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Volume 51 Article 1
1-1-1964 Ames Forester Vol. 51 Ames Forestry Club
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Recommended Citation Ames Forestry Club (1964) "Ames Forester Vol. 51," Ames Forester: Vol. 51 , Article 1. Available at:
This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ames Forester by an authorized editor of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [emailprotected]. 1964 FROM MEMORIAL UNION
To Alumni: We hope you've had a good year. Drop in when you're on the campus.
To Graduating Seniors: Our congratulations Our best wishes for your future
To Undergraduates: Have a good summer We'll see you in the fall
To All of You: Our appreciation of your support of our program. The Ames Forester
The growth of forestry in the "home state" should be of interest to both alumni and students. From the · Forestry Department the paths lead in many direc tions. In our diversified profession, graduates find challenge, satisfaction, and a continuation of the learning process. To closer ties among students, faculty, and alumni, the cause of forestry in Iowa, and the success of ·the individual forester, the mem bers of the 1964 staff have pledged their efforts.
The Ames Forester is grateful to all those who helped make this publication possible. We deeply appreciate the financial support of our patrons and advertisers. The help and advice of Mr. William Bentley,' our faculty adviser, and Mr. Robert Schwartz of the Iowa State University Press were invaluable. We are further indebted to the faculty members, students, and other individuals who offered help and sug gestions.
Photo Credits
Iowa Conservation Commission- cover, 49. U.S. Forest Service- 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Pat Cline- 20. Dow Foley-21. Leroy Scott- 21. Ron Voss-22. American Forests-23, 35, 45. I.S.U. Information Service-44. Dr. G. W. Thomson-46, 47, 48. Arizona Highways-57. Staff- others.
Foreword and Acknowledgment 2 In Memoriam 4
Patrons . 6
Ames Forester Staff 7
Dedication 8
Forestry in Iowa 10
C.D.T.C.-A new star on the training horizon 14
After Iowa State 19
Faculty 23
U.S.F.S. Ames Research Center 31
Graduate Students 32
Code of Ethics 34
Seniors . 35
I.S.U. Foresters 40
New Building for Forestry 44
Summer Camp 45
Activities 49
Then He Made The Wind To Blow 56
Alumni . 57
Looking up Paint Creek from Peterson Point, Yellow River State Forest, North east Iowa. Photo Courtesy of the Iowa Conservation Commission.
Clas s of MAST, W . H. 00 ARMSTRONG, D . 40 MciNTIRE, G . S. 26 BAIRD, C. L. 38 MERRITT, MELVIN 04 BARNOSKE, FRANCIS M. 26 MEYERS, A . . 40 BARRETT, R. L. . 11 MOORHEAD, J . W. 20 BAXTER, w . G . 08 MORRELL, FRED M .F. 20 BERGEMEYER, F . R . 46 MUNSON, H . F . 2 1 BEYER, J . H . 35 NIBE, D . N . 40 BLACKMAN, s. R . 38 OLMSTEAD, R. A. 12 CASSIDY, H . 0 .. 16 PARKE, L. s. 11 CLEMMENSEN, N. K. . 26 PATRICK, 0 . K. . 21 DIEMER, J . A . 30 PATTERSON, A. K. 39 EGGERS, W. C . 22 PAULSON, R. A . 50 ERWIN, C . E. 41 PLAGGE, H . H . 16 .FISK, V. C . 21 PLAGGE, NEWTON 0 . 16 GIBBS J. A . M .S . 27 PocH, F . J . . 54 GUNDERSON, OMER J. 39 POSCHUSTA, D . C. 20 HANSEL, H. E. 15 QUINT, J . HARLEY . 17 HARLAN, H. F. 35 RATCLIFF, MARK R . 28 HARRIS, RoBERT B . 42 RAY, F . E. 11 HARTMAN, G. B . M.S. 1941, B .S . 1917 REHMAN, T . w . 18 HELM, H. J . 21 REILY, G . E. 39 HoFFMAN, ARTHUR F. 11 RICE, J . S . 40 HULING, J. H . 27 ROBERTSON, G. K. 49 JACKSON, M. D .. 27 RUMBAUGH, W . R. 16 JENSEN, A . w . 51 SAGE, H. H. 15 JOHNSON, G . w . 42 SCHRECK, R. G . . 15 KINDIG, E. R. 39 SHERMAN, E. A . M .S . 27 KINKOR, CLARENCE P . 37 SHIRK, R. Ex. 41 KLINE, GEORGE J . 32 SMITH, H . M. 37 KUPFER, c. A . 07 SMITH, PERCY T . 11 LANTZKY, A . J. . 36 SMITH, WILLIAM A. 12 SNYDER, R. A . 37 LEHMANN, w . A . Ex. 62 STROKES , R. R. 17 LESSELL, L. R. . 12 T AL!BE, A. H . 50 LIBBY, P . v. 35 TEETERS, J. L . 59 LISCHER, D. w . 39 TENTON, M. c. 41 LONG, R . s. 40 TOSTISON, c. H. 34 LOUGH, ' W. M . 25 VAN BosKIRK, S . S . 14 LOY, E. C. 20 WATT, L. F ., B .S '13, M .F . '28, D .A. 48 McGLADE, J. C .. 28 WILEY, G. J. 50 MACDONALD, G. B. M .S . 14 YOUNGGREN, P . R. 40
4 The 1964
Patrons of the 1964 Ames Forester
John M . Aikman G. E. Gatherum Dave Nelson Shirley Allen ]. E. Granson Lee Andreas Robert Grau W. H. Arlen G.]. Pecaro W. D. Arnold V. P. Pizzano G. I. Porter Erwin Hafenstein William Price Norm Hansen Clarence Prout Dean Baker W. P. Harley Don Ball G. B. Hartman Jr. John Barrington E. F. Heacox Wm. Rice Jr. Ken Benda David Herrick Sylvan Runkel Dwight W. Bensend C. C. Hoover Ron Rydberg W. R. Bentley F. S. Hopkins I. T. Bode R. N . Hoskins Paul Rodenberger D. C. How Ivan Sacks F. E. Boeckn R. H. Hughes C. H. Schallau R. L. Brownfield R. M . Hurd H. N. Schmidt H. H. Schwane G. H. Stradt C. Cesar Harold Jensen Dave Smith Wayne Chambers R. L. Joens R. E. Stewart A. G. Chapman Robert Jones ]. H. Stoeckeler D. M. Christ C. H. Stoltenberg F. T. Colbert G. W. Kansky Ross Teuber L. F. Kellogg George Tompkins Franklin DeVaul Blaine Knop G. W. Thomson William Duerr ]. D. Tomascheski Paul Dunn R. E. Larson William Lepley K. D. Ware George H. Ebert W. C. Lewison C. D. Warrick R. L. Ethington Harry Little John Wilson C. R. Witmer
James Ficke T. F. McLintock G. W. Van Gilst C. D. Finch Hans Milius F. J. Flick Joel Montgomery John Froehlich Roger Morris Kurt Ziebarth
The financial success of this publication is due in a large part to the generosity of the above persons. We thank them for their patronage.
