before JAMMING that hip-breaking, pelvis-shattering, c*nt-pummeling pillar of dark, savage nigg*r-beef deep inside the arrogant black bitch’s nastily gushing puss*!

GODDAMN! That sloppy, squeezing teen c*nt was BEYOND TIGHT, even giving Gwen’s virgin puss* a run for it’s money! It squeezed, clenched, spasmed, and quivered like a sex-toy, mashing down with all her might around Miles’ ruthless ebony bitch-breaker, as Miles, fighting against all resistance, drove that hot, twitching, gut-punching f*ck-spire DEEP inside her untouched womb! Hailey let out the most animalistic groan, grunting like a wounded animal, as Miles CARVED open her vise-like f*ck-canal in one-go! She watched in horrified delight as her belly bulged out violently, throbbing and pulsing with Miles’ monstrous rape-rod buried inside the furthest reaches of her f*ck-hungry puss*!

“f*ck YOU! FUUUCCCKKK! MAYBE IF YOU JUST f*ckED ME LIKE YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO, MAYBE I WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN SO DESPERATE FOR ATTENTION!” She squealed, gushing like a geyser, as Miles knocked the wind right out of her; tearing his hips back, pulling his co*ck out inch by inch until just the tip was buried inside of her, and suddenly IMPALING her back down on every last inch! “F—f*ckING RAPIST FREAK! I BET THIS IS THE ONLY WAY YOU’D GET ANY puss*, HUH? SHHHIIITTT ♥♥♥ A—AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A SUPER-HERO!?”

"Shut the f*ck up, whor*!" Miles lashed out, slapping Hailey in the face with a wide open palm and a force that sent her reeling with ecstacy and mind-warping pain, her throat clenched between his iron hard fingers to shut her whor* mouth up once and for all as his smoldering eyes captured her gaze and he bashed his womb wrecking alpha rod even DEEPER inside her suckling slu*t-hole.

"You say that like I was supposed to know you're a goddamn masoch*st weirdo who gets off on getting that puss* rammed deep by a nasty thug?!? f*cking ADMIT IT, HAILEY! You're wetter right now than you ever were when I tried to f*ck you and its because that puss* knows that it can't help but f*cking open up for a real man looking to cram inside of it, doesn't it!" He told her, gone was any ounce of deep, passionate, lovemaking passion that shined through in their other bedroom encounters, even despite their awkwardness, Miles merely sought out to use her, to f*cking BLAST HER STUPID slu*t c*nt LIKE SHE WAS SOME BACK ALLEY whor*, CONSENT BE DAMNED!

And as much as Hailey hated it, a sick, deep part of her took a primal pride in knowing that she brought that out of him, that the lustful hunger brimming in a stud who could have any woman he wanted was so deep and visceral for her that he was prepared to sink to the absolute lows of villainy and abuse her little c*nt in the dead of night where no one would ever know.

"How's it feel, Hailey? How's it feel to know that the best sex you'll ever have was getting your c*nt f*cking taken by a man you hate? You can whine and cry and scream about it however much you want, but the truth is, the worst part of this is you're gonna want more, and I'm not gonna give it to you. We'll be done for good, but first..." He grunted and snorted savagely, thrusting with a bullish piston strength in his hips as he slammed her down onto her bedsheets, motorboating her sweat-greased tit* like a feral animal right as his big, hard, massively throbbing co*ck-knob pushed inside of her f*cking womb with his fat nuts smacking her perky rear~

"I'm gonna drill this puss* balls deep until I get to f*cking nut again. Not stopping till I'm satisfied, you use me like an attention whor*, I use you like an actual whor*...f*cking better for it too, this puss* was made to slurp up hot f*cking alpha dicks and you've been wasting it this whole damn time, I oughta punish you for being such a little bitch when I could've been f*cking you like this this whole time."

YES! YES! YESSS ♥♥♥ Hailey was LOSING HER GODDAMN MIND! A small part of her, some dark, twisted gnawing in the very farthest corner of her mind, had always dreamed of ending up like this! Always dreamed of becoming some cruel, brutal, sad*stic bully’s braindead co*ck-sleeve! Of being bruised, beaten, and spat on like some sniveling little slu*t, while he took exactly what he wanted from her, with ZERO concern for her at all! The harder he SMACKED her, CHOKED her, RAPED her, the tighter, sloppier, and steamier her starving, slu*tty rape-sleeve of a c*nt became!

“F—f*cking nasty c*nt-raping bull! f*ck ME DEEPER ♥♥♥ T—This is all a f*cking musclebound, thuggish nigg* like you good for anyway, right? RAPING SOME TIGHT TEEN c*nt LIKE THE ANIMAL YOU ARE! ♥♥♥ F—Fuuuggghhh! I—IT’S SO DEEP! RAPE IT DEEPER! MEANER, FASTER ♥♥♥ f*ck! f*ck! FUUUCCCKKK ♥ I—I should’ve been getting this from the start! WHO THE f*ck WANTS A SCARED LITTLE LOSER f*ckING THEM, WHEN YOU COULD HAVE THIS f*ckING RAPE-HUNGRY BULL BREEDING THEIR puss* INSTEAD?” Hailey screeched like a banshee, even stirring the empty, co*ck-addled mind of her bimbo-brained mother! She didn’t even give f*ck who heard her getting her fat, rape-craving puss* SPLIT OPEN! She just threw her head back and SCREAMED like a bitch in heat, clenching with every ounce of strength she could, as she SQUIRTED harder than she ever had in her entire life!

As she and Miles went CRASHING into the bed, his face smothered between her suffocatingly fat udders, she started clawing at his back, while locking her long, shapely legs around him and forcing him even deeper into her womb; his giant, bloated co*ckhead pulverizing the very back of the soft, fertile space, pounding it with all the viciousness and hate he had brewing deep inside his heart, while braindead Hailey just kept screaming her goddamn head off!

DON’T f*ckING ACT LIKE YOU’RE NOT LOVING THIS, YOU NASTY f*ckING RAPIST BULL! You’ve probably been dreaming about this, haven’t you? WELL GO ON ♥♥♥ F—Fulfill your f*cked-up dream of being nothing but a filthy f*cking puss*-raping nigg*r! YOU SHOULD CHANGE YOUR f*ckING NAME TO THE nigg*-THUG BECAUSE THAT’S ALL THE f*ck YOU ARE ! f*ckING RAPIST BULL BASTARD! SHHHIIITTTT! DON’T STOP! DON’T YOU DARE f*ckING STOP! YOU’RE NO f*ckING HERO, SPIDER nigg*-THUG!

It was a miracle that the angrily rutting pair somehow weren't heard, though, with the rumbling growls and kittenish screams from Hailey's parents room of "SEED MY STUPID SOW c*nt!" and "TEACH MY WORTHLESS HUBBY HOW A REAL BULL f*ckS~" that might not have been too much of a surprise.

The image of their bodies bashing together in primal heat was like a perverted parody of their first time together, completely devoid of intimacy as they thrashed into one another and Hailey uselessly fought the animalistic alpha male power held in Miles' obscenely strong limbs. Her words cut like a knife and left him clapping his groin into her with a renewed vigor, as though raping the sow even harder would somehow prove her accusations incorrect.

Deep, deep down, a lingering part of Miles could feel his change, sense the tiny inkling voice in his mind that whispered forcefully with a neverending desire of BREED, CONQUER, DOMINATE, DESTROY that became more and more irresistible by the day. She had pulled back the curtain to the natural climax of his transformation, that one day, perhaps one soon, he would be everything she called him and even more depraved, a violent, untamed f*cking nigg*r BULL-MONSTER WHO ONLY EXISTED TO f*ck AND FIGHT AND RAVAGE EVERYTHING IN ITS PATH! The fact that she saw through him, so fully, so completely, it scared him just as much as it made his co*ck twitch violently even while his beastly breeding rage never seemed to halt in the slightest.

But as his sweat-soaked nuts began to jerk and quiver and pulse against her while her eyes glazed over with glee and anticipation, he could only toss her off him in a flimsy denial of the nature she had unpeeled, smacking his co*ck between her tit* and grunting like a babboon before furiously stroking out multiple fat, hot, chunky ropes of off-white seed sent squirting through his pulsing puss*-splitter like a GODDAMN FIRE HOSE SPRAYING OVER THOSE MOCHA-HUED tit* AND PAINTING THEM A GLUE-THICK WHITE AS HER ENTIRE TORSO WAS SPLATTERED WITH THE SCENT AND TASTE AND SMELL OF A DELUGE OF PROTEIN-PACKED STUD SEED THAT COULD EASILY FEED A WHOLE ARMY OF BLACKED BITCHES FOR WEEKS.

"Oh yeah? Not much of a thug if I didn't turn you into my baby momma after all. We're f*cking through Hailey, it's over. I just...I don't even know why. Just...don't f*cking call me again. Maybe try not calling me a f*cking thug for finally giving you what you want just cause you want this kind of...crazy animal of a dude who spends every waking second destroying his enemies and finding women to worship him. That's not me...and even if it is…I don’t wanna give you the satisfaction of getting it. So better luck finding it somewhere else. I just hope you know that I'm the best you ever had a shot with, and you f*cked it up." He breathed out, slumped against her bedroom window before he crawled out every bit as quickly as he came, disappearing into the night city sky and leaving poor, rejected Hailey without even a dripping load of stud-cream slipping out of her puss* to show for it…

Hailey was left quivering in confusion and disappointment from the moment Miles pulled out of her. Why? Why would he reject what she was so easily offering up for him? The invitation of a breeding bitch to sate his new hypermasculine giga-dick and let him seed her like she knew his natural instincts drove him to?

She was ready and willing to accept her new life as a fiendish, rape-starved nigg*r-bull’s co*ck-addled baby momma. She was eager to pop out a whole litter of dark-skinned, thuggish, savage black babies and raise her sons in the image of their cruel, callous, c*nt-conquering ALPHA of a father! She was already fantasizing about her future daughters, blessed with their Momma’s milky monster-tit* and round, perky black ass, bouncing on their Daddy’s brutalizing BLACK f*ck-spear just like she taught them, grunting and begging to Daddy’s seed like the co*ck-starved rape-dolls they were born to be, until Miles finally blessed each and every one of them with an enormous, bubbling hot, hyper-virile creampie of their very own! A whole incestuous, f*ck-fueled family, built and led by a GIANT, MONSTROUS, whor*-RUINING ALPHA nigg*r as their patriarch!

THAT was Hailey’s new life’s dream… But as Miles tossed her aside like a rag-doll, and TORE his viciously twitching, ji*zz-spewing c*nt-breaker from her ungodly tight, spasming puss*, she immediately realized that her dreams of being an ALPHA nigg*r’S DEVOTED RAPE-DOLL was slipping away! She struggled and fought as he pinned her down and shoved that salty, puss*-soaked rape-rod between her colossal, creamy-soft cow-tit*, pumping his fist up and down that long, dark, veiny breeding beef and unleashing the FATTEST, THICKEST, HOTTEST LOAD all over her heartbroken face and gigantic breasts! He didn’t stop BUSTING until her entire chest was CAKED in an inches-thick coating of his steamy, white-hot nut-sludge, while a deeply enraged growl escaped from her tightly pursed lips.

“YOU’LL BE BACK, YOU f*ckING nigg*r-THUG! I JUST KNOW IT! YOU CAN’T HIDE WHAT YOU REALLY ARE INSIDE, MILES! ONE DAY SOON, YOU’LL SEE THAT, YOU f*ckING COWARD!” She screamed, angry, frustrated tears streaming down her cheeks, as she watched him leap from her window and into the dead of night.