6 The 1964 The 1964 Ames Forester Staff Editor DAVE YouNG Assistant Editor . JoHN DEVILBiss Business Manager JOHN THURMAN Advertising Managers STEVE LINDBLOM LEw HoLLIDAY Sales and Circulation Manager ToM BACHMANN Senior Editor . DoN LEAVERTON Art Editor JIM LYONS Feature Editor PHIL HECKENBERG Alumni Editors GERALD NILLES JoHN HINRICHS Summer Camp Editor BoB SAssE Photograph Editors GORDON CAMPBELL Russ NELSON MILAN MILLER Faculty Editor LARRY ROBBINS Faculty Adviser MR. BENTLEY
John M. Aikman
RoM the rolling hills of Central Nebraska's upl.and , During his high school days the superintendent of prairies came a man who was to influence aild in the high school taught botany, which interested John struct more than 2000 Iowa State University For Aikman very much. His love for the out-of-doors, fio 1' esters. Through his seemingly endless patience and experimental science and a desire to become a teach~./! many practical approaches to ecology, dendrology er persuaded him to enter Nebraska Wesleyan Uni ver in the fall of 1911, majoring in botany. Here as an undergraduate, Joiin Aikman worked in the bot! any department as a lab assistant and also as a reader for the department of English. With the First World War booming across the. Atlantic, he received hi ~ A.B. degree in botany in 1917 and enlisted in the~ Army, serving with the Medical Corps. He received his training at the Mayo clinic, Rochester, Minnesota;· as a clinical laboratory technician. After training he was assigned to the U.S. General Hospital #9, in Lakewood, New Jersey, where he was a Non-com in charge of the Clinical laboratory and autopsies and attained the rank of Sargeant first-class. Returning to civilian life and his home state, Ne braska, Mr. Aikman became Superintendent of the Whitman Nebraska school system in 1919. In the fall of 1920, he took books in hand and accepted a teaching fellowship at Nebraska Wesleyan to begin work on his A.M. degree in botany. The following year, after receiving his A.M. degree he was offered an assistant professorship by Nebraska Wesleyan which he accepted. During this period of his life his activities had and related botany courses, John M. Aikman has been and were continuing at a quite rapid pace. He continued to inspire and stimulate the many students continued his botanical studies at the University of that he has taught. His teaching and research has Chicago during the summer of 1922. That fall he moulded these students into better, more capable began work on his Ph.D. degree at the University of professional foresters. Foresters with a rich under Nebraska in Lincoln. While Mr. Aikman worked on standing and appreciation of the botanical field with his degree, he also taught botany full-time at Ne in which they work. braska Wesleyan. In 1923, Mr. Aikman was pro Born on March 3, 1893 to Thomas M. Aikman and moted to the position of Associate Professor of Bot Darthula Mulvaney Aikman, young Aikman was any. During this year John Aikman married Miss from the very beginning associated with nature. His Margaret Dafoe of Tecumseh, Nebraska. Mrs. Marg father, a Methodist minister, had taken out one of aret Dafoe Aikman passed away in 1937. He re the last timber claims on a homestead in central married in 1940 to Miss Ella Randel of Ottumwa, Nebraska near the town of Broken Bow. When John Iowa. Aikman was two years old the family moved to the During the mid 20's, Mr. Aikman remained at small town of Rulo, in Southeastern Nebraska. As he Nebraska Wesleyan teaching while carrying on his grew older and began to explore the world outside doctorate program at the University of Nebraska. On his front yard, his older brother would take him along receiving his Ph.D. degree in botany with a minor in with his friends on their frequent fishing and hunt zoology in 1927, Dr. Aikman accepted a position on ing jaunts along the Missouri River. the Botany staff here at Iowa State University.
8 The 1964 In September 1927, Dr. John Aikman began his the Iowa prmne preserves. He has authored many long career of instructing Iowa State Foresters that scientific papers and popular articles. has contributed so much to the wide recognition of In 1946, Dr. Aikman served as president of the Iowa State Forestry graduates. He promptly began Ecological Society of America and for 15 years served extensive research in the field of plant ecology. This on the editorial board and Executive Committee of leadership has directed over 40 graduate students the Society. At the 1964 Iowa State Foresters' Ban who have since become well established in all fields quet, he was presented with the Frudden plaque, , awarded by the Iowa Chapter of the Society of Ameri can Foresters for his work and many contributions to the advancement of Iowa Forestry. He is a fellow of the Iowa Academy of Science and of the A.A.A.S. In 1951, Dr John Aikman was honored by his alma mater, Nebraska Wesleyan, with a honorary Sc.D. degree. Dr. Aikman also served as chairman of the Central States Section of the Botanical Society of America for one term. Other organizations to which he belongs include Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, American Society of Plant Taxonom ists, American Society of Plant Physiologists, Ameri can Society of Naturalists, American Society of Range Management (charter member), and the N a ture Conservancy. A member of Collegiate Methodist Church, Dr. Aik man has been active in church affairs for more than 30 years. During this time he was a member of the Wesley Foundation State Board and this organiza of education, research, and industry. He also con tion's Executive Committee, a member of the Con tributed to the training of many graduate students in ference and Area Commissions of Education, and a the related fields of agronomy, entomology, forestry, Member of the Iowa Council of Churches. and wildlife management. In 1934, Dr. Aikman was granted a leave of ab sence to work with the United States Forest Service as the U.S. Senior Botanist in charge of research in vestigating the ecological possibilitities of shelterbelt planting in the plains region. He participated in another research program carried out through the co operative effort of the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station and the U.S. Soil Conservation Service on ecological studies of erosion control plants on hilly ground. Dr. Aikman was project supervisor on a part-time basis on this program between 1937 and 1947. He also has participated in cooperative re search projects with the Iowa Highway Commission on ecological studies of highway planting since 1949, and with the Iowa Conservation Commission on prairie research since 1945. More recently Dr. Aikman, on ·leave of absence from Iowa State, served with the State Department in the Foreign Agricultural Service as Director of the Tropical Experimental Station, at PichiUngue, Ecu ador, from 1951 to 1953. During this time, research was conducted on agronomic, horticultural, and for Dr. Aikman has two chillfren, both Iowa State estry crops, including work on the ecology of Balsa alumni. The Aikmans plan to move to the Lake Bull (Ochroma lagopus Swartz). shoals area of southern Missouri this spring for re Dr. Aikman has been active with the Cardinal tirement, but will return to Ames during the winter Guild, serving as faculty member from 1930 to 1951 months. He still has two research projects under and was tapped for Cardinal Key in 1944. As chair way and will use this time on research, library work man of the Conservation Committee of the Iowa and writing. Academy of Science, Dr. Aikman lead efforts which have resulted in the acquisition and maintenance of John M. DeVilbiss
by E. B. SPEAKER, Director Iowa State Conservation Commission
Most people think of Iowa as a rich, agricultural state with seas of corn and a dearth of forest lands. While this is essentially true, there are still two and one-half million of the original seven million acres of forests in our state. Basically, the timber is still confined to the principal waterways and the rolling hills, and is made up almost entirely of hardwoods. More than 88 percent of the forest lands are pri vately owned by some 35,000 Iowa families. Ap proximately 30,000 acres of forests are under state ownership, and 13,000 acres are presently owned by Fire tower on the Yellow River State Forest, Northeastern the Federal Government. Iowa. The first sawmill was located in Allamakee County in 1829. By 1850 mills were in operation in Du were exported from Iowa for the production of furni buque, Scott, Muscatine, Des Moines, Johnson and ture, veneers, and other fine wood products. perhaps other Iowa counties. In 1860 over 540 mills A decade ago a reported 1,008 sawmills were lo were operating in Iowa. Of the 183,000,000 board cated in Iowa. It should be pointed out however, that feet of lumber annually cut by these mills, some many of these did only custom sawing and operated 22,000,000 came from native Iowa timberlands, and for a brief period during the year. In 1961 reports the balance was from the white pine logs rafted down indicated 583 mills were operating in Iowa. In 1963 the Mississippi River from' the great forests in Min approximately 250 mills operated on a year 'round nesota and Wisconsin. It is said that by 1877 basis in commercial production of lumber and wood Clinton, Iowa was the largest lumber-producing cen specialties. ter in the world. So far we have talked only about lumber milling Shortly after the turn of the century the huge log operations. While this has been an extremely valu rafts with the itinerant loggers ceased to come from able enterprise, both to our pioneer forefathers and the North. Mill owners looked to the native Iowa to our present economy as well, it represents only trees for new sources of supply and designed new one use of our great heritage, the forests. uses to utilize these products. There are four basic timber types in Iowa as clas The production of lumber reached an all-time low sified by the Iowa Forest Resources Survey published in the depression period of 1932 to 1936, when only in 1958. Two of these types, the elm-ash-cottonwood 3 to 5 million board feet were produced. Post-de type, and the oak-hickory type, make up 87 percent pression years showed a slight increase, but it was of the present forest cover. The northern hardwood not until the years of World War II that production type, occupying only about 3 percent of Iowa's for of lumber jumped appreciably. By the end of the est cover, includes the valuable timber in the rough war over 90 million feet were being produced, and lands of northeast Iowa. The fourth type includes by 1950 an estimated 5 million feet of specialty logs the remaining 10 percent of the cover and is made up
10 The 1964 of three minor cover types including bur oak, aspen birch and hardwood-red cedar. The elm-ash-cottonwood association is found throughout Iowa, especially along the stream courses and moist, lowland slopes. Many trees of commercial importance are found in these associations, includ ing the American and red elm (Ulmus americana and rubra), silver maple ( Acer saccharinum), cot tonwood ( Papulus sp.), ash ( Fraxinus, sp.) and wil low (Salix sp. ). The oak-hickory type is found on the drier, upland slopes throughout the state and es pecially in the hill lands of southern and western Iowa, and includes white and northern red oak (Quer cus alba and rubra), hickory (Carya sp.), basswood (Tilia americana) , and to a lesser degree, walnut (]uglans sp.). Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) is common to abundant on the slopes of western Iowa and in some instances makes up almost a pure stand. The important northern hardwood type of northeast Iowa includes such valuable species as maple, bass wood and red oak. Man-made plantations now total over 45,000 acres. These plantations consist largely of pines and some hardwoods and are for purposes Ledges State Park, one .of Iowa's many forest recre· ation areas.
10,000 acre Yellow River Forest Area near McGregor in Clayton County is an excellent example of mul tiple use of forest lands in Iowa. Here timber man agement, fish and wildlife management, picnicking, camping, hiking, horseback trail riding, and many other outdoor recreational uses go hand in hand un der managed supervision. Other similar multiple use areas are planned for Iowa, and some will include the construction of sm;;tll artificial lakes that will fill a two-fold purpose. These small lakes will he used not only for fire protection, but for fishing as well. We have found in Iowa that good forestry prac tices and wildlife management and recreational uses can be compatible on forests as small as 6 to 10 thou Preparing seedlings for .overwintering at the State Forest sand acres. Den trees for raccoon and other aboreal Nursery, Ames, Iowa. mammals are marked and left uncut by the foresters. Brush piles are properly placed in open areas for of land reclamation, soil protection, wildlife cover rabbits. Some browse trees are uncut and even plantings, Christmas tree plantings, and recreational planted in some areas, together with food plots of uses. domestic grains for deer, wild turkey and other for est game. Lakes built for fire protection are stocked Public Ownership with bass and panfish and provide excellent fishing. Primitive type camping and picnicking areas are Public management of forest lands in Iowa is provided at strategic points for the ever-increasing largely favorable. Many of these lands have been numbers of visitors to the beautiful forest areas. set up under long-range management plans by state Recreation can be compatible with forest manage agencies, county and federal services. These lands ment as long as the primary purpose of the area re are inventoried by foresters to determine the species ceives first consideration. composition, age of the trees, quality and associated values. The timber is managed to provide for peri odic harvest, thinning and other practices to keep it Private Ownership healthy and productive. Some of the state lands are managed, not only for maximum timber production, Unfortunately the management of Iowa's privately but for multiple public recreational use as well. The owned forest lands is not generally as favorable as
AMES FORESTER 11 the situation on public forest lands. Exceptions of acreages of woodlands can hire consulting foresters course include forests under management by large to develop forest management plans. wood products companies and private plantations. In recent years the market for smaller diameter Past practices have left most of the private wood and previously undesirable trees has developed. lands of Iowa in poor condition with respect to the Pulpwood mills have been able to utilize nearly all goal of optimum timber growth and periodic finan cial yields. In many areas of the state the forests have been repeatedly high-graded, leaving only trees of poor quality and a high percentage of undesirable trees. Forest land grazing has been generally dam- . aging to Iowa's woodlands. Unmanaged forests are producing only part of the potential and resulting dollars that could be sustained year after year. In Iowa the program known as Cooperative Forestry Management holds promise of helping Iowa's wood land owners realize a dollar return and related recre ational value from their holdings. By assisting the private landowner directly the forester can go over his woodland and in preparing a plan make individ ual recomr,nendations. An unmanaged timber will .. 1 usually yield some commercial products. By restrict . ing grazing, reproduction will soon become re-estab Part of Iowa's ever-growing Pulpwood Industry supplied by lished. approximately 11,000 acres of tree farms. The woodland owners in Iowa have an advantage of legislation which provides a tax-saving benefit to those who maintain a well-stocked stand of trees. species now growing in the state. A typical tree, The landowners must protect the land from fire, and once considered a weed tree of no commercial value, also eliminate grazing from the woodland. The law is the basswood. Today this tree finds a ready market states that the per acre assessment shall be $4.00. in the veneering industry. Many landowners realize as much as 70 percent re duction in taxes on their forest lands. Looking Ahead The service foresters of the Conservation Commis sion now number eight. In providing services to the What does the future hold for Forestry in Iowa? 35,000 woodland owners in Iowa, it is obvious that The recent Iowa Soil and Water Conservation Needs this service is spread very thin. In recent years they Inventory prepared by various state and federal agen cies shows that the forest acreage will continue to decline in the decade ahead. By 1975 it is estimated that the forest acreage will total with under two mil lion acres. Present forest cover will decline with population increases, urban sprawl, superhighway development, and other land adjustment programs. Multiple use of the remaining forest lands must therefore become a reality. Private, state and federal long-range planners are estimating the needs of recreation for the people of the United States, not only for the present, but for 1975 and the year 2000. Populations are expected to double in many communities. Since many areas of recreation on the seaboards and other vacation places are already overrun, we can anticipate a movement of tourists into the vast, undeveloped mid lands of the nation. Ames Forest Research Center's Amana Colonies field office With the anticipated increase in our own popula where studies in soils, tree physiology and establishment of hardwood plantations are carried on. tion and the influx of tourists from congested areas elsewhere, it behooves us to plan well for the future. Intensive management of our present forest lands were able to give direct service to only about 1500 to is a must. New methods of utilization of the less de 1600 owners. sirable timber through forestry research should be Foresters are now employed by Iowa wood-using stepped up. Multiple use of our forest lands must be industries. In addition to this, owners with large considered if we are to receive benefits appropriated
12 The 1964 for recreation in the future by state and federal gov plants and kiln drying operations. The river mills ernments. Future planning must provide for havens represent only a portion of the 600 wood-using in of beauty and solitude in our forests for the multi dustries of the state of Iowa. Presently, factory em tudes who prefer peace and quiet to the hilarious ployment for the wood-using industries ranks fourth revelry afforded at the honky-tonks and Coney Is in Iowa with a payroll of 43 million annually. land-type spas. The forest products harvested are worth more than Wildlife plantings for food and cover is a contin 9 million dollars per year to woodland owners, and uing function of forest land. Aboreal mammals and production is increasing. The value of this import forest game birds, including deer, raccoon, squirrels, ant industry, that is, the value of shipments less the wild turkey and grouse need the protection and food cost of materials, fuel, etc. is 70 million dollars an provided by forest trees, while farm game need the nually. food and shelter of the brush-type .forest edge. Recently in Iowa, a Christmas Tree Growers Asso Iowa's forest economy is expanding annually. ciation was formed. In coming years Iowa producers Once again, the Mississippi River towns support a may well provide the bulk of the Christmas trees for large forest industry, including pulp mills, millwork Iowans. Although land prices have made the forest econ omy a rather dull picture in past years, the increased markets with their higher prices, tax benefits and forest value from recreational users has changed the present picture considerably. Last, but certainly not least, we must consider the aesthetic value of trees in Iowa. These native wood lots not only beautify our state highway systems and other areas where they exist, but afford recreational areas and homes for wildlife. The literal translation of the word "Iowa" by the Indian is "beautiful land." Trees and their management through forestry prac tices will add beauty to the rich, rolling prairie lands of Iowa. It behooves all of us then to do our part in promoting good forestry practices in this beautiful Preparing hardwood rotary cut veneer for manufacture. land of ours.