“f*cking bastard… f*cking ungrateful son of a bitch… I f*cked it up? The best I’d ever have? You have no idea what you just lost here, Miles Morales… But I promise, you’ll regret the day you ever decided to screw me over! I’ll make you f*cking pay, if it’s the last thing I do…” She grit her teeth and wept, huddled up in a ball on her bed, while a vengeful, hate-filled plan was brewing inside the back of her mind…

When Rio Morales got home that next morning, after yet another long, exhausting double shift at the hospital, her mind was buzzing with two things: The “Spider-Thug” all of her co-workers couldn’t stop talking about, and Miles. She was ashamed to admit how much that naked, glistening, soapy image of her son was still replaying inside her head. She just couldn’t shake it, or this overwhelming guilt plaguing her. It was just so wrong, fantasizing about any boy his age, let alone the one she’s raised and nurtured since before he was even born. She just hoped she could sneak in, take a shower, and fall asleep without having a run-in like the one before. As she unlocked the front door, she got hit with a thick, muggy wall of MUSK that had seeped into EVERYTHING inside the apartment; drapes, carpet, furniture, you name it, REEKED of hot, animalistic sex! That filthy, yet strangely mind-numbing aroma assaulted Rio’s senses, flooding her lungs and searing deep inside her mind, as she noticed it growing even more pungent over by Miles’ bedroom.

Her heart was pounding, legs trembling, as she walked closer and closer to the source of that foul, c*nt-soaking odor. Miles hadn’t even shut his door, and she could see the remnants of his “battle” with Gwen. ji*zz, ji*zz, and even more ji*zz was slathered across every single surface, not to mention the HUGE white pool of pure stud-slop seeping into the hardwood floor! His bed was CRUSHED and CAKED in even more cum, and even the WALLS were somehow dripping with thick, chunky rivers of still piping hot, grade-A baby-batter! The addictive, dizzying stench was even more potent than it was in the living room, leaving Rio’s pastel pink scrubs doused in a slick, sloppy deluge of her cherry-flavored nectar. She slammed the door shut, letting out a deep, frustrated sigh, before picking up on something even FILTHIER reeking from HER bedroom!

She rushed right over and found Miles, naked, sweaty, slathered in ji*zz and puss*-slop, and passed out on her bed! His peaceful expression reminded her of the sweet, caring young man she used to know, while the steel-like spire of veiny, virile, purplish-black breeding beef, pointed straight as an arrow and leaking hot, gooey rivulets of salty pre-ji*zz all over her silk sheets, reminded her of a wild, ferocious animal out to breed anything it could.

Rio didn’t know if she should be angry, scared, or worried for her son, a torrent of emotions surging maddeningly inside her mind, as she struggled to breathe; drinking in the pure, concentrated Alpha musk emanating like a thick, studly heat off her son’s naked body.

M—Mijo…? Mijo, wake up. Mijo, please, wake up for Mama…” Rio’s motherly voice rang with gentle concern, as she stood over Miles, in those skintight, curve-hugging pink scrubs, and tried desperately to wake him up. “Mijo, what happened here? Y—Your room… It’s trashed, and it… All that… I—Is that ‘leche’ (cum)…? I—It’s everywhere, Mijo… D—Did you do all that…?” Rio asked as she poked, prodded, and shook her son until he finally woke up!

Lust. That one fateful, sinful word had crept its way into every crevice of Miles Morales' psyche and reformed him in only a single night, even as he swung away from Hailey's home with his taut muscles being gawked and fawned over by any lucky onlooker who was graced by the sight of the vicious Spider-Thug escaping from what had to be the latest in a long run of puss* pillaging rapeslu*ts left pregnant by his carnal f*ck-spree, a dark voice erupted within him and clawed angrily at his mind for his refusal to conquer such a willing whor*.

The vile whispers to f*ck. BREED. CONQUER AND IMPREGNATE. Were all he could hear as he stumbled into his own mother's room without thinking, his co*ck lurching and standing like the pillar of crude masculine dominance it had been warped into, thick and heavy and hot under the sheer, impossible weight of its brutal length and girth between his thighs. While he fell into a dreamlike state of half sleep, the remnant of the symbiote within him only grew stronger, empowered by its host's descent into depravity, it molded Miles' body into one even better made to reign over impotent wimp cucks and dominate the most tight, hot, suckling slu*t-c*nts around.

He packed on muscle without even trying as his dreams were invaded by his most twisted fantasies, of crushing the heads of villains and weak, wimpy "heroes" alike while he stood atop every blithering excuse of a man that dared cross his path, an endless bevy of simpering BLACKED whor*s on their hands and knees, tongues lolling out into the open and begging to be graced with his divine seed...and his mother, sweet, honorable Rio Morales, the first among them as her tongue pressed against his seed-dripping slit to taste the virile stud-cream leaking from her son's monstrously hard co*ckshaft...

He woke up with a jolt, assaulted by an endless chorus of voices beckoning him to "f*ck AND CUM AND BREED UNTIL HIS BURLY BALLS, FATTENED UP EVEN FURTHER INTO A CUM-BLOATED SACK OF RIPE, SEED-CHURNING ji*zzTANKS THAT RIVALLED THE FATTEST, JUICIEST PAIR OF RIPE, SUCCULENT MANGOES GROWING IN THE RAINFOREST WERE DRAINED COMPLETELY f*ckING DRY! And with Rio fawning over him with sweat lining her body from a hard day's work, pink scrubs delicately hugging those South-American curves and teasing the soft brown flesh that lied beneath, he was in no position to fight it anymore.

Before either of them could think, he was looming over her, crashing into her, his ultra-buff body now endowed with an extra boost in height while his formerly bare skin was coated in a thick layer of black, scraggly hairs that made him look even more like the untamed nigg*r bull he was becoming. His rough hands pushed against the wobbling window of cleavage spilling out from her top and tore away her scrubs along with the flimsy bra she bore in a single f*cking move, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into him so her soft, bouncy brown titflesh met his hard, hairy torso as he snorted and grunted and smacked his fat co*ck between her still clothed thighs, angrily spanking one of the massive cheeks of her pillowy Puerto-Rican booty shelf and watching it nearly come cascading out of that tiny nurse's outfit altogether.

"...f*cking slu*t, dressed up in this f*cking sh*t for work? Bet half the goddamn hospital gets hypertension every time you walk by, carrying around this big fat brown culo like some cheap stripper looking for tips. Only I should get the right to see that sh*t, bitch, I don't need those old f*cking wimps trying to cop a feel of my slu*t..."

Rio couldn’t even register it, as if her precious son suddenly moved like lightning, tearing off her clothes in what felt like an instant, before dragging her mouthwateringly fat, jello-y shelf of golden-brown ass-meat onto his enormous lap. Her squishy, wobbly, naked tit* crashed against his remarkably broad, rippling chest, slowly grinding back and forth as Rio jiggled her heavenly, heaving rack up and down against all that flawless, glistening African muscle! Out of pure instinct, she began arching her back, letting all that ridiculously round, marshmallowy assfat slowly spill out of her clearly too-tight pants, while the flimsy lace straps of her tiny, sticky, soaking wet thong were out and squishing obscenely into all that mind-numbingly spongy wobble-meat for Miles to gawk at.

“SMACK” “SMACK” “SMACK”, each time his big, brutal hand came crashing down her huge, heavy, homegrown culo, Rio’s moans just got slu*ttier and needier, as she eventually let that sloppy pink tongue come lolling out of her mouth, slowly gliding to and fro along Miles’ irresistible, dark-chocolate lips. God this was so wrong, too sinful, what would our Amado Padre Celestial (Dear Heavenly Father) say about all this?…

As Miles rose up from the bed, Rio could see just how much he’d grown since she last saw him yesterday morning! He was like a monstrous, hulking colossus, with a perfect body just piled high with huge, shredded, immaculately carved muscles!

“M—Mijo, please, d—don’t talk like that… I—It’s not right…” Rio whispered desperately, feeling that frighteningly fat behemoth sliding between her suffocatingly thick thighs. She couldn’t help but squish all that soft, jiggly thigh-meat around it, mashing tighter and tighter, while wobbling her big, beautifully bubbly MILF-cheeks like the slu*tty little tease she was!

“P—Papi… ♥ Pleeease… What’s going on with you? Talk to Mami…” Rio begged in that whiny little voice of hers, as she peppered Miles’ lips, cheeks, and neck with desperate, adoring kisses.

"I shouldn't talk like that? Are you hearing yourself, Mama? You sound like a goddamn Puta right now, calling your own son 'Papi', it's like you want me to f*cking use you like a stupid whor*." He growled out, almost as though he was trying to convince himself, rationalizing his depraved, violent lust for his mother as he insisted she brought out this vile, monstrous desire within him.

"Just look at how you walk around the house now, don't act like I haven't noticed. Your clothes got skimpier, skirts got tighter, you're even wearing your tiniest f*cking scrubs to work like you just want me thinking about every little bitch you have in that hospital watching you shake these big f*cking milkbags and giant donkey ass all over the place, it's f*cking disgraceful!" He went on, lashing out with a harsh, disciplining SMACK on both of her ripe, obscenely round booty-spheres that quickly turned into him hooking his hands against her tiny scrubs and tearing them off like wet paper!

When was her little boy ever so strong? Jeff, God rest his poor soul, was an absolute tank of a man, and yet he'd never deigned to touch her like this. He'd always been so chivalrous, so careful to make sure a dainty little thing like Rio was safe and protected in those strong arms of his as they shared the most romantic nights of her life...Miles had taken that feeling and supercharged it with a rough, aggressive, animal need that surpassed even the most passionate soap operas she entertained herself with ever since Jeff had been gone. His voice was brutal and overbearing, his touch strong and deliciously painful as he sought to brand her skin with his groping hands as his fat, hairy nuts filled her room with the stink of a breeding bull brewing copious waves of virile alpha seed to match the sugary sweet scent of her sloppy puss* dripping through the flimsy panties she wore that were all but devoured by her massive mammoth asscheeks!

"Maybe I should just f*ckin' tear off all your damn clothes and make you strut around naked to teach you a goddamn lesson about being such a tease, huh? I deserve to have this fat f*cking ass bouncing against this dick like this. Using you, stretching out that puss* and f*cking owning it. I know you f*cking want it too, don't act like you haven't been acting like such a tease just waiting to get f*cked!" He angrily growled at her, pushing his lips against hers as his thick, sturdy palms squeezed softly along her neck to assert his absolute control, pumping his co*ck between her thighs and shuddering with pleasure as he fulfilled a fantasy that had been stirring inside of him for months now, clapping his fat balls against her sweat soaked body as she was powerless to deny his cruel words...if she even wanted to deny them at all.

God why did hearing him talk like that, snarling like a foul-mouthed thug, calling her every disrespectful and degrading name he could think up, why did it make her so damn wet? She was trembling so desperately, waves of intense, mind-rotting pleasure bombarding her outrageously buxom body, as the ferocious, dark-skinned bully looming over her like a frightening, insidious shadow TORE her teeny tiny pink scrubs clean off her body; only leaving her drenched, dripping thong behind, the flimsy scrap of lace digging between her gorgeous brown globes of twerk-meat and devoured by that mouthwateringly fat, meaty puss* of hers.

“P—Papiii… ♥♥♥” Rio squealed, her muffled moans spilling past Miles’ aggressive lips as he forced her into a deep, animalistic kiss. She could hardly keep herself standing up straight, clinging to that giant, overbearing bully for dear life, as her nervous tongue slowly worked its way deeper and deeper into her son’s irresistible maw; exploring every last inch, while worshipping his bigger, meaner tongue, caressing and massaging the monstrously meaty muscle like a simpering little bitch.