AMES FORESTER 13 C.D.T.C.-A New Star on the Training Horizon
14 The 1964 IF You want to know whether an idea will work, one perhaps one approach to our training job was to es of the surest ways to find out is to try it! That is ex tablish a permanent, fully equipped, centrally located actly what the Southwestern Region of the U.S. For training center. est Service was doing when they established the Con tinental Divide Training Center. This is a pilot pro TRAINING PHILOSOPHY IN REGION THREE ject to determine the feasibility of a permanent training center for Forest Service Employees, staffed We believe that if we are to carry forward the For by a group of trained, full-time instructors and the est Service program of multiple use management ef necessary clerical and maintenance force. It is the fectively and efficiently, so the public will receive a first and only training center of it's kind in the full value from our efforts, our people must be skill United States. The facilities are maintained primar ful, well informed and enthusiastic. This emphasizes ily to meet the training needs of Forest Service per the need for formal training. As our program grows sonnel in Region Three. This project has the bless in size and responsibility, more and more effort must ing and backing of the Chief's office. If it proves as be concentrated on individual training. effective as we hope to make it, it may serve as a In-place training of the individual is a three-part model for the establishment of similar training cen program. First and most important is self develop ters in other Forest Service Regions across the coun ment-growth of the individual through his own ef try. Our activities are being scrutinized by admin forts. Closely following in importance is on-the-job istrators and training officers from other regions and training and coaching by the immediate work super units all over the United States. The results of our visor either individually or in groups. Finally comes efforts last year, and so far this year have been very formal training, usually carried on in groups under favorably received. The consensus seems to be that special, technically competent instructors. Although this is a very worthwhile and effective program. It low on the scale of relative importance, formal train will probably be maintained on a permanent basis, ing is necessary to provide a context from which at least in this Region of the Forest Service. other forms of training obtain purpose and direction. We have long recognized the importance and ne Formal training provides the framework upon which cessity of in-place training for all employees. This is the immediate work supervisor may build in on-the essential to maintain standards of performance, keep job coaching, and guide the individual in his self employees informed and for individual career devel development efforts. opment. Many methods such as short duration train Formal training in basic functional and manage ing camps, periodic group training sessions, techni ment activities tends to give guidance to the develop cal workships, manual study courses and reading as ment of new employees. Formal training also pro signments, individual coaching and training details vides our employees with a working knowledge of the and assignments have been used in the past. These elements of good instruction, which they are fre are all good techniques. But with the rapid expan quently called upon to use in their day-to-day con sion during the past decade, both in number of per tacts with others, both on and off the job. With the sonnel and in intensive functional programs, no com foregoing philosophy in mind, the Continental Di bination of currently used methods seemed adequate vide Training Center was established with a dual to keep abreast of both technical and management objective. First is to fulfill the formal training needs training needs. So the concept of in-service training of the Southwestern Region. We recognize and em is not new!- Only the approach to training through phasize that the accomplishment of this objective the establishment of a permanent training center, manned by a fulltime staff of trained instructors, who devote their efforts exclusively to carrying on the training program is new. Although training of personnel is a primary re sponsibility of unit managers, other demands on their time frequently force these people to neglect this phase of their activity. Unit by unit training in the same subject m atter can also result in duplication of effort and f acilities, lack of uniformity and excessive cost. In some technical aspects of resource manage ment qualified instructors are not always available on all units. Unit supervisors must be trained in the techniques of instruction if they are to effectively
carry on training programs. Any well rounded train The Continental Divide Training Center is located on the ing program must be evaluated to determine its effec Continental Divide, four miles s.outh of U.S. Highway 66, (In tiveness. We n eed to develop means to accomplish terstate 40). Facilities which have been remodeled for academic use were originally constructed to house a U. S. Air Force this evaluation. All of these criteria indicated that Radar Base.
AMES FORESTER 15 will not relieve unit managers of their training re lessons are constantly being revised to adapt them sponsibilities. However, we believe that if this ob to identified needs. jective is fully accomplished it will make the unit Classes vary in size from 12 to 60 trainees, and in manager's training job easier and more effective. length from two days to four weeks. They average The second objective is to conduct pilot studies and about 30 trainees per class and 4 Y2 days in length. trial operations in areas having national Forest Serv Schedules are arranged to make the fullest possible ice training significance. use of training facilities and instructor's tinie. Thus The first objective is being met through a curricu two, three or four classes may be going on simultan lum consisting of management and functional eously. During one week resident instructors may courses. The management courses are taught pri be teaching a management course; contracted pro marily by the full-time instructors on the training fessional educators may be conducting an advanced center staff. These include such subject matter as communication course; staff specialists may be teach Basic Indoctrination and Orientation, Foremanship, ing a technical course in some functional activity; Basic Supervision, Administrative Management, Basic and forest staff officers may be participating in a Communication, Communication for Managers, procedural workshop. Classes are ordinarily con Leadership through Communication and Instructor ducted between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 Training. The functional courses are taught primar P.M. In some instances evening sessions are held ily by subject matter specialists from Regional and to present outside speakers, training films or group Forest Headquarters, assisted and advised in instruc conferences and seminars. tional techniques by the training center staff. Func During its first year of operation the Training Cen tional subject coverage includes not only proceedures ter provided 1150 man-weeks of formalized training and techniques in management of the five basic re to over 30 different classes. The planned program sources, but workshops and practical exercises in the for the current year will employ 37 separate classes service and supporting functions such as engineer to provide some 1500 man-weeks of management ing, fire control, personnel management, work and and functional training. financial planning, safety and training, aerial photo The second objective is being approached through interpretation and radiological monitoring. Service the selection of 14 pilot areas for study. These pilot wide courses in Fire Generalship and Fire Simulator areas include studies and operations in the fields of Training were held last year. Additional service wide New Methods in Adult Education, Evaluation of courses are planned for this academic year. Profes Formal and On-the-job Training, Cost of Central sional educators are brought in occasionally for com Group Training vs. Training at the Forest or District munication and management courses at the more Level, Training Library Development, Practicality of advanced levels. Using Full-time, Expert Instructors vs. Casual, Part We believe that the maximum amount of learning time Instructors and Research into New Types of takes place when trainees actively participate. There Teaching Equipment, Aids and Facilities. Some of fore student participation is an objective which is these areas are rather nebulous. Many have proven actively pursued. We also feel that skill in communi cation and human relations are essential in any pub lic service positions. For this reason these aspects are strongly stressed in all management courses. The curriculum is planned and scheduled to inter fere as little as possible with the accomplishment of the National Forest work program. Therefore no formal sessions are held during the heavy field sea son from May to September. Trainees are selected for participation in the various courses on the basis of individual training needs. Individual training plans pointed at specific career development objec tives are developed and revised annually in Employee Development Conferences. These conferences pro vide for joint participation by the employee and his immediate work supervisor. Candidates for each course are recommended by the immediate work Comfortable chairs and adequate table space are provided each student. supervisor, and assigned to appropriate classes based on the needs identified in the individual training perplexing to long established educational institu plan. As the need for a specific type of training tions and experienced educators. Obviously this ob becomes apparent a course is developed to meet this jective will require more time for accomplishment. need. Courses are planned to satisfy the needs of all Concrete results will be slowly and painfully achieved employees, male and female, at all levels and in all in many of these fields. These results must be tested facets of Forest Service activity. Subject matter and and evaluated in the light of accumulated experience.
16 The 1964 Some progress has been made, but much remains to be done.
FACILITIES The Forest Service was fortunate in acquiring a former Air Force Radar Base as a site for the Train ing Center. The facility is located in West Central New Mexico, 100 miles west of Albuquerque and 30 Miles East of Gallup. It is four miles south of U. S. Highway 66 (Interstate 40). A paved road leads from the Continental Divide Interchange to a rela tively isolated site at an elevation of 7600 feet. We believe that maximum learning takes place when the most favorable possible climate for learn ing is provided. Therefore we have tried to make all facilities pleasant, comfortable and conducive to learning. The Training Center has three classrooms. Two of them will accomodate 30 trainees each in well lighted, soft-seated attractive comfort. The third "Home-Cooked" meals are a specialty, served cafeteria style in classroom will provide for 60 students seated at a large dining room. double desks, or 125 in auditorium style seating ar rangement. In the near future provision will be made to divide this room into two fully equipped cooking staff. The dining room seats a little over classrooms with a folding partition when needed. 100 people. Recreation facilities include a gymna Each classroom is fully equipped with the latest in sium, T.V. and radio lounge, tennis court, rifle and structional aid equipment. This includes 16MM pistol ranges and a baseball diamond. sound movie projector, 35MM slide projector, over The resident staff at the Training Center includes head projector, screen, chalkboard, flannel board, the Director, Administrative Assistant, two full-time magnetic board, easels and tape recorder. Specialized Instructors and supporting clerical and mainte equipment such as slide-tape projector, film strip nance workers. They are housed in modern, three projector, teaching machines and the fire simulator bedroom dwellings located about one-fourth mile are available on a more limited basis. Two small from the academic area. conference rooms are available for small groups, meetings and "buzz" sessions. SUMMARY Modern equipment for reproducing handout ma The Continental Divide Training Center is a pilot terials and for the preparation of projection trans project implementing a new concept of in-service parencies, slides, charts, graphs, flannel and mag training. Although the Forest Service has long rec netic board visuals, photographs and other training ognized the importance of training to keep employees aids in available to instructors and trainees. Expert currently informed, improve job performance and advice and assistance may be obtained from mem enhance potential for career development, this is the bers of the resident staff. first time a full-time, permanently staffed training A small but rapidly developing library is available. faculty has been tried. Future training programs in This includes technical reference material, lesson the Forest Service may be based on the experience plans and training aids for all courses offered, and gained and techniques developed here if the Train recreational reading material. Library services are ing Center successfully fulfills expectations. It was available to all Regional personnel. established to meet recognized needs in the Region In addition to classroom facilities at the Training and to conduct pilot studies in specific training areas Center a field laboratory is rapidly being developed having national Forest Service training significance. in the McGaffey area on the adjoining Gallup Ranger We believe that training has three facets; self de District. This area includes model recreation, timber velopment, on-the-job coaching and formal training sale, range, wildlife and watershed areas and a well procedures. We recognize that the first two are of planned and engineered trail and fire lookout. These greatest importance in individual career develop facilities are used for field exercises in National For ment. But we also realize that formal trainin-g is est resource management. Three dormitories have necessary to lay the groundwork and give direction clean, well-lighted, comfortably furnished single and to this development. The Training Center was estab double rooms to accomodate 75 trainees. Additional lished to instill this much needed formal training, quarters are available for visiting instructors and which must precede the other steps. It will help, but guests. Delicious, well-balanced, home-cooked meals not relieve unit managers of their training responsi are prepared and served cafeteria style by a full-time bilities.
AMES FORESTER 17 Courses, which fall into two broad catagories, management and functional, are designed, scheduled and administered to fulfill to the maximum extent possible the individual needs of Regional personnel. Every effort is made to provide a favorable learning situation. Management courses are primarily the re sponsibility of resident instructors, while functional and technical subjects are conducted by staff special ists with advice and assistance from the resident in structors. The resident staff consists of 15 full-time Forest Service employees, whose efforts are directed toward providing what we hope will be the best and most Spacious dormitories provide nicely decorated and comfortable favorable in-service training atmosphere in the living quarters. country.
Ross L. Teuber, '48, a career employee of the U.S. Forest Service, has worked in the South western Region for the past 16 years. He is m ar ried (Clara Griffith, H .E., '42) and has two chil dren; a son, Larry, aged 12 and a daughter, Re becca, aged 9. He is a senior member of the S.A.F ., and an active member of the N.F.F .E. He has held several local and sta te offices in the latter organization. A native Iowan, he first enrolled in the For estry Department at Iowa State in the fall of 1938. His college career wa s frequently inter rupted by the necessity of earning money to meet expenses, and a 3-year tour of duty with the U.S. Navy Seabees during W .W . II. While in atten dance at Ames he was active in Forestry Depart ment and Forestry Club activities. He served as Assistant Editor of the Ames Forester in 1947 and Editor in 1948. He was elected to Alpha Zeta and Gamma Sigma Delta during his senior year . He received his B.S. in Forestry in 1948. Immediately upon graduation he accepted em ployment as a junior timber sale officer on the Kaibab National Forest. Since that time he has held positions as Assistant District Ranger, Dis trict Ranger and Timber Management Staff As sistant on various forests in the Southwestern Region of the U.S. Forest Service. In July, 1962, Mr. Teuber was assigned as one of the full-time instructors at the newly established Continental Divide Training Center. In this position he specializes in the preparation and use of instruc tional visual aids, serves as a technical advisor to visiting instructors and assists in instruction of the management courses, aerial photo interpre tation and radiological monitoring.
18 The 1964 After Iowa State • • • • •
Foresters Find New Jobs Challenging
Editor's Note: The 1963 Ames Forester carried an article which look.ed at the development of a forestry student at Iowa State. This year a few recent graduates were contacted and asked about their positions within the forestry profession.
Lou Bertlshofer, '62 in Colorado water the most important single benefit of the dis trict, the other resources are managed commensurate with watershed values. RANGE, RECREATION, and special uses centered around the vital resource, water, characterize the Soil and watershed rehabilitation, recreation ad Colbran District of the Grand Mesa National Forest ministration, and administration of grazing allot where Lou Bertlshofer is beginning his Forestry ments take up a large part of his working time. Con career as Assistant Ranger. In the mesa country of siderable recreational use is made of the lake country, and Lou is in charge of all campground maintenance and development on the district. Super vision of holders of special use permits has included checking up on operators drilling for natural gas, and safety and fire inspections of dams, summer homes, and lodges. Skiing is an important activity in the winter, and Lou devotes considerable time to administrative and public relations work on the ski areas. He was also recently involved with a spring planting of 20,000 ponderosa pine seedlings. He has spent some time on timber sales on the district. The water resources on the mesa have been de veloped by private interests, and are a vital element in the management of the ranches and farms of the lower country. Lou reports good relations with the ranchers and other water-users. Taking snow measurements to estimate water yield on the Grand Mesa. He enjoys the variety of tasks, and regards favor ably the trend toward specialization in the Forest Service. Living in a small rural community has dis southwestern Colorado he works with a small perm advantages, but they haven't dampened Lou's en anent staff consisting of the District Ranger, a Gen thusiasm. He, and his wife, Margaret, are renting a eral District Assistant, and a secretary, administering pleasant home only blocks from the ranger station, 190,000 acres of spruce-fir forest, rangeland and and often enjoy get-togethers with other Forest Serv lake country. ice people. He likes his work and his associates. As Assistant Ranger, Lou has found his involve "The Forest Service is just one big happy family," he ment with all phases of district operation rewarding. says, "making it easy to get along with people, which The 400,000 acre flat top mountain known as Grand is a very important part of a fellow's job." Mesa and its adjacent slopes are dotted with more He feels his education at Iowa State was quite than 300 lakes and reservoirs which furnish water complete, but finds the learning process continuing to near-by municipalities, ranches, and farms. With on the job.
AMES FORESTER 19 Pat Cline '62 in The South many free services as possible in order to encourage them to undertake a sound management program. STARTING June 25, 1962, I filled a position of Field I feel that my education has prepared me for my Representative with Albemarle Paper Manufacturing job in most respects. However, a person's real edu Company, formerly Halifax Paper Company, at cation begins when he starts working on the job. Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. Albemarle is a I would suggest more practical application of such subsidiary of Ethyl Corporation of Richmond, Vir courses as Management and Silviculture. A course ginia, and is a producer of pulp for Kraft paper. in public relations would be of great benefit to any Not only does the mill supply its own needs but also one planning to work for private industry because those of several other conversion plants. a good deal depends on how you meet and work My wife, Shirley and I live in Scotland Neck, North with people. Carolina, a small friendly town forty miles from the Social activities with my fellow foresters are lim location of the mill. Living accommodations were ited because of the wide placement of the men. We rather hard to find but with the aid of my Area Man do have Wood Department meetings about four times ager and his wife we were able to find a suitable a year after which there are usually some social ac house to rent on the outskirts of town. tivities scheduled. My wife and I have found North Carolina a very interesting and enjoyable place to live. Within sev eral hours we can drive to the beach or mountains. The state is steeped in history and we have enjoyed several interesting trips to historical sites. We have also had an opportunity to see how three high return agricultural crops-cotton, peanuts, and tobacco are grown and harvested. For an Iowan this is quite a change in the agricultural system. The company is also interested in keeping its foresters up to date. Since I began working for Albemarle, I have attended three short courses in Raleigh at North Carolina State College. These short courses dealt with radio and television for public relations purposes and one on soils of North Caro lina.
Dow Foley '63 in California
Dow IS presently a forester on the Mi-Wok Dis Pat on one of Albemarle's demonstration plots. trict of the Stanislas National Forest in east central California. He and his wife Sandy are living in a I have found my work very enjoyable and my col beautiful four-bedroom house at $75 per month in a leagues are a fine group of men. We are spotted resort area. They're very pleased with the friendly throughout the procurement area of the mill. This atmosphere on the district. Forest Service personnel area is broken down into fi:ve smaller areas, each had been looking for housing for them prior to their under the jurisdiction of an Area Manager. In each arrival, and were extermely helpful while they were of these areas there are two or three Field Represen moving in. tatives of which I am one. We are not required to First assigned to the cultural division of the dis report into an office each morning. We merely sign trict, Dow began with a two-day "show-me" trip to in on our two-way radios and go about our business. acquaint him with the area and operations. Soon Some of the activities I am involved in are cruising, thereafter, he had a one-hour interview with the marking thinnings, supervising cutting operations on forest supervisor which covered leave, pay, advance company and private lands, assisting in buying tim ment, and policies of the forest. The supervisor berland for the company, helping our wood dealers stressed to him the need to inform him of any per buy pulpwood, and overseeing the management of sonal or other problems with which the Forest Serv about 8,000 acres of company land under my juris ice could be of help. diction. Much of my time is spent with private land Dow's first job was the supervision of a twelve owners because the mill depends upon this group of man T.S.I. camp. In the early stages, he had the individuals for about 85 per cent of the wood con help of another forester in getting things established. sumed at the plant. We offer these land owners as His duties included all phases of camp operation-
20 The 1964 other half in range management. Upon reporting for duty I received orientation in organizational struc ture and various other administrative subjects such as pay, annual leave, advancement, responsibility and safety, which initiated an intensive six-month training period. My training period consists of work ing in many different phases of district operations including numerous technical reading assignments and working on a special project. In addition, I at tended a one-week orientation and indoctrination session for new BLM employees in Sacramento, Cali fornia. I am pleased to have been assigned to a district with a fine staff of both technical and administrative personnel, with an informal atmosphere, and with a prevailing attitude of willingness to be helpful and promote interest and curiosity. My first job assignment was foreman of a heli Dow Foley '63, Forester on the Stanislas N:ational F.orest. copter spray crew of 7 to 12 men on a Black Hills Beetle spray project in inaccessible areas of the South Big Horn Mountains. My primary duties con choosing and marking areas to be thinned, time sisted of supervision of the spray crew, scouting for keeping, and commissary. When asked if he felt new beetle infections, and scheduling helicopter like a mere cog in a giant machine, or a decision flights in the absence of my supervisor. making individual, he replied favorably, "They give In mid-July the spray project was terminated, at you the guidelines and turn you loose." which time I proceeded to the range management In addition to running the T .S.I. camp, Dow spent section, assigned to duties in range survey, using time on a Christmas tree sale-marking, writing the ocular reconnaissance method, and then to contracts, and administering the sale. He also spent range condition and trend using both the two-phase some time on a site preparation project, surveying method covering approximately a half million acres, and computing areas which had been cleared of and Parker Three-Step transects. I am presently brush. He was thankful for C.E. 310 when the time came to make a transit-stadia map of a fire guard station for real estate purposes. How about pay? He admitted, "It's hard to live with a family on a GS-5. A bachelor could do it." Still, Dow and Sandy seem happy in California. They enjoy a good social life, and an absence of "rank-pulling". Sandy says, "I think we're on a won derful district. You can be on some districts where you call the ranger 'sir' and his wife 'Mrs. Sir'. Sight unseen, we're pretty lucky to be where we are."