As Miles’ musclebound hips went flying, bucking viciously and ramming his long, rock-hard monster co*ck violently between his Mami’s insanely voluptuous thighs, Rio climbed up his strong, sexy young body, locking her legs tight around his narrow, cinched waist, while swinging her big, round brown bubble back and forth! She mashed and grinded her fat, panty-clad c*nt against her own son’s veiny, hyper-virile rod, all while the two of them passionately tongue-f*cked like a couple of horny teenagers! Rio laced her arms tightly around Miles’ neck, pushing into their kiss with all her might, before eventually pulling back with a disgustingly sloppy “SCHLURP”.

Her bright, chocolate-colored eyes were so hazy, filled to the brim with ravenous carnal lust, as she slurped sensually on Miles’ tongue, suckling, licking, kissing, while his rough, savage hands just kept SMACKING on her big, thick, blistering ass-cheeks like he was pummeling some criminal on the street!

A—Ay, Papiii ♥♥♥ Mami’s so sorry, mi amor ♥♥♥ I—I’m sooo bad, such a naughty, sinful woman… Fat slu*tty whor*-cheeks and big, jiggly slu*t-tit* teasing you all the time, pobrecito (poor baby)… Mami is such a terrible mother, isn’t she? So damn nasty and horny for her big bad son… ♥ Ay, Madre de Dios, please forgive me… Forgive me for being sooo bad to my precious Papacito! Spit on me for being such a godless woman, Papiii ♥ Make me an even filthier f*cking whor*… Ay, por favor, papacito ♥♥♥” Rio had completely smeared off her creamy red lipstick, painting Miles’ lips, jaw, neck, and shoulders in every last shiny, sticky morsel of it, while her dripping, leaking cunny soaked Miles’ steel-hard bitch-breaker in lots and lots and LOTS of her sticky, addictive MILF-y c*nt-honey!

With a vile grin twisting along his lecherous face, Miles' thick hand grabbed his mother by those long, curly tresses of luxurious hair sprouting from her head and pulled her back so her deep brown eyes were forced to look into his, twin orbs of her own making that shined with a violent lust that seemed pulled from the darkest fantasies she never even knew she had! He snorted deeply and hawked out a fat, gooey spit-wad that landed with a wet SPLAT on her trembling tongue all while her thick thighs trembled and squished against each other, puffy puss*-meat glazing his iron hard co*ck more and more as she nearly came from tasting his nasty spit in her squishy whor* mouth!

And he didn't just stop there, either, as if creating some vile, perverted caricature of her time spent breastfeeding her lovely baby boy in his youth, his rough hands scooped her up by her cinched waist until she was hanging in the air, only a single one of his arms holding her up like she weighed nothing at all while he BURIED HIS FACE IN THOSE SWEAT-SOAKED titt*es, EMBROILING HIMSELF IN THE THICK SCENT OF SPICES AND HONEY THAT SHE ALWAYS CARRIED WITH HER AND TAINTING THEM WITH HIS BEASTLY MUSK WHILE HIS TONGUE ROLLED OVER AND DEVOURED HER tit* LIKE A NEEDY BABY FEASTING ON MOTHER'S MILK!

"I needed you last night, you little f*cking bitch. Maybe if you'd been draining my f*cking balls like you were supposed to, I wouldn't have gone so f*cking rabid. Hey, look at me, you f*cking whor*, don't turn away. I want you to f*cking look at what you did to me." He ordered her, savagely growling as he pinned her to the wall, the bulk of his sturdy, hairy chest rising and falling before her admiring eyes as he kissed her again, not the tiny pecks on the lips she'd given him when he was a boy...no, he kissed her like a man kissed a woman he wanted to own, a life and death embrace of passion that showed her that nothing mattered to him more than having her in that moment...all while he tore off what little was left of her thong and smacked his angry, drooling alpha-rod right against the fat lips of her quivering cunny.

"You wanna be a f*cking tease? Maybe I'll just f*cking take this puss* instead? That's what you f*cking want, isn't it? I could smell how f*cking horny you were every night since I got back, admit it, Mami. Tell me how much you wanted to get raped and seeded by your own f*cking son before I pump your puss* nice and full for me, go on, do it~" He told her, his voice a mix of wrath and deep, heavy lust as his hard hand smacked her across the face, a reddened mark of his abuse imprinted on her lovely visage as a mark of ownership over his property.

Jeff could never, would never treat her like this. He was a gentlemen. Kind, gentle, and tender, maybe far too tender. All their marriage, Rio wanted more. Silently prayed for her soft-hearted husband to finally SNAP and treat her like a BITCH. She sometimes even purposefully pulled into an argument, just to try and get a rise out of him. Unfortunately for Rio, that’s just not how Jeff was wired. He was just far, far, FAR to gentle for a SHAMELESS CLOSETED SIZE-QUEEN like his bitch-brained whor* of a wife!

But Miles, her baby boy, her papacito, he knew exactly how to treat a stupid, cow-titted slu*t like his Mami! Hearing him swear like a sailor was going to make her CUM, but not before she frantically flailed her tongue back and forth as the overbearing, ebony-skinned BRUTE she brought into this world SPAT down her goddamn throat! Her eyes rolled back, as a deep, guttural moan escaped from that fat-teated rape-doll’s puffy pink lips. She swished that thick, chunky, viscous wad of phlegm back and forth across her tongue, loudly licking and popping those puffy co*ck-pillows like a nasty little slu*t savoring every last drop of fluid Papi fed her! She whimpered like a sick little puppy after she eventually swallowed up every last f*cking drop, licking Papi’s lips and pleading for more, but Miles wouldn’t give it to her. No, this bitch had to earn every last drop she got.

“Papiii ♥♥♥” Rio moaned so sweetly, as Miles buried his face between her ridiculously soft, squishy rack, nibbling and gnawing on all that exotic brown skin like a hungry newborn, before he pinned her up against the wall! Rio had never felt so helpless, so weak, so submissive, she didn’t dare look away from Papi’s frightening eyes… God… It was like his cold, hard stare could pierce straight into her soul… Rio was shaking so damn hard, gasping, whimpering, almost on the verge of tears, as Miles dragged her into yet another kiss, one that completely stole her breath away…

f*ck… This was what she was waiting for… ‘Oh god, Jeff… I’m so sorry, mi vida… Oh fuuuccckkk… ♥♥♥’ The image of her beloved husband was sinking further and further into the back of her lust-addled mind, replaced with the vision of her hot, sweaty, snarling beast of a son. Miles, her precious Miles, was making her puss* wetter, puffier, needier than his poor father ever could…

“P—Papi, oh god, I’m sooo sorry… ♥♥♥” The hot air rushing against her deliciously meaty c*nt-lips, the feeling his steamy, throbbing f*ck-meat smacking against her incredibly thick, angrily-swollen folds, it made teary-eyed, empty-headed Rio’s poor, sore puss* gush, leak, and almost SQUIRT like an even bigger bitch! God she was just so weak, it was like she was a junkie and her baby boy was her fix! Even as he SMACKED her clean across the face, leaving a big, dark imprint across her cheek, she just gobbled up his big fat fingers and slurped like a good little co*ck-sleeve; two, three, four big black digits plunging deep inside her greedy pink throat, as she slobbered them up right down to his knuckles.

With Miles’ fingers soon tearing from her maw with a loud “POP” and another blistering SLAP across her slu*tty little face, Rio finally started to let all of the lust she’s been bottling up this last week spill out!

Ay, Papiii ♥♥♥ Y—You could smell it? Smell how f*cking wet and sticky my puss* was every time I saw you? Every time I smelled you? That hot manly scent that fills my lungs like a goddamn drug? Papacito ♥♥♥ You don’t know how addicted I am to you ♥♥♥ Ay, it’s sooo bad, I’m f*cking my puss* to sleep every night just dreaming about you! f*ck, I’m so hungry for you big fat black co*ck, Papiii ♥♥♥ I’m so f*cking horny all the time! I—I have to change my panties every f*cking hour whenever you’re home, Papi! Even though you’re my only son, I’m always watching you jack that big teen pincho off and wishing you could feed me every last inch, Papacito ♥♥♥ Ayyy, Mami is such a f*cking whor*, wanting to get her puss* raped by that big fat dick! Santa Maria, w—what would your father say about me if he saw me now? I—I’m so sorry Mami is such a stupid f*cking whor*, mi amor ♥♥♥ A—A slu*tty little puss* for Papi’s big fat pincho to rape and breed like a bitch in heat! I’M SO SORRY ♥♥♥” Rio howled in complete and utter lust, tears streaming down her cheeks, as the agonizing hunger pangs shooting through her starving puss* and womb were almost too much to bear!

"Only thing you need to apologize for is not f*cking putting out earlier, ho! I'm gonna drill that whor* c*nt deep and get you f*cking pregnant, you like that? You wanna be a goddamn babymaking slu*t for your own f*cking son!?" He grunted and snorted like an angry bull, set off by the image of his mother desperately frigging her c*nt just waiting for him to break those flimsy doors down and bust her tight puss* open for his big fat co*ck...

And he prepared to do exactly that as he pinned her down on the bed, the frame creaking as the weight of his perfectly chiseled bully bulk shifted on top of it and his fat, greasy, fist-sized dicktip SMACKED down over her dribbling whor* c*nt while she trembled and shook at his touch. He wasn't f*cking her, not yet, but the sheer sensation of that 20 inch GOD-co*ck quaking and spasming against her soaked puss*lips was more than enough to blow away anything Jeff (or any other man) had made her feel in comparison.

"You gonna be Papi's little f*ckslu*t, aren't you? Wherever the f*ck I want, whenever the f*ck I want. If you're at work and I need to bust a load, you're gonna bend over and let me f*ck that tight f*cking culo right in front of your patients till I f*cking nut inside of you, aren't you? Be a good little girl and take it no matter who the f*ck's watching?" He hissed out, his words coming out like brutal demands rather than questions as his massive breeding beef pumped against her fat puss* with his massive balls meeting her ass in wet, sloppy SCHLAPS that only added to the neighbor's ever growing complaints of the noises emanating from the apartment block that left men limp with fear and women burning hot with arousal.

A naughty grin took place on Miles' face as he saw fit to torture his mother even more, sliding his beefy co*cktip right against the juicy inner folds of her puss* and treating her to the barest dribble of his virile African stud-swimmers jolting and pushing through her puss* with the will to inseminate her like the fertile whor* she was. "Mmm, this is what you f*cking wanted the whole time, isn't it? Me to breed you on the same damn bed you shared with dad? You f*cking little whor*. I dunno how the f*ck dad was such a f*cking wimp he only knocked you up once, but I'm gonna RAPE f*ckING TRIPLETS INSIDE OF THAT puss* AND I'LL BLAST YOUR WOMB FULL THE SECOND YOU'VE POPPED OUT THE FIRST LITTER! That's all you deserve, just being a f*cking breeding vat for me to rape and impregnate over and over again..."

Splayed out on top of her bed, Rio grabbed a hold of her insanely thick, doughy thighs and pulled her long, voluptuous legs back behind her head, giving Miles more space to maneuver as he rocked that frighteningly fat slab of life-ruining, mind-breaking bully co*ck back and forth across her plump, puffy, quivering cunny! Even just looking at the angrily-throbbing, ji*zz-leaking black behemoth sent filled her with a sense of terror and lust, imagining it splitting her wide open, deeper, further, harder than her poor husband’s pathetic little pin-prick ever could. The harder it smacked, ground, and prodded against her starving, sloppy puss*-lips, the more the mindless, mewling MILF writhed in unimaginable pleasure, splashing her overgrown breeding bull of a son in spurts of her sugary sweet cunny-honey, as he pushed in harder and harder, mere moments away from finally sealing the deal and raping his Mami’s poor neglected puss*…

But then, she heard him say something that shook her to her core, something that finally sent a rattle through her brain and brought her back to her senses. She looked up into Miles’ dark, depraved eyes, and an overwhelming anger slowly started to fill her body. “W—What… What did you just say, Mijo?” She murmured softly, gritting her teeth, as her expression contorted into one of hurt and fury. She immediately sat up, pushing Miles off of her, before giving him a firm slap across the cheek. “Don’t you EVER talk about your father like that, Mijo! H—He was a good man, and you should be more like him!”

Rio shouted, panting and blushing as she raced off the bed, and grabbed the top sheet to cover herself up. “Ay, Dios mío!… This was all so wrong, what was I even thinking…” She sighed deeply, looking up at Miles with a look that only a truly disappointed mother could have. “I—I know you’re still young, Mijo, and maybe you think acting like this will get girls to like you… B—But I don’t like this ‘new’ Miles at all… I miss my sweet, gentle Mijo…” She was lying through her teeth, saying what she thought a good mother would say, as her throbbing, hungry puss* was crying out to be RAPED by her son’s colossal monster co*ck. “I—I think we need a little space… And I want you to get this house cleaned up and all that furniture you wrecked replaced, understand? Be Mami’s good boy again, Mijo, please. Be the man your father taught you to be…” Rio shook her head and stormed off into the bathroom, leaving Miles alone to think about what he’d done…

Miles was caught off guard in the midst of the frenzied heat that gripped his mind, split away from his beastly instincts in a single moment as Rio pushed him away and gave him a harsh smack against his sturdy jaw like he was an unruly child, and even though she'd certainly been much more hurt by that than he was, the sheer shock of it was enough to shatter him away from his bullish rut as he became acutely aware of the look on his mother's face.

The primal wave of arousal shimmering in her deep brown eyes was every bit as strong and fiery as before, but it was tempered by tears welling against the corners of her eyes, a deep, untouched pain that he knew he inflicted coming to life inside of her, and that...it stopped him, quieted the constant chorus of urging voices within his mind, if only for a moment, as though the sheer weight of everything he'd done struck him all at once.

God, maybe Hailey was right, maybe he was just some...some f*cking BRAINDEAD THUG-BRUTE PROWLING AROUND IN SEARCH OF THE NEAREST PRIME puss* TO RAPE AND SEED WITH HIS MANLY nigg*r ji*zz LIKE SOME ANIMAL CONTROLLED BY ITS PRIMAL URGES. A dim part of him wondered what his father would think to know his current actions, inflamed with a sense of shame and anger, not only at himself, but partially at Jeff, as even now, a growing part of his psyche saw his father's ideals of goodness and reactive, almost passive approach to achieving change. Why did he have to be called a monster when he knew that what he did worked? Both as a protector of the masses, and in his more...seedy reputation as a citywide sex symbol over night.

But even still, no matter how much Miles Morales changed, he was still the same young man at his core, and he would never, ever forgive anyone, least of all himself, who dared hurt his beloved Rio by laying his hands on her. And so he breathed deep and slowly, color returning to his eyes as he rose from the floor, bearing a downcast gaze that made his face look every bit as helpless and alone as he did back when his father was so cruelly taken from the world.

"Ay, Mama. I just...sorry about all this. I'll...I'll be in my room if you need me, te amo mucho (I love you dearly)." He mouthed out, dragging his feet out and leaving a trail of sweat, cherry-flavored c*nt-juice and hot, sticky, day-old alpha ji*zz following him as he slammed his bedroom door shut behind him, leaving the Morales household nearly as silent as it was on the fateful day when everything had changed for them, while Miles grappled with whatever had possessed him to so violently assert himself over his own mother, his eyes darting to his mask hidden deep within his closet as though daring him to don it once again...

With great ability comes great accountability. It was a simple phrase, if not quite as pleasant rolling off the tongue as Peter's rendition of it, but it was one that Miles had been left thinking about for a long time. In the wake of his rampage of brutal f*ck-lust that left half of Manhattan preening desperately with a rapidly spreading epidemic of primal black co*ck-thirst, he'd went from feeling like an emperor king amongst men to a pariah in his own home.

With the taboo temptations shared between mother and son now painfully revealed, Rio stayed away from him like he was poison itself, barely even relishing him the gesture of a goodbye kiss and the soft, motherly hugs she so often gave him before. As if overnight, everything had changed, and Miles was left feeling like a Lion kept in a zoo exhibit, to be watched and admired and fed from afar, but kept behind a screen of containment, deprived from the greater world for fear of the rampage that would await if he was ever to be let loose.

Hailey's final, screeching words promising revenge rang out in his mind constantly, her accusations spilling into every thought as he further considered the reality of his newfound ability...his power in its true form. A thug she called him, the same ilk of streetwalking criminals he slammed his fists against and pummeled to a pulp whenever he donned his mask, but that was his responsibility, the duty afforded to him by the gifts he was given...or at least he told himself it was. How long could he go on denying that a part of him, a part that grew day by day and beckoned him to relish his power all the more, enjoyed the violence? The thrill? The utter domination and spine tingling glee of seeing men fall to their knees beneath the onslaught of epic force he could unleash just as women kneeled before the divine might of his monstrously fat f*ck-spear?

The more he thought about it, the more it sickened him, his mind hearkening back to those dark days of his childhood, where he was harangued by unruly police on the Manhattan streets, too ignorant to know that they were interrogating a cop's son as they followed him and beat him down with questioning demands and glares of suspicion, like they could somehow see the inner workings of a brutal beast to be just waiting to claw its way to the surface, surveilling mild-mannered Miles Morales and just waiting to peel away the violent thug brute that hid beneath that awkward exterior. The thought that he proved them right, that he was succumbing to every instinct of some gangb*nging street criminal to destroy and brutalize and rape and pillage made his heart burn with anger, but as his mind settled and clarity washed over him, the hulking teen emerged into an epiphany that freed his swaying spirit from the turmoil crashing within him.

All these attempts to contain him, to berate him, to vilify and persecute him for his strength were little more than the desperate attempts of self preservation of the weak. With great power may have come great responsibility, but who decided on what responsibilities were and weren't important but those with power themselves? The more he thought of his father's moral code, of Pete's loosely applied tenets of heroism, of the never-ending avalanche of rules and restraints he'd tried to hold himself by, the more he came to see that they were little more than fabrications, childish posturing to hide away from a much deeper, uncomfortable truth that marked the only real law of nature.

Winner takes ALL.

It was simple, applicable, and never, ever seemed to lead to the same moral dilemmas as the other ideologies he'd latched onto. And as he spent his nights prowling Harlem, watching silently, observing, eavesdropping, learning. This same truth reared its ugly head wherever he went. Big time kingpins tossed their weight around and bullied tiny pushers into doing their every bidding, powerful pimps with bastions of streetwalking slu*ts at their fingertips treated their women like trash and were utterly adored for it, corrupt cops with the right connections made earnest men and women in the force take the fall for their crimes, the city was teeming with this ugly display, a dark underbelly of metropolitan crime that Peter hadn't dared scrape the surface of, too busy handling purse snatchers and lost cats and bank robberies from D-list villains to give a look to the true evil in their city.

Once he'd witnessed it, it almost shocked him that his father, that Peter, the men he looked up to so dearly could be so absolutely blind. But they couldn't see it, or perhaps they simply wouldn't see it, refused to face it, because their minds simply couldn't handle to truly take in the dread of a world they lacked the power to change, their good nature had weakened them, softened them and left gaps in their vision through which the greatest evils slipped through and grew like a fungus. The thought scraped at his mind like a knife, days passing as he tried to reconcile his admiration for those men with their clear inadequacies, before ultimately accepting what the dark, inkling voice within him already knew.

There was no true responsibility, only a vague, undefined line of order that the masses were too weak to do anything to obey. Sheep being herded obediently and kept in a neat little pen. But how could sheep impose law upon the wolves that would come to slaughter?

It was in that epiphany that Miles, his every beefy muscle tense and burning like a spring taut under its deepest tension, flooded with testosterone from weeks of pent-up aggression without an outlet in sight, his furious co*ck aching needily as his hard, heavy hands no longer stood up to the task of draining the contents of his seed-stuffed nigg*r nuts, could take no more. His mother wanted him to take responsibility? To be a "good man"?

Fine then. But he would decide that on his terms, and he would start by digging into that filth and muck and depravity that made up Harlem's underbelly and decimating it beneath his fists, because nothing but pure, unbridled power could tame such unfettered evil, he saw that now, and if power was what was needed, the fearsome, brutish, ugly power of an angry thug ready to kill on sight, then he would channel that and make it his own. With rage bubbling within him, he dragged his dusty mask out from the inner corners of his closet, strapping his sturdy musculature in a black wife beater his father once owned that threatened to split and tear around the sheer enormity of his massive shoulders and solid, bulky, musclebound back, every muscle tensing in anticipation of the night to come as his web shooters barely even fit around the pumped-up cylinders of his meaty forearms while the massive log of his nearly 16 inch (and still only half hard) obsidian bully-beef flopped against an old, worn pair of dark track shorts that clung desperately to his sturdy tree-trunk thighs as he leaped through his window with his darkest urges guiding his swing.

He was tired of responsibilities pushed onto him by others, tired of a moral code imposed on him by mentors he'd never decided upon, tired of denying his inner nature to make those too soft and sensitive feel safe and coddled like Peter always did. If the city needed a friendly neighborhood hero, Spider-Man, the other Spider-Man would never be far...

But tonight, the SPIDER-THUG was on the prowl...

“Authorities are still on the lookout for a masked individual calling himself the ‘Spider-Thug’. The masked assailant has brought down yet another drug lab right here in the heart of the city. All 10 suspects caught inside the lab have been rushed to the hospital for severe, life-threatening injuries.”

“The city’s most notorious Anti-Hero has once again struck. Witnesses claim that the Spider-Thug laid waste to one of the largest sex trafficking operations in the city late last night. The mastermind behind the operation, as well as all 16 of his associates, have been rushed to St. Vincent’s Hospital in East Harlem with serious injuries. They’re facing multiple counts of kidnapping, racketeering, unlawful possession of a firearm, with many more charges soon to be underway.”

“It seems what right-wing conspiracy monger J. Jonah Jameson has been calling the new “Black Menace” of New York City has brought down another 20 money-laundering operations today. Shockingly, when police officers arrived at the scene, they not only found all of the suspects in critical condition, but over 150,000 dollars in laundered cash missing as well.”

“He steals from the rich, and gives to… Himself? J. Jonah Jameson’s new shocking expose on what he’s calling New York’s ‘greatest blight since Spider-Man’, will be released on the Daily Bugle’s website tomorrow.”

On, and on, and on the headlines rolled, day after day, week after week, the Spider-Thug’s rampage through the underbelly of New York City was being followed (almost stalked) by millions thanks to all the tabloid press. White, working-class, blue-collar men loathed that big, vicious black brute, calling him a “monster”, a bloodthirsty thug masquerading as a hero. They hated his huge, hulking, dark-skinned muscles; hated him for the way he swaggered and swung half-naked through the city; hated him for how enormous that gigantic, jaw-breaking behemoth in his far too-tight pants looked; hated him for how much their wives and daughters would turn into drooling, dripping, mindless messes at the mere mention of him. Of course, women ADORED him, followed his every move, and even devoted entire XXX accounts so meticulously detail where, when, and how badly his beatings on the city’s criminal scum were! BLACKED called him the city’s “BLACKEST (AND SEXIEST) SYMBOL OF MODERN HEROISM”, an icon for the BLACK NEW WORLD ORDER AND SUBMISSION OF THE WHITE RACE. BLACKED even starting offering cash rewards for anyone who could snap high-quality shots of the mysterious, hyper-hung hero! Almost immediately, hordes of f*ck-starved, BBC-crazed snowbunnies were mobilized all throughout the city, on the hunt for any and all signs of the Spider-Thug and that notorious slab of womb-wrecking nigg*r-meat!