Leroy Scott '63 in Wyoming Demonstrating the method of establishing exact location LIKE MANY other foresters have accepted employ of Parker Three-Step Transect used in determining range I condition and trend. ment with the United States Federal Government. My present position is with the Bureau of Land Management on the Casper District in the state of in the soils and moisture section, performing project Wyoming. The district office is located in Casper, inspections and assisting in the layout, testing and a city with a population of 41,000. The Casper Dis inspection of reservoir retention dams. trict is the largest district in the state, covering ap In being assigned to such a large district I have proximately the eastern third of Wyoming and por found that extensive travel is necessary in order to tions of South Dakota and Nebraska. accomplish organizational objectives. During these I received a somewhat unusual appointment; I travels it is often necessary to consult local residents. work half the time in forest management and the To a large extent the success of any management pro-
AMES FORESTER 21 gram or individual depends on one's ability to under Forest Products of Menlo Park, California. They buy stand and work harmoniously with all types of in timber and contract its harvesting to loggers. A large dividuals. I feel it is a valuable asset for an individual proportion of their stumpage is bought from Fiber to gain experience in working and understanding board Paper Products and Southern Pacific Railroad, people. If this experience can be gained while still as well as a smaller amount from the Forest Service. a student, the beginning of a professional career will The timber is processed in their mill. Ron's concern, be much more rewarding. , however, is in the harvesting end of the operation. From my experience, I feel that Iowa State Uni He spends a lot of his time supervising logging, ad versity offers both a fine intensive and extensive ministering sales, and working with the foresters of forestry program. While attending I.S.U. I felt it the seller to insure compliance with the Forest Prac necessary not only to major in forestry but to branch tice Act of California and Nevada. to related subjects such as range management. After Ron finds working conditions favorable. His su graduation I found that because of being qualified periors helped him find housing and move in when for more than one field, I was fortunate to be offered he first arrived. His starting salary was equivalent the opportunity to gain experience in all phases of to more than a GS-7; he received a substantial raise of BLM operation, rather than being limited to one after one year. He was given the use of a company specialized field. jeep to drive the twelve miles to and from work. He Forestry is a profession which requires a well and his wife Carol and daughter, Robin are living in rounded individual who is familiar with a vast vari a pleasant, up-to-date residential district in Sparks. ety of subjects, and any additional qualification a The Vosses have found that with the high living and person can gain is of immeasurable value. housing costs in Nevada, monthly payments on a house are cheaper than rent for an apartment. When asked how well he felt I.S.U. had prepared him for his job, he replied, "Real well. Nearly all the work I have done has been covered, at least generally in a course or summer camp." However, he also had this to say: "I think grades were stressed so much that some students lost the idea of learning some thing of value from a course. All they thought of was getting grades and not worrying about the future use Ron Voss '62 in Nevada of the knowledge obtained." RON is presently employed as Assistant Forester by Tahoe Timber Company at Reno, Nevada. About his job he says this: "I like it very well. I sure wouldn't trade with anyone in the Forest Service." Tahoe Timber Company· is a subsidiary of Dant
Jack Dillman '61 in Wisconsin
QUALITY CONTROL work in the Roddis Division of The Weyerhaeuser Company has proven challenging and satisfying for Jack K. Dillman, who m ajored in Forest Products at Iowa State. He and his wife, Janet, have made their home in Marshfield, Wiscon sin, where they enjoy the company of several other I.S.U. graduates. The surrounding countryside with its large tracts of second growth spruce, fir, pine, and aspen provide excellent hunting and fishing during leisure time. The plant in which Jack works produces hardwood flush doors and decorative hardwood paneling. He is primarily concerned with problems encountered in sanding, finishing glueing, and moisture control. A word of advice to anyone interested in work of this nature is to take as much chemistry and industrial engineering as possible, concentrating on the wood moisture relationship, to which he attributes 75% of Ron cruises a big one in Nevada. the major problems encountered.
22 The 1964 Dr. Bensend came to I.S.U. in 1947 after teach ing at Utah State University. Prior to this he was an instructor at the University of Minne sota and a technologist with the Forest Products Lab in Madison. Dr. Bensend spent eighteen months in 1961 and 1962 on the staff of the Uni versity of Kentucky Contract Team-AID, sta tioned at the University of Indonesia, Bogor, Java, Indonesia. His interests center about travel, hunting and fishing, church, community (Lions Club, etc.) and photography. Dr. Bensend be lieves that the most significant boon to forestry during his career has been the development of interest on the part of private industry in both forest management and wood technology. Con tact with foresters during his youth sparked Dr. Bensend's interest in forestry as a profession. He would advise those embarking on a career in for estry to obtain the best possible training in tbe basic principles of forestry to meet the problems that lie ahead in this challenging field.