Peter should’ve been out there looking for him too, trying to talk him out of continuing his rage-fueled spree of violence, but he was too busy contending with his gnawing, nagging, deep-seated desire to WORSHIP BIG FAT BLACK MONSTER co*ckS! It had gotten so bad that Petey couldn’t even look at a tall, dark, irresistible black bull without wanting to drop to his knees, open up his throat, and get his hungry, squishy throat-puss* utterly DESTROYED!

Two weeks. Two whole weeks since Petey’s fateful encounter with Miles at the lab. He could still feel those big, dark, irresistible lips pressed against his, still trembled fantasizing about those massive, musclebound hands sinking into his overwhelmingly fat globes of freckly white twerk-meat, still toyed with his cute, ever-shrinking cl*tty imagining how ENORMOUS that huge, hulking ebony c*nt-splitter tearing apart Miles’ joggers was! The thick-thighed, wide-hipped, pouty-lipped fa*g-doll was spending god knows how many hours a day locked inside his bedroom, plundering his tight, sloppy c*nt-sleeve with the biggest, fattest, BLACKEST dild*s MJ had in her expanding collection. It was a miracle the neighbors didn’t complain about his desperate, f*ck-addled squealing, as he f*cked himself into an absolute, cum-squirting stupor dreaming about Miles rearranging his insides! Lately, it seemed like his libido had gone into complete overdrive, and he couldn’t go more than a couple hours without something long, thick, and DARK smashing his hyper-sensitive prostate and scraping the deepest reaches of his ridiculously puffy, meaty, slobbering fa*g-puss*! It didn’t matter how much he squirted, how bad his puss* gaped, or how hard he f*cked himself, there was still this deep, painful ache flaring out from far, far inside his wetter, sloppier, tighter sissy-c*nt; like an intense, frenzied gnawing that coaxed even sugarier, stickier, thicker gushes of addictive, candy-like fa*g-cum free from his piping hot f*ck-sleeve.

And it wasn’t just his overactive sex drive that grew, Petey’s already absurdly curvy body got even thicker, meatier, and girlier with each passing day! Those pouty pink lips turned into insanely plump, juicy, overly-glossed f*ck-pillows, his budding A-Cup tit* swelled into a respectable B-Cup, his ridiculously wide, womanly hips flared out so much that he easily could’ve given Rio Morales a run for her money, and those enormous, doughy thighs and soft, silky legs plumped up to at least twice their normal size! Of course, Petey was much concerned about his completely overblown ass, a mind-bogglingly massive, meaty mountain of squishy, creamy-white, completely sissified wobble-meat that came CLAPPING into a room SECONDS after the rest of him did! It was beyond soft, beyond jiggly, beyond round, like two mammoth-sized humps of utterly gelatinous, juicy, f*ckABLY FAT twerk-flesh that could turn heads a mile away! Thanks to this gargantuan fa*g-phatty of his, Petey’s whole wardrobe had to change, or at least that’s what MJ insisted on. Nothing remotely masculine was left in his closet, just the skimpiest, tightest, slu*ttiest outfits his ravishing redheaded wife could get her hands on. Even Petey’s Adam’s apple had smoothed down, leaving him with a delicate, swan-like neck, along with a soft, submissive, adorably girly voice…

It should’ve been humiliating, but Petey had never felt so… Popular. It was like all eyes were on him, and the kind of men who would normally bully pathetic Puny Parker back in high school, just couldn’t keep their hands off lil ol’ Petey. It was so exciting see all their eyes nearly pop right out of their heads whenever Petey turned a corner, swishing those colossal, freckly, PAWG-cheeks back and forth and filling their ears with that distinctly fat, wet “PLAP” with every step he took. He couldn’t even remember how many times he’s gotten molested on the subway, ESPECIALLY in Harlem…

Surprisingly, Petey’s relationship with MJ had only improved since he became a full-blown fa*g-tease. She had always been the more dominant one in their relationship, but lately, she’s been so pushy and aggressive with him, urging him to just embrace slu*tDOM completely. It’s so wrong, but the two of them even started watching BLACKED p*rn together, holding hands while they f*cked themselves stupid with those BLACKED issued nigg*-slabs they loved so damn much! It was EMBARRASSING how hard Petey squirted while listening to his wife cry out for A BIG NASTY nigg*-BULL TO COME AND DESTROY HER PURE WHITE puss*! She even encouraged Petey to go and “explore” his desires, but… Wouldn’t that be taking it too far…? Wouldn’t that destroy his marriage? He felt so conflicted, he just couldn’t betray MJ like that, but still… Whenever he thought about Miles, some sick, co*ck-starved voice in his head was begging him to tear off his wedding ring, get down on his knees, and SLOBBER ON THAT FAT BEEFY RAPE-ROD LIKE A NASTY f*ckING fa*g-c*nt LIKE HIM SHOULD!

Instead of being a hero, Petey snuck out of bed, leaving his sleeping wife behind, and wandered out into the darkness of the city. He was all dolled up, lips painted, with sticky, glossy, bubblegum-pink lipstick, eyes dusted with shimmery, silvery eyeshadow, cheeks rouged with peachy, pinkish blush, while his tight, hot-pink tube top and skimpy, white leather skirt were just letting his ever-growing curves spill out. He walked down the streets of the seediest areas in Harlem, black stiletto heels clicking while his tight black fishnets were digging uncomfortably into all his squishy, juicy thigh-meat. Petey should’ve been ashamed for how HARD his cute, trembling cl*tty was, as he got closer and closer to that seedy little dive-bar, where Harlem’s most infamous glory hole was. Call it naive (or just plain stupid) but a part of Petey still hoped he could be a hero after getting down on his knees and choking on big, mean thug-co*ck like a sex-addled f*ck-doll.

Even though he knew that a group of hung, criminal thugs like to frequent the glory hole at this time of night, Petey still locked himself inside the seedy little stall, squatting down low, while his cl*tty drenched his tiny glittery pink G-String in lots and lots of his sugary sweet fem-cum.

Little he know that the very same thugs he was waiting so impatiently for, were all in a very rude awakening. They gathered right outside the bar, smoking weed, drinking 40’s, just being the lowlife trash that Miles was hellbent on destroying.

“Gotdamn. f*ck nigg*, I need to bust a fat-ass nut already. sh*t.”

“Yo, Tyshon said there’s some snowbunny shorty with a crazyyy phatty waiting for some dick in the stall.”

“You serious?”

“Forreal, nigg*. Said she walked right in and was lookin’ like she was feening for some dick.”

“Shiitttt, say less then, nigg*. Finna have that bitch choking on this dick when I get in there.” The gold-toothed string bean of a thug cackled, taking one last long drag of his blunt, totally unaware that a pair of dark, savage eyes and monstrous iron fists were stalking him and aching to pulverize him to a bloody pulp…

The pungent scent wafting through the bathroom stalls was like nothing Peter had ever smelled. The dingiest, darkest lairs where supervillains plotted their nefarious plans against the city couldn't come anywhere near the eye watering stench that pervaded poor Petey's nostrils like it was trying to rape his f*cking brain with that awe-inspiring musk of skunky weed, dried sweat and unwashed thug-balls filling every f*cking inch of the place~

He felt like some streetwalking whor*, clad in his slu*ttiest outfit and shivering with anticipation and fear, watching the graffiti marked walls as his eyes zoned in on the hole that had been drilled through the stall, marveling at the sheer width of it and wondering idly if the backed-up bulls frequenting this place really had co*cks that f*cking fat, even if they were compared to his former puny pecker, they'd have to be at least twice, no more than three times as thick as his pathetic little pinprick dick.

The simpering sissy was drawn out of his reverie of mindless infatuation with the seedy musk imprinting his brain as a fat wad of bills was suddenly pushed through the gloryhole, a mean, deep, vibrating voice that was unmistakably black ringing through with a brusque few words to confirm the transaction.

"Only got a fiddy on me right now. My nigg* Dex says you one hell of a baddy though, I love little snowbunny co*ck-slots like you, but if I can't even see your face...well, sh*t, I'd say that price is worth it, nah? Try to do a good job too, I been real stressed out these days, thought that the goddamn Spider-freak was too busy to poke his nose in my sh*t, now there's some new one f*cking with my product and sh*t? Gotta get some real good top to take my mind off that sh*t." The man on the other side complained, Peter couldn't see him, but the symbiote tapping into his senses seemed to be enhancing every other sensation he had, as though reprogramming him to take in the glory of the mighty bull about to punch in his tight, sloppy whor* throat even without seeing him.

A radar sense rivalling even Daredevil's made Peter deeply aware of just how big the man before him was, a tanky, lumbering man with thick, beefy arms and fat, greasy sausage fingers twisting around his blunt as he eagerly puffed in its smoke and blew it out through both his nostrils, wearing sagging pants and a gaudy purple coat that was open to reveal his naked torso, scrawled over with tattoos that spoke to his criminal affiliation and further accentuated his sturdy frame, beefy and broad, lacking in the chiseled leanness of a prime athlete, but more than impressive enough to make Pete's lips quiver and hang open in anticipation as the sound of the pusher's zipper pulling open rang out through the room...

Only to be stopped as a deafening, heavy STOMP like lead barreling into the floor pierced through the room and made everything stop all at once. For Pete, his senses could only detect the shadow of a figure in the distance just beyond the stall, and yet his heart was sent battering against his chest even stronger than before, a clear shift in the air as the very aura of the room was dominated by a single overwhelming force, the seedy scent of the bathroom somehow further overpowered by a stench that was even more pure and inescapable.

But his "client"? He was shaking in fear, just barely gathering the sense to reach into his coat pocket as the massive silhouette approached from the shadows of the graffiti-marked walls, a set of arms the size of cannons swinging into view as a black and red mask that towered over even his immense height soon followed.

"S-sh*t...you coming right in front of me now, fool? Mother f*cker thought you could take my ass on while I'm in the middle of getting head, real sh*tty move there, thought you was s'posed to be some kind of hero-" The pusher spoke, sweating bullets with a nervous smile on his grill before he yanked out his pistol and readied to aim, his hand instantly caught by a line of webbing before he was pulled into the bigger man's massive arms, his wrist crushed by the thick, bearish palm of the one and only Spider-Thug as his beefy body finally came into view.

Even with his face obscured beneath his mask, the grimacing frown on the hulking, chocolate-skinned vigilante could be felt bearing down on his prey like an anchoring weight pushing him to the floor, the KRUNCH of tendons and bone shattering beneath the titanic man's iron grip sending shivers through Pete as he witnessed the entire affair.

"Hershel Wayne. Or should I say Big Hersh? That's what your crew calls you, isn't it? You been making a real name for yourself on these streets, been hearing you sell the best grass around, sh*t that'll make your brain crawl out of your goddamn skull and fall into wonderland. No wonder you started selling that sh*t to all the pimps in the hood, f*ckers will pay a lot of cash for something to keep their girls hooked so they keep working the streets. You get paid in spades, and they keep their bitches on a leash. Bet your clients don't know that your sh*t is lined with the same bullsh*t the Scorpion uses in his venom, sh*t that poisons you the more you take it. That's the only downside there, the more people get sick, the less clients you have when they kick the bucket, so you give them sh*tty substitutes until the withdrawal symptoms start." The Spider-Thug narrated, his voice booming out with a grunting, echoing strength that made Hersh look like a pre-pubescent child in comparison.