DWIGHT W. BENSEND, Ph.D. Professor of Forestry Wood Technology, Forest Products Special Topics in Wood Science and Tech nology
Professor Kellogg attended the University of Chi cago for the first two years of his undergraduate work and then went to the University of Cali fornia where he earned his B.S. He earned his M. F. from Yale. He had a wide variety of experience prior to coming to I.S.U. in 1949. He has worked on biological surveying in Oregon, cruised in California, worked for the Pacific Lumber Company in redwods, scaled timber sales on the Stanislas National Forest, made volume table measurements, was Jr. Forester on the Shasta National Forest, Appalachian Forest Ex periment Station and the Central States Forest Experiment Station. His hobbies and interests evolve about home woodworking, color photo graphy, nature study, travel, geology, lumbering and local history. He believes that the most sig nificant boon to forestry during his career has been the arrival of that point in time when private industrial owners changed from liquida tion of holdings to a plan of holding and manag ing their forest lands. A liking of the woods forests, creatures, conditions and vegetation therein, together with acceptance of the hard ships and primitiveness that they may entail encouraged Professor Kellogg to choose forestry as a profession. He recommends to all aspiring · to become foresters to get into some other field if they cannot be enthusiastic about forestry. He suggests getting all the experience one can before LEONARD F. KELLOGG, M. F. graduating. Postponing marriage and family Professor of Forestry responsibilities will enable one to get ahead Logging and Milling faster financially. Finally, he says that follow Forest Conservation ing the Golden Rule and striving to be a fair Forest Management and Protection and square shooter in life can leave no regrets. Summer Camp
AMES FORESTER 25 A native of Utah, Dr. Gatherum has studied a t the University of Utah, the University of W ash ington (B.S.F .), Utah State University (M.S. r an ge mgmt.), and I.S.U . (Ph.D. plant physiology and soils). His varied experience h a s found him as cruiser-topographer for the Rayonier Timber Company in Washington, in range r esearch with Utah State Fish and Game Department, in r an ge research with the Rocky Mountain Forest a nd Range Experiment Station, as r an ge conserva tionist with the S.C. S. in Utah , as Assistant Pr o fessor of Agronomy at Texas Tech., as instr u ctor of Range Management at Colorado State, and for the past ten years he has been at I.S.U . Dr. Gatherum enjoys skiing and mountain climbing, tennis, jazz, classical music and reading. He believes significant advances in forestry ar e at tributable to development of the various special izations in the field of forestry through a syn thesis of the sciences basic to specializa tion. His aptitude in the biological sciences and appre:::i ation of nature through skiing and mountain climbing are responsible for his choosing forestry as a career. To those contemplating a forestry GORDON E. GATHERUM, Ph.D. career he recommends investiga ting the breadth Ass.ociate Professor of Forestry of forestry, to not be afraid of weighing the b ad with the good, and being certain that one's de Silvics, Silviculture, Forest Inf(uences cision is not based solely on a romantic impres Research in Forest Tree Physiology and sion of the great outdoors. Soils
From 1940-1942 Dr. Hopkins attended Massa chusetts State College. In 1942 he went into the Navy where he served as a pilot until 1944. Re turning to civilian life he went to the University of Michigan where he earned his B.S.F., B.B.A., and M.F . degrees. He was engaged with logging and timber management with the New England Forestry Foundation in 194 7 and 1948. After this his work took him to Canada where he was manager of the Clearing. Construction Company. During 1949 and 1950 he was employed by the True Temper Corporation as a timber buyer in Northern New England. From 1950-1954 he was Assistant Professor of Forestry at the Uni versity of Vermont. Shifting to New York State University as a graduate student enabled him to earn his Ph.D. in 1959 .. It was then that he came to I.S.U. His hobbies include hiking, mountain climbing and skiing (mostly in the past tense). He doesn't believe that any one factor can be identified as being more significant than many others with respect to the development of for estry since World War II. If pressed to specify one factor, however, it would be the growth in national productivity or income combined with a reasonable degree of economic security. Those things which attracted him to the forestry pro fession are an affinity for the forest environment supplemented by some altruistic feelings toward the "conservation of natural resources." His ad vice to present forestry students is not to under estimate forestry, develop what abilities you FRED S. HOPKINS, JR., Ph.D. have to the highest possible degree and exercise Associate Professor of Forestry them, and when possible, develop competence Forestry Economics, Forest Recreation in that aspect of forestry which you find most ap Economics Research pealing. Summer Camp
26 The 1964 Dr. Ware is a product of West Virginia where in 1956 he earned his B.S.F. from West Virginia University. At Yale he accomplished his M.F. in 1957 and his Ph.D. in 1960. He has worked as a farm and factory laborer and worked in timber in West Virginia and Ohio. In the summers of 1955 and 1956 he was engaged as a forester for U.S. Steel in West Virginia. From 1956 to 1958 he was Research Assistant in Forestry and Teach ing Assistant in Biometrics at Yale. The summer of 1958 to the fall of 1961 found him as Re search Forester in Survey Techniques Research at the Northeast Forest Experiment Station. Dr. Ware is an avid trout fisherman and also delights in hunting and reading. To a lesser degree he is also interested in color photography, gardening, and woodworking. He believes that the most significant feature of forestry recently has been the growing public awareness of the place of forests and foresters in maintaining what we might call "the American way of life" and that KENNETH D. WARE, Ph.D. this has been most important in its ultimate ad Assistant Pr.ofessor of Forestry vancement of the science. Growing up in the Forest Mensuration heavily forested Appalachians and interest in the Range Survey Techniques outdoors naturally led him in the direction of Forestry Club Adviser forestry as a profession. Dr. Ware advises those aspiring to embark on a forestry career to obtain the best possible academic grounding in the basic sciences and humanities, and if truly in terested in the variety of opportunities in for estry, not to be swayed by the "glittering prom ise" of big money and romance in other fields that are more in the public eye, and to remember always the importance of doing the kind of work you enjoy and the challenge that exists in most phases of forestry.
Bill attended Stanford University but received his B.S. from the University of California. His M.F. was earned at the University of Michigan. He is currently completing a dissertation for his Ph.D. in agricultural economics at the Uni versity of California. Hobbies and interests find Bill enjoying travel and do-it-yourself projects at home. Family background and enjoyable sum mers working in the woods prompted him to enter the forestry profession. His advice to those considering forestry as a career is to work hard for those things you consider important in for estry.
WILLIAM R. BENTLEY, M.F. Instructor of Forestry Forest Policy Range Economics-Policy Ames Forester Adviser
AMES FORESTER 27 John accomplished his undergraduate work at the University of Illinois obtaining his B.S. in forestry with a major in wood technology. He spent two summers at the Forest Products Lab oratory and then spent one year at Yale Univer sity where he earned his M.F. in wood tech nology. His hobbies and interests include wood furniture construction and electronics on an amateur scale. The complicated nature of wood attracted him to forestry as a profession. He advises neophyte foresters to set their goals as high as possible and to aspire along these lines of interest to approaching these goals.
JOHN E. DUFF, M.F. Instructor of Forestry Forest Products Mechanical Properties Seasoning
Dr. Larsen was born in Drammen, Norway, in 1877. He received his primary education in Nor way and secondary education in Maine. He ob tained his B.A. and M.F. from Yale. For fifteen years he was with the U.S.F .S. in Idaho and Montana, where he initiated and pursued forest research. From 1924 to the present Dr. Larsen has been at I.S.U. In 1962 he received the Frud den Plaque award for significant contributions to the promotion of forestry. Reading (study of history, biography, philosophy, and poetry) and watercoloring are his chief avocations. Estab lishment of the forest experiment station, the Weeks Bill of cooperative protection, and estab lishment of state forestry schools are in his opinion the most significant boons to forestry during his career. Dr. Larsen entered the for estry profession in order to be out-of-doors, enjoy the forests, mountains, lakes, and to contribute something towards their conservation, protec tion and management. A word of advice to those entering forestry would be to aspire toward JULIUS ANSGAR LARSEN, Ph.D. these goals. Associate Professor of Forestry Department Librarian, Partial Retirement
28 The 1964 Dr. McNabb came to I.S.U. in 1953. He was born in 1927 at Lincoln, Nebraska, and was edu cated at the University of Nebraska and Yale University. He holds B.Sc., M.S., and Ph.D. de grees. Dr. McNabb has worked on the Kaniksu National Forest in Idaho and was a teaching as sistant at Yale and Nebraska. He has also work ed on the Yale-Office of Naval Research Tropi cal Wood Project on wood deterioration. His principle hobby is working with youth. He is scoutmaster of the local Boy Scout troop that "Prof Mac" organized in 1912, co-sponsor of the Junior High Fellowship at Collegiate Presbyter ian Church, and faculty adviser of the Delta Upsilon Social Fraternity. This fall he was elected a Director of the Ames Community School District. Dr. McNabb thinks that the rec ognition by the general forester of the impor tance of basic biological research in the future of forestry is the most significant advancement for the profession in recent years. He became interested in forestry through the love of trees and the interest of an uncle in the Forest Service. His advice to those interested in forestry is to be come educated, not just trained. The success HAROLD S. MeN ABB, JR., Ph.D. ful forester of the future will have to think and Associate Professor of Forest PathoLogy commJnicate clearly. The decisions that he will Forest Pathology, Wood Deterioration be called upon to make will necessitate a back ground much broader than narrow training.
Prior to coming to college Dr. Landers ranched with his father in Texas. He obtained his B.S. and M.S. from Texas A. & M. and his Ph.D. from the University of California. Favorite pastime activities and interests are photography, nature conservation and music. He believes that the conception and application of sustained yield management of forest areas is one of the most significant developments in forestry. He would suggest to forestry students: (1) love the forest, (2) study hard, and (3) study harder.
ROGER Q. LANDERS, JR., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Botany Plant Ecology Dendrology Botany
AMES FORESTER 29 Jim joined the I.S.U. staff as extension forester in June of last year. After four years in the Navy he obtamed his B.S. from I.S.U. in 1960. He went on to New York State College where he earned his M.S. in forest economics. Immedi ately prior to his recent return to I.S.U. Jim was with the Forest Service in Minnesota. His inter ests other than forestry include hunting, fishing, and hiking. He believes the most significant de velopment in forestry has been the emphasis on professionalism. He would advise those just en tering forestry to specialize-"general" foresters are quite plentiful.
JAMES H. GOTTSACKER, M.S. Assistant Professor of Forestry Extension Forester
Departmental Secretaries
Above. Pat Williams, Departmental Secretary.
Right. Sheila Van Hofwegen, Depart mental Secretary (Fall Quarter).