Confronted with the weight of his crimes, and already knowing just how utterly outmatched he was, Hersh made no attempt to fight his assailant, whimpering with tears spilling from those once confident eyes of his and looking like a weak, pathetic schoolboy being picked on by the big kids on the block as he held his hands out to beg for mercy. "Ayo, p-please man, you another brother, right? We all just tryna make it out here. I mean, sh*t, when I first cooked up that sh*t it was selling like hot cakes, and I just wanted to make some green, dawg, ain't that what we're all out here for? I-I'mma stop selling it to pimps if you want, we gon' go legit, why don't you join in, give you thirty, nah f*ckin' FIFTY percent dawg, and you ain't gotta do nothing, if everyone knows you're with us, we'll get even more clients, more buyers, stuff your f*ckin pockets full dawg, I swear-"

A sick, stomach-turning sound of bones crunching and muscle tearing was all that was heard beyond the blood-curdling scream of Hersh's voice, foam frothing out of his mouth as he lied in a messy heap on the floor, towered over by his attacker who wasted no time ransacking his pockets and taking everything he could find. Miles was already sporting a bounty of trophies from his nights cleaning the streets of Harlem, gaudy gold chains, studded diamond rings and gucci watches lining his thick neck, fingers and bulging forearms as a message to whoever crossed his path, not to f*ck with the Spider-Thug unless you were ready to bet everything on it.

And now he was right in front of the gloryhole where his former target once stood, Hersh's fur coat barely standing to the task of wrapping around his massive boulder shoulders as he took a puff from his defeated enemy's blunt, coughing and wheezing before tossing it to the floor and stomping down on it with anger.

"f*cking trashiest sh*t I've ever huffed. Should have stuck to working at home depot, nigg*, least you can't f*ck up packing boxes like you f*cked up cooking dope. Hey, bitch. Your "client's" out of commission, I'mma toss his bitch ass at the nearest cops in a minute, better than what he f*ckin' deserves anyway. But look here, it's been two weeks since I last got some f*cking ass, my balls are gonna f*cking explode here, I don't usually come to this sh*t place cause of all the skan* ass hoes around here, but if you're half as good as the last white bitch who sucked me off, I'm down to bust a load in that f*cking throat of yours. Gotta impress me first before you even think of asking for some goddamn cash though, I'm not gonna be as easy to handle as Hersh there, f*cker's barely got seven inches on him and he thinks he's the sh*t, nah, if you want to make me nut, you gotta f*cking EARN that sh*t, hoe." He spoke, his voice a far cry from the polite, well-mannered speech he had so often adopted, everything about Miles had shifted in only a few weeks, as though he had absorbed the very depraved essence of every brutal criminal he'd beaten to a pulp, standing like a monument of crude, masculine dominance itself, nearly two feet of PURE, UNTAINTED nigg*r STUDMEAT STANDING BEFORE PETE AND MAKING HIS EYES WATER AS HE PULLED DOWN HIS BASKETBALL SHORTS AND SLID IN THE FAT, GOOEY, PRECUM-SPILLING HEAD OF HIS MONSTROUS ALPHA co*ck THROUGH THE GLORY HOLE WITHOUT ANOTHER WORD!

It was like Petey was going absolutely crazy, his agonizingly stiff cl*t desperately squirting sweet, sticky ropes of girly fa*g-cum all over his skimpy, ass-squeezing mini-skirt, while he sat in the middle of the filthy stall, huffing the nastiest, sweatiest nigg*r-musk known to man like he was nothing but a braindead junkie! It was so wrong, so deeply filthy and foul, but Petey couldn’t help himself! He was practically clawing at the completely graffiti-stained wall, mewling and moaning like the sniveling little co*ck-sleeve he was so desperate to become, shaking that ridiculously round, wobbly, freckly shelf of lily-white ass-meat like a goddamn street-walking whor* working for her very last dollar! Petey was drooling, pretty pink tongue flailing violently back and forth, just starving for even the smallest taste of the nasty, sweaty, manly behemoth slowly poking through that hole…

That’s when poor little Petey heard that sickeningly loud “CRUNCH”, the sound of bone shattering and the frenzied, almost animal-like wails of pain blaring out from the other side of that flimsy stall. Petey knew he needed to do something, step in before that MONSTER ended up killing that drug-dealing gangb*nger, but all he could was just listen to the deep, brutal grunts rumbling out from that brutal, bloodthirsty vigilante’s snarling maw. It was just so dark, so sexy, so mind-numbingly manly, it sent shivers rolling down Petey’s spine and made his pin-prick cl*tty squirt even harder! The harder that sad*stic SPIDER-THUG pounded that whimpering loser to a bloody pulp, the more Petey drooled like the starving little bitch in heat he was born to be; his bright green eyes glazing over, as the slu*ttiest, neediest whimpering moans quietly spilled from the slobbering little f*ck-doll’s perfectly fat pink lips…

Petey’s heart practically stopped when he heard the barbaric nigg*r-beast on the other side finally speak to him! That utterly irresistible voice completely short circuited Petey’s bitch-bred brain, while the infamous SPIDER-THUG’s pungent, womb-melting musk was permanently SEARED into Petey’s memory! A puddle of drool and fa*g-cum was pooling around those outrageously thick, doughy thighs, as the huge, hulking, frighteningly hung bull finally pushed his ungodly fat, purplish, ji*zz-pumping co*ckhead through the hole! Something inside Petey, a primal, animalistic hunger, took over, as he surged forward, unhinging his jaw and shoving that humongous, fist-sized mushroom deep inside his tight, furnace-like maw. Petey’s puffy, steamy, drooling pink cunny was leaking like crazy, quivering and twitching to be BRED, GAPED, AND WRECKED BY BIG FAT BRUTAL nigg*r-MEAT, as he slammed his sweltering hot throat-c*nt down on that rock-hard slab of salty, sweaty, musky Alpha-meat like a living, breathing Fleshlight. Petey’s throat was like a genuine puss*, so tight, so wet, so damn greedy; those fat, squishy walls squeezing with every ounce of strength the mindless little co*ck-sleeve could muster up, while his nonexistent gag-reflex and insanely flexible tongue allowed him to massage, tease, and devour Miles’ mammoth-sized mushroom tip from every possible angle!

“PLAP” “PLAP” “PLAP”, the sound of Petey’s ridiculously round ass-cheeks twerking grew faster and louder with each passing second, like a rapturous applause as he licked, slobbered, and slurped so devoutly all over Miles’ overgrown co*ckhead; glazing that fatly swollen behemoth in a sloppy, sticky, inches-thick sheen of lipstick and throat-slop, before finally pulling his puffy, pillowy, spongy-soft lips back with a disgustingly slobbery “SCHLURP”.

“M—More dick, Daddy… P—Pretty pleeease ♥♥♥ G—Gimme some more fat meaty nigg*-dick to suck on… I—I’ll make you bust so good, I promise Daddy… I—I’ll choke on every last f*cking inch of it, just feed me some more, pleeease ♥♥♥” Petey, with his completely slu*tty, sissified voice, begged, kissing Miles’ ji*zz-leaking co*ckhead, making out with it so nastily, with shoveling fat globs of bubbling hot pre-nut right down his steaming hot gullet.

"sh*t bitch, I only got the goddamn head in and you're slurping that dick like it's got manna from heaven spilling down from it. Sheet, reminds me of some other snowbunny hoe, bitch ain't been calling me in a minute and my balls are crazy f*cking full, helluva annoying having to beat on these nigg*s with these nuts gurgling like crazy. Think you can suck this dick as good as that bitch? You gon' get a nice, FAT f*cking reward if you do, you co*ck-crazy ho." Miles spat out from the other end of the door, rolling his head back at the sensational slickness of Pete's lustfully lashing tongue, the symbiote molding that wet pink muscle into a long, soft, sensitive appendage that was tailor made to dig into the wide open orifice of that ji*zz leaking piss-slit and scrape up every morsel of thick, virile pre-goo the sissy bitch could swallow.

With a swing of his hips and a strong, echoing grunt, the Spider-Thug co*cked his hips back and WHAPPED the unsuspecting sissy on her co*ck-crazed face, the imprint of his manly dicksweat and veiny, testosterone pumping bully balls marking her tongue, eyelids, hair, and utterly staining every inch of her pretty face as though to claim her like an animal marking its territory by printing its scent over its new mate. The obscene thickness of Miles' hefty co*ckshaft was so monstrously huge that halfway through, the hole began to crack and splinter with the unimaginable girth of his bloated breeding beef, worn drywall and old wood giving way to the unrestrained might of SWEAT-STAINED BLACK ALPHA MEAT CLOSING IN ON ITS VULNERABLE TARGET FOR ALL IT WAS WORTH until with one furious pump, the wall was forced to give way as it cracked and broke apart to make just enough space for that awe-inspiring co*ck, twenty-two inches in its full glory and pumping with a mass of finger-thick veins while its crown dribbled and pulsed with fat, chunky dribbles of off-white pre ji*zz that dwarfed most men's entire ejacul*tion by an incalculable degree.

"Go on, bitch. You take alllll of this fat black nigg* meat in one go, and I'mma treat you real f*cking nice. I know your type already, bitch like you ain't here for the cash, you just wanna take the biggest, strongest, BLACKEST dick you can f*cking find to ruin all them tight white holes like your dumb bitch boyfriend back home can't, huh? Ain't no bitch ever taken this co*ck to the base her first time, so if you really all that, I might just make you my personal gloryhole dick-ditch, how's that sound? You ain't finding a better co*ck than this nowhere, so why don't you pony the f*ck up and get ready to give the Spider-Thug a taste?" Miles challenged the "woman" on the other side, though in his voice, it sounded more like an undeniable command, the pungent scent of his nasty nigg*r nuts, CAKED in manly sweat from a night spent pummeling the faces of lesser men just like the poor little loser that laid defeated on the piss-stained bathroom floor, wafting through the entire room and saturating the very air itself as those potent, Godlike ji*zz-pods swung in through the broken in hole like goddamn wrecking balls and left the monumental mass of his monstrously huge, heavy, hulking co*ck and balls staring Petey in the face like the damn thing had a mind of its own!

The more Miles talked, babbling like the goddamn sneering, snarling, foul-mouthed BEAST he truly was, the harder Petey’s mind-bogglingly stiff little cl*tty trembled and gushed like an absolute BITCH! GODDAMMIT! The way the stall just shattered against the sheer MIGHT of his magnificently muscled hips just made Petey’s whole body shiver and shake, as he opened up his starving, piping hot throat-puss* even more, letting inch after inch of sweaty, salty, mind-numbingly musky monster co*ck utterly rearrange his squishy, slurping, vise-like gullet. Petey wanted nothing more than to hear Daddy groan and grunt like the sweaty, tar-skinned bull he truly was! He wanted to be his perfect little porcelain-skinned f*ck-doll, wanted to live out the rest of his goddamn life servicing that musclebound nigg*r-BEAST’s mind-ruining f*ck-slab and gargling on his heavy, hulking, ji*zz-ladened nuts like they were the Crown Jewels! That’s when Petey arched his slender back, craned his neck back, and RAMMED his entire throat down the length of the Spider-Thug’s whor*-wrecking f*ck-spire like nothing else in this wretched world even mattered.

‘FORGET ABOUT MJ. FORGET ABOUT BEING SPIDER-MAN. FORGET ABOUT BEING A MAN AT ALL. YOU’RE NOTHING BUT A STUPID LITTLE co*ck-SLEEVE! NOTHING BUT A GODDAMN CUM-DUMP FOR BIG, BLACK, MEAN nigg*-BULLS TO BLOW THEIR FAT, CHUNKY LOADS DEEP INSIDE! GO ON, BITCH! SPLIT THAT THROAT WIDE OPEN! SUCK IT DEEPER! HARDER! GO ON, WORSHIP THAT co*ck, fa*g-SLEEVE!’ That sickeningly depraved voice snarling in the farthest recesses of Petey’s mind was growing even louder, even more dominant with each mind-numbingly meaty inch of nigg*-meat plunging down his greedily-squeezing throat. Petey planted both hands on the floor in front of him, arms straightened out and bracing his mind-bogglingly curvy body, while the wild, cursing Alpha nigg* on the other side swung his hips with the strength of a breeding bull, ramming his blunt, beefy black womb-buster into the softest, spongiest, wettest reaches of Petey’s slurping, strangling, spasming pink throat-puss*!

It didn’t matter how hard Miles’ hips raged, or how much of that jaw-breaking, gut-punching nigg*r-rod he fed “her”, the slu*tty, slurping, gurgling little co*ck-tease just kept devouring inch after inch until Miles was practically breeding her belly! ji*zz and slobber caked that pretty little face of “hers”, as his frighteningly fat, pendulum-like nut sack finally breached through that giant hole in the face and smacked “her” over and over and over again, beating “her” senseless while her fat, glossy lips caked his rock-solid pelvis in LOTS AND LOTS of bubblegum pink lipstick! “Her” tongue was coiled around every last inch of that ragingly rigid rod like a goddamn Boa constrictor, squeezing tight, jerking back and forth feverishly, milking him for every precious pump of nigg*-nut “she” could, while “her” tight, stretched, and utterly reamed throat-c*nt molded around the shape of Miles’ infamous pillar of BLACKENING perfection like a second skin! IT WAS LIKE THE BITCH DIDN’T EVEN NEED TO BREATH! Petey didn’t tear off, not even for a second, JUST SLURPING, AND SUCKLING, AND LEECHING off the base of Miles’ brutalizing BBC like a starving piranha!

Petey’s cute little cl*tty was busting like a goddamn fire hydrant, squirting sugary fa*g-cream all over the place, while his leaking pink puss* was gushing even harder, drooling and steaming just so perfectly primed for a deep, gut-wrenching BREEDING! His heart-shaped eyes rolled deep into the back of his skull, as he pulled his throat all the way back to that overblown co*ckhead, only to IMPALE every last life-ruining inch of teenage breeding beef right back inside his pretty pink guts! Petey had pumps of chunky, finely aged pre-ji*zz spewing from his cute button nose, streaming down his slu*tty little face, while his budding little titt*es bounced so adorably with every brutal, back-breaking PUMP of Miles’ hips! IF ONLY MJ COULD SEE HOW co*ck-STARVED HER PRETTY LITTLE PETEY WAS RIGHT NOW! She would be SO PROUD!

"f*ck, AWHHHH f*ck, sh*t! YOU LITTLE SNOWBUNNY BITCH! DAMN NEAR TRYING TO SUCK THE BLACK RIGHT OFF MY f*ckING DICK WITH THAT sh*t!" Miles sputtered out, utterly shocked at the sheer boldness of the unseen whor* on the other end, as not only did she have the courage to actually face down the herculean task of even attempting to take such a jaw-breaking spear of unrestrained ebony f*ckmeat right down her perfectly plush throat-c*nt, but she actually seemed to be succeeding.

Even Gwen's non-existent gag reflex had only taken her so far, and as much as she would be appalled to know it, the squishy, suckling orifice of Pete's wonderfully hot, spit-soaked co*cksocket of a mouth was undeniable perfection for a co*ck as fat and unwieldy as the Spider-Thug's massive monster-rod. Every new taste of that fat, vein-riddled f*ck-spire had born a new adaptation courtesy of the symbiote, squishy tendrils lashing across every inch of the pulsing obsidian co*ckmeat while Pete's throat grew wetter, his mouth got softer and silkier, his lips grew plumper and glossier until his entire esophagus was nothing but a glorified dicksleeve tailor made to tease and please the Spider-Thug's incredible rape-rod!

Miles couldn't help his hips from bucking like a wild bronco, not even realizing it as the symbiote applied a tough, but unspeakably thin, glossy coating across that magnificent dick with every inch Petey managed to hoover up in that slobbery slu*t hole of his, leaving that astounding stud co*ck glistening with a dark, wet, shiny condom that already bloated with a massively huge glob of smelly pre-ji*zz as his mighty co*ckhead erupted with a violent SPLRCH!, a thick orb of nasty nigg* goo hanging off his raging prick and mating Pete's eyes water with temptation to rip that latex coating off and feast on every last morsel of HOT, STICKY BLACK BULL- NUT FILLING THAT CONDOM LIKE THE BRAINDEAD ji*zz-JUNKIE SHE WAS SO QUICKLY BECOMING! But her mind was quickly drawn to other places as the Spider-Thug's booming voice requested, no, COMMANDED even more from her.

"sh*t, you a real f*cking pro, aintcha bitch? Ain't never seen a bitch take me that f*cking deep before. But nah, you gotta do better than that, I know a snowbunny hoe like you is already f*cking ADDICTED to this co*ck right here. Gotta pull out all the stops for you, I want you to take EVERY f*ckING INCH IN THAT slu*t MOUTH OF YOURS AND STUFF THESE BACKED UP nigg* NUTS IN THAT MOUTH TOO! We gonna give that sloppy throat-puss* a real goddamn workout today, you hear? I want you to makeout with these f*cking nuts like you bout to get married to these fat black balls bitch. Heh, prolly gonna be better than whatever white bitch you got at home, isn't it?"

Even Petey was shocked at just how soft, spongy, and unbelievably wet his dripping, drooling, steaming hot throat-c*nt had gotten! In only a matter of minutes, it’s become like a squirting, squeezing, clenching, and desperately spasming co*ck-sleeve, while the Symbiote-enhanced numbs and tendrils lining the furthest depths of his quivering pink esophagus rubbed, groped, and squished around every last inch of that gut-wrenchingly fat, veiny c*nt-splitter! Perfectly plump, fat-assed Petey just sat there, titt*es bouncing, ass-cheeks clapping, back arched like the biggest, slu*ttiest bitch just begging to get f*cked, as Miles bred his viciously tight, co*ck-devouring throat-sleeve like a violent bull out of stud, battering the back of his swollen, bloated windpipe with his giant, cum-sloshing nuts over and over and over again, while that dark-skinned spire of beefy, twitching nigg*r-meat injected pure, concentrated wads of scalding hot, hyper-potent pre-ji*zz right inside Petey’s cum-starved belly! Hardly any oxygen was going up to Petey’s empty little head at all, but he didn’t seem to care, all he wanted to live as the Spider-Thug’s mindless, starving ji*zz-toilet for the rest of his life!

Suddenly, with a sickeningly slobbery “SLLLUUURRRPPP”, Petey tore his gushy, greedy, furnace-like throat-puss* away, thick ropes of sticky, cum-glazed slobber still connecting his puffy, bruised lips to that fatly-veined, midnight-black behemoth staring him right in the face. God it was just so hypnotizing, Petey’s little cl*tty was standing completely on-edge, his slu*tty skirt and panties just caked in his own sugary-sweet fem-slop, as he slurped his fat pink tongue up and down the Spider-Thug’s colossal, twitching rape-rod; kissing, slobbering, spitting, slurping, painting every last inch in all the drool and lipstick he possibly could, before sensually gliding his snake-like tongue along the nigg*-bull’s gaping co*ck-slit, teasing it nice and slow, and getting a fresh-hot spurt of chunky, chowder-y bull-nut all over his slim, girly face.

“I’ll swallow every last inch, Daddy ♥ I’ll suck the nut right out of these big fat balls for you, I promise ♥♥♥ Mmmm… I’ll blow you so hard you won’t be able to think of anything but this mouth for weeks…” Petey growled, unhinging his extremely flexible jaw all over again, and devouring over half of Miles’ mammoth-sized wrecking rod in one-go! Further, and further, and further that tunneled-out throat-c*nt went, gobbling up every single morsel of co*ck-meat until getting right back down to the beefy, veiny base; the skintight vise that was Petey’s piping hot gullet hardly seemed like it had any room left, but somehow Petey wrenched his jaw open even farther, slurping up the Spider-Thug’s sweaty, musky, baseball-sized nuts one by one! His throat-sleeve tightened up even harder this round, clenching harder than a genuine puss*, spasming faster too, as he SLURPED the sweat right off that huge, hulking nut sack and felt Miles’ giant, hyper-sized swimmers grinding against the thin muscles of paper-thin, stretched-beyond-belief gullet! Petey had his hands and chest pinned up against the filthy wall of the stall, his irresistibly fat, pouty lips pushed so deep inside that carved-out glory hole, as he resisted the overwhelming urge to just PUNCH through that flimsy dry wood, grab that Spider-Thug by the hips, and force him to completely rearrange his guts right then and there!

Suddenly, Petey slammed his entire throat back, before surging forward and devouring those slobbery, lipstick-smeared nuts whole all over again! This was pure, unadulterated THROAT-RAPE, while every ounce of nigg*r-seed spewing down into his belly made his overgrown ass-shelf and blossoming breasts grow even fatter, heavier, and wobblier by the minute!

The echoing sounds of nasty, wet, throat defiling co*ck-worship were ringing out so loudly that nearly half of Harlem heard a slight echo of Petey's abused little stud-serving mouth-twat being TOTALLY REARRANGED FOR FAT nigg*r DICK AND HUGE, SWEATY BULLY BALLS!!! Miles had almost thought he'd seen his share of surprises for the night, but the sheer shock that ran through him as the hungry slu*t on the other side not only gulped down the insanely huge length of monstrously fat, vein-bloated co*ckbeef poking out through the wall of the stall, but SWALLOWED DOWN THE MASSIVE WRECKING BALLS THAT WERE HIS CUM-STUFFED nigg* NUTS AND MASSAGING THEM SO HARD HE COULD FEEL HIS SLOSHING, SUPERCHARGED SPERM-CELLS WRIGGLING AROUND WITH THE NEED TO BREED~

"Fughhhhinnnnn shiiii...GODDAMN BITCH! YOU TAKING IT LIKE THE BEST DAMN SNOWBUNNY SUCKslu*t I'VE EVER f*ckIN' HAD." He hissed through his teeth, his fingers crackling with bio-electricity and splintering into the wooden wall as he dug his fingers down into the hard wood and snorted out like a grunting gorilla beating its chest to signal its supreme dominance over the wilderness.

Even then, once she'd finally retracted, leaving the bloated, cum-covered, spasming co*cklength of 22 inch bully beef pulsing and quivering on the very edge of BLASTING THAT SKINTIGHT CONDOM SHEATH FULL WITH A VIOLENT AVALANCHE OF ENDLESS ALPHA MALE co*ckSLUDGE FIT TO FEED A SNOWBUNNY BITCH LIKE PETE FOR WEEKS ON END, and Miles gasped and panted with a look of relief washing over his face, rummaging through his pockets for a few stray dollar bills to gift the whor* for a job well done, he'd been caught off guard as she TOTALLY DEVOURED HIS MASSIVE, BEEFY BREEDING-POLE LIKE SHE WAS BREATHING AIR, HER ENTIRE THROAT REWORKED INTO A DUMPING GROUND FOR FAT nigg*r co*ck AND BALLS AS EVEN HIS RELENTLESS STAMINA GAVE WAY WITH EVERY LAST INCH OF SUPERHUMAN STUD-DICK SPASMING AND CLENCHING IN PREPARATION TO LET LOOSE THE FATTEST f*ckING LOAD IT WOULD EVER SHOOT~!

"f*ckKKKKKKK! GODDAMN slu*t! YOU'RE A GODDAMN BRAINDEAD SNOWBUNNY DICKDITCH FOR SURE, SHEEEET...PULL THAT f*ckING HEAD BACK BITCH, I'M BOUTTA NUT ALL UP IN THOSE f*ckING GUTS AND I WANT YOU TO TASTE ALLLLLLLL THAT NASTY nigg* ji*zz. THAT TIGHT WHITE THROAT DONE f*ckING EARNED IT! I WANNA SEE YOU MAKE OUT WITH THAT BIG BLACK co*ckHEAD LIKE YOU IN LOVE...GET THAT MOUTH NICE AND CAKED IN SPIDER-THUG'S NUT SO YO MAN BACK HOME CAN TASTE IT WHEN YA GIVE HIM A KISS!" Miles bellowed out like an animal, his cries roaring through the night air in Harlem and sending a tremor through the poor, neglected c*nts of simpering slu*ts everywhere while he just barely kept himself from tearing through the wall entirely, his backed up nutsa*ck pulling taut as Pete slurped and slobbered over his trembling co*ckhead with hearts welling up in her wanton eyes right as the fist-sized knob EXPLODED with an audible SPLURT! SCHLRRRRT! SPULORRRRRRRT! that bloated the condom to an obscenely heavy orb of rapidly expanding ballgrease that showed no signs of stopping with just the first few spurts...

Petey watched in AWE as the shiny black condom that somehow seemed to miraculously seal around that snarling, hulking Spider-Thug’s outlandishly fat, veiny, gut-punching rape-meat grew fatter, fuller, and heavier as bout after bout of boiling hot, cement-thick Alpha ji*zz flooded it! That mind-bogglingly thick, esophagus-ruining spire of jungle-bred nigg*r-meat was pumping, writhing, twitching so violently, while his beefy, fatly-veined, beast-sized nuts rumbled and churned loudly, furiously pumping out all the finely aged, yellowish nut-slop his giant, achingly swollen sack could produce! That unbelievably fat, shiny black condom swelled until it was nearly the size of a ripe, juicy watermelon, sloshing ridiculously off the animalistic nigg*-bull’s steel-hard monster co*ck, until Petey finally peeled it off and pinched it closed; setting it down on the floor next to him to take home later…

What little remained of Petey’s masculinity vanished as soon as the irresistible young black bull on the other side of this stall commanded him, in that deep, mind-meltingly sexy voice, to make out with that huge, meaty, bloated black co*ckhead. Petey’s heart-shaped pupils swelled to twice their size, as he desperately unhinged his jaw and forced that enormous mushroom tip right back inside his piping hot mouth! Petey slurped and sucked mercilessly, swallowing up inch after inch until his entire quivering pink throat-c*nt was milking every last inch of the Spider-Thug’s nigg*r-beef all over again! It felt so good, felt so right having him rearranging his guts, splitting his cum-sloshing belly wide open, and practically pissing scalding hot nigg*-nut deep inside him like the living, breathing Fleshlight his empty, co*ck-addled brain dreamed of being! The flimsy stall felt like it was going to SNAP against the ruthless, brain-dead bucking of the Spider-Thug’s musclebound hips, the big, brutal nigg*r-beast almost tearing the piece of drywall right off its hinges, while he mindlessly RAPED the deepest, tightest, greediest reaches of “her” c*nt-tight, sopping wet throat-sleeve!

It didn’t matter how HARD his sloshing nut sack bruised the back of “her” throat, or how ROUGH his fist-sized co*ckhead smashed into back of “her” belly, or how much TAR-THICK nigg*r-SEED HE EMPTIED DEEP INSIDE “HER” THROAT-puss*, the slu*tty, twerking bitch didn’t dare give up; her throat tightened up like a bonafide puss*, clenching and spasming so hard, slurping up each and every obscenely gooey torrent of Alpha ji*zz that spewed deep inside of “her”!

After what felt like an ETERNITY of non-stop cumming, Petey finally pulled “her” greedy pink throat-c*nt back with the most sickeningly sloppy, slu*tty “SCCHHLLLUUURRRPPP” that filthy gloryhole has ever heard; “her” belly was beyond bloated, round and heavy like “she” was a pregnant whor* ready to pop, as her pretty little face, long, silky hair, and soft, pillowy lips earned themselves a fresh-hot face-full of thick, salty, insanely chunky nut-slop. “She” grunted and moaned like such a satisfied slu*t, giggling mindlessly while her tongue danced along every beefy, bloated vein corded around that frighteningly fat spire of grade-A nigg*r-meat. “Her” puss* was nothing but a sopping wet void, loose, gushy, needy, and steaming hot, so primed for f*cking that Spider-Thug could’ve easily slipped his fist in there, no problem. “She” planted loving, tender kisses all over his huge, purplish co*ckhead, running that overgrown knob back and forth across her plush, juicy tongue, as whiny, whimpering moans slowly slipped from her slu*tty little mouth.

“I—I did good, Daddy? I was a good little bitch, right? My throat made you cum sooo hard, didn’t it? Mmmm… G—God I’m sooo wet, Daddy. You’ll come back sometime soon and f*ck me, won’t you? Rape this hungry pink puss* so deep? Give me a big, beautiful black baby to take home and raise? You will, won’t you Daddy? Pretty please? Promise me ♥♥♥” Petey begged like the biggest bitch, filling the air with the heaviest, wettest “THWAP” “THWAP” “THWAP” as his gigantic, freckly twerk-globes smacked and wobbled to and fro!

The sound of haggard grunts and breaths rose from Miles' open maw, still reeling from the sensuous bliss of Pete's tailor made pocket puss* of a mouth slobbering desperately over his co*ck and coaxing out dense gallons of chunky alpha grease right out of his fat, cum-churning nuts until even the virile orbs of gurgling ball-broth churning in his massive, wrinkly nutsa*ck had ran, perhaps for the first time, well and truly DRY. His voice rang deep and strong as he finally spoke again, his body trickling with runny beads of sweat that made his gloriously dark chocolate muscles stand out even more impressively, tense, tight and glistening as he clenched his fist and slowly pulled his soft, but still massively bloated co*ck out from the gloryhole and returned Petey's whining requests desperately in need of affirmation from the bulldicked nigg*r God who busted "her" guts open and bloated her stomach with a massive overflow of hot, sticky seed.

"f*ckin hell, bitch. Yeah, yeah, you're good. You're real f*ckin good bitch. You DRAINED my nuts with that goddamn throat, ain't never had a snowbunny bitch give me some neck that good. I don't usually do sh*t for hoes like you, but you a special one ain't you, I'mma do you real right..." He snickered out loud, rummaging through the sagging shorts that had long since been bundled up around his feet to let his heavy, spit-shined slab of breeding beef to find a few stray hundred dollar bills he'd stolen from the long since forgotten sucker who lied in a mangled heap on the floor not far from the cum covered gloryhole.

Pete's glazed over eyes widened as a thick, manly fist shoved itself through the now empty hole, whining with disappointment at being deprived of a new dose of burly black dick, instead being presented with a crumpled wad of hundred dollar bills that the beefy stud pushed into the tiny crop top he wore like he was rewarding a stripper with a fat tip in exchange for a well done lap dance. Rather than the money, what was on it made the sissy superhero's leaking cl*t-co*ck spring up in excitement while her heart-shaped eyes pulsed and danced about in her skull with fervent love and admiration for the sexy nigg*r hunk who had so graciously accepted her begging pleas.

The sacred digits scrawled on one of the bills could only have been a silent statement of approval, inviting that phat-assed, freckled, cum-covered snowbunny c*nt to get her holes reamed and filled by the only co*ck it would ever need, and almost unconsciously, without even thinking of it...Peter's long, alien tongue lashed out and licked at the empty gloryhole as though to invite that massive black bully dick inside once again, aching to prove to her...no, to their gracious sperm-donor just how thankful they were.

"Heh, you a hungry f*ckin bitch, ain't you? I got sh*t to do though, streets to clean. More bum ass nigg*s like this to toss in a cell to be some motherf*cker's prison wife. You did me real good though, so I'mma make you the Spider-Thug's personal dick ditch. You know what that means? Means this the only co*ck you need in your life now, bitch, that means forever, you ain't gonna find no motherf*cker who can scrape out your throat like that, be honest with yourself, you were made for this dick, I know you already f*ckin addicted, whatever white bitch you got at home ain't never gonna satisfy you like this BBC. So I'mma give you your fix. But whenever you call that number, you're a goddamn slave for this dick, got it? Your boyfriend or hubby or whoever the f*ck you got back home don't matter, your family, and any little bitch friends you have...hell, they might as well be slaves to this co*ck too, I know all you snowbunny slu*ts hang around together, so you might just lemme f*ck all of 'em. Now, give daddy's dicktip a kiss if you understand, make sure its nice and wet." The Spider-Thug spoke out, his empty nutsa*ck already gurgling with a new, fresh load as he willed himself not to tear the wall down and f*ck the phat-assed sissy bitch behind it for all she was worth as he merely slid his bloated head through as a final parting gift to her.

In one night, one single night, Peter had gone from faithful husband and law-abiding citizen, to a co*ck-starved, cheating whor* and street-walking hooker! He should’ve been ashamed, angry at himself for betraying his marriage to MJ, but instead… All he could was complete and utter JOY. His warm, bloated belly filled him with a swelling sense of pride, as his agonizingly stiff little cl*tty ached and twitched desperately, on the verge of bursting, as his desperate, all-consuming NEED to be f*ckED STUPID threatened to overwhelm him completely! It took every ounce of strength he had not to break through this wall separating him from his studly, sweaty, snarling Spider-Thug and his mind-ruining, c*nt-splitting slab of nigg*r-beef, and get RUINED like the stupid, simpering little slu*t he was born to be. Petey slurped starvingly on Spider-Thug’s meaty black fingers as he pushed that wad of cash right between his pretty, budding breasts; “her” heart-shaped eyes lighting up when “she” realized his phone number was scrawling on one of the crumpled hundreds, while “she” shoved her sloppy, slurping lips right down his knuckles, gobbling up those sausage-sized fingers until Spider-Thug could’ve easily fisted the back of “her” bruised and battered throat.

So goddamn greedy, but all it took was a single order from “her” sexy, commanding Spider-Thug to get her back in line. Petey tore her ravenous lips away from those oversized digits, as Spider-Thug pushed his ridiculously bloated co*ckhead through the glory hole.

“Y—Yes, Daddy ♥♥♥ I’m a goddamn slave for this fat f*cking nigg*-co*ck ♥♥♥ A stupid little cum-dump for your big, fat, bull-sized nuts!” Petey squealed so excitedly, her pin-prick cl*t squirting over and over again, while she smashed her plump, pillowy-soft lips against Spider-Thug’s giant, oozing mushroom tip. She slowly flicked her fat, drooling tongue across his gaping, dribbling co*ck-slit, shoveling fresh globs of salty pre-sludge down her freshly-gaped gullet, while she kissed that humongous co*ckhead so sensually; pushing her pouty, puffy lips back and forth, shoving that overgrown knob inside her steaming hot maw, slurping and suckling on it all wet and sloppy, before slowly pulling back, sliding her tongue back and forth against the sensitive underside of that hot, beefy bully-co*ck. Her tongue swirled loudly all around Spider-Thug’s lipstick-smeared monster co*ck, slopping it up with even more sugary throat-slime and sticky, smearing lipstick, all while the ridiculously loud and wet “PLAP” “PLAP” “PLAP” of wobbling, smacking, colliding mounds of creamy-white, darkly-freckled ass-fat ripped throughout the seedy, filthy sex-spot.

Spectacular Spider-slu*ts! - Trixiedixie - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.