Ray came to I.S.U. in his present capacity in 1961. He performed his undergraduate work at the University of Minnesota. Graduate work was accomplished at Michigan State University and U.S.D.A. Graduate School. Train ing in the use of radioactive materials for nuclear studies was undertaken at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. He was a staff member and Assistant Director of the Black Rock Forest. Military service saw Ray with the U.S. Army Air Force Weather Service. Prior to coming to .I.S.U. he was a staff member and Center Leader at the Central States Forest Experiment Station. His hobbies are photography, astronomy, and woodworking. He believes the most sig nificant boon to forestry has been the expanding recog nition by industry of the need for professional foresters to manage the company's forest resources. The reasons Ray entered the forestry profession are: (1) the opportunity for outdoor work. (2) opportunity for working with living things. (3) the wide variety of problems present in forestry. (4) knowledge of forestry gained from. reading about the lives of prominent foresters. His advice to those aspiring to embark on a career in for estry would be: (1) obtain as much formal education as possible. (2) broaden the base of your knowledge a s much as possible. (3) recognize the continuous need for self-study throughout one's professional career. (4) recognize the fact that a forester has to become a land manager and to think and act accordingly.
RAYMOND F. FINN Project Leader of U.S.F.S. Ames Research Center
GAYNE(GUS)ERDMAN has occured during his career. Gus chose forestry as a Research Forester (CSFES) U.S.F.S . profession because of his interest in growing trees, en Gus is a staff member of the U.S.D.A. Research Center joyment of outdoor recreation activities, and respect for here in Ames. His pre-forestry training was completed at professional foresters he had met. He recommends some the University of Wisconsin. He earned his B.S. and M.S. practical training with the U.S.F .S. or some private com from Montana State University. He has worked as a fire pany before entering college, and seeking advice from control aid on the Lolo National Forest in Montana, as a those already in the profession before choosing forestry Smokejumper with the Forest Service at Missoula, Mon for a career yourself. ; tana, and now while working toward his Ph.D. he is em ployed by the U.S.F.S. He finds reading of technical ROBERT E. PHARES publications on forestry and wildlife management re Research Forester (CSFES) U.S.F.S. search, hunting, fishing, surveying, and tree planting Bob is working on his Ph.D. at I.S.U. He earned his B.S. interesting pursuits. Successful establishment of forests at West Virginia University and his M.S. from Pennsyl in the South and West by direct seeding on clear-cut areas vania State University. Bob enjoys hunting and fishing is a significant accomplishment promoting forestry that when he finds time for them.
AMES FORESTER 31 Graduate Students
Affendi graduated from the University of Indonesia Bud graduated from I.S.U. in 1960 and then worked at with a degree in Forest Engineering in 1961. He joined the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Sta the staff there after graduation. Here at I.S.U. he is doing tion. After completing two years in the army, Bud re graduate work in forest mensuration and statistics. His turned to I.S.U. as a graduate student. His hobbies and hobbies include tennis, ping pong, swimming, and music. interests come under the headings of hunting, fishing, It is interesting to note that though Indonesia is naturally silviculture and soils. covered by tropical rain forests the timber has little eco nomic value. Affendi feels that by applying technical knowledge to these forests they may take on more eco nomic significance. He further encourages aspiring foresters to obtain a thorough education and to learn to understand local people. Upon returning to his homeland GEORGE EBERT he plans to teach mensuration at the university. George completed his undergraduate work here at I.S.U. At the present time he is doing work in forest • products and economics for his M.S. degree. He is also DONALD ARGANBRIGHT the Forest Products Specialist for the extension service here at I.S.U. Past experience has been acquired while working for the Smay Laminated Wood Products people, Graduate work in wood technology is Don's current the Melvin Lumber Company in Des Moines, the Carpen endeavor. He is from Nebraska but did his undergraduate ter-Brown Lumber Company in Minneapolis, and the Guy work at I.S.U. Don has married since the Ames Forester F. McDonald Lumber Company in Minneapolis. Keeping was last published. His leisure activities may find him alive seems to leave him little time for other interests or reading or target shooting. hobbies. George thinks that the development of improved adhesives and finish materials has had a major influence in promoting wood-using industry in this country. JOHN H. BEUTER
John received his B.S. and M.S. from Michigan State. He was in the Air Force from 1958-1961. From 1961 until coming to graduate school here at I.S.U. John was JOHN GORDON with the U.S.F.S. at the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. He is interested in all sports. John, now working on his Ph.D. in plant physiology, re John, like many of the fellows choosing forestry as a ca ceived his B.S. from I.S.U . and did one and a half year's reer, comes from an urban area. While trying to decide work at the University of Helsinki in Finland. He has upon a career, four years passed and he found that he also worked for the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range was the holder of a B.S. degree in forestry. His fascina Experiment Station and the Forest Research Institute of tion for forestry has not diminished, and he is still pur Finland. When he has some spare time he likes to write, suing his interests in this area.• read, or go fishing . CALVIN BEY
Having earned his B.S. and M.S. at Michigan State, FRED KAISER Calvin spent two years in the Army. After his stint in the service he was with the Central States Forest Experi Fred graduated from Iowa State in 1961 with a B.S. de ment Station for two years. At the present time he is gree in economics and is now on an M.S. program in working out of the U.S.F.S. Ames Research Center while forestry economics. Good job opportunities and an inter receiving training under P.L. 85-507 in silviculture and est in forestry prompted him to specialize in this field. genetics. Fred, a Chicagoan, enjoys fishing and traveling.
Having received his B.S. from West Virginia University Hans comes to the U.S. from Holland. He undertook (Wood Industry Option), he is now working toward his his undergraduate work in this country, obtaining his M.S. in forest economics. One summer was spent working B.S. at Southern Illinois University and his M.S. at North for the Corps of Engineers as a forestry aid in Virginia. Carolina State College. While working toward his Ph.D. Folk music, skiing, sports cars, and active support of the Hans has taught General Forestry 101 Lab and Forest civil rights movement are several of Leonard's interests. Mensuration 241 Lab. Hans was attracted to forestry be cause of the vast opportunities in this interesting field . FLOYD MANWILLER • Floyd is working on his Ph.D. in wood technology. He performed his undergraduate work here at I.S.U. and LARRY L. STREEBY went into the Air Force for four years, three of which were spent in Germany. · He has worked for the U.S.F.S. Larry graduated from I.S.U. just this preceeding fall in Oregon and is now a research assistant here at I.S.U. with his B.S. in management. He is working toward an His interests range through hunting, reading, fishing, and M.S. in forest economics. His hobbies include reading, antique furniture. hunting and gunstock making and refinishing. Larry was married last summer and is presently commuting from Des Moines where his wife is a student at Drake. CHARLES DUDLEY MATTSON
Dudley received his B.S. from Hillsdale College in Michigan. He then went to the University of Michigan where he earned his B.S.F. During World War II he was WIRATMOKO SUKOTJO a pilot in the Air Force. He has worked for lumber com panies in Louisiana and Texas and with the U.S.F .S. in Wiratmoko is doing graduate work in silviculture and Florida, Alabama, and Michigan. He is presently work forest products. He was born in 1934 at Java, Indonesia. ing toward his Ph.D. in economics and forestry. He is He received his undergraduate education in forest engi interested in forest recreation, both from a personal and neering at the University of Indonesia. After graduation professional standpoint, and enjoys fishing and reading. there be spent some time on the staff. Hobbies and inter After graduate school he hopes to locate in a teaching ests include camping, traveling, reading, and visiting with position in forest economics and recreation. American families, especially farmers.
FRON T : Affendi Anwar, Wiratmoko Sukotyo, Floyd Manwiller, Cal Bey, John Beuter. REAR: George Ebert, Bob Phares, Leonard Koenick, Fred Kaiser, C. Dudley Mattson, Bud Br.oerman.
AMES FORESTER 33 Qobt of for the Jroft~sion of jfortstrp
HE P.uapo"" of these C&DOIII ia to formulate 10. He will not, without the fulllcnowledge and COIIIent guiding principia of professional conduct of his client or employer, have an interest in any business for foreoten in their r 34 The 1964 1964 Graduating Seniors KEITH ALLEN BAUER, Forest Monogement, has chosen Water shed Management as his special interest. He is undecided on what he will do after graduation. His hobbies are sports a nd hunting. Keith was in the U.S. Army for three years, 1959-1962, and attended Parsons College for one year, 1957-1958, w he re he was in the Parsons College Band and the Parsons College Chorus. Keith attended the 1963 Winter Park, Colorado, summer camp. He is from West Chester, Iowa. GEORGE E. BAILEY. George is majoring in Forest Management. We feel that he must have set a record, at least in our forestry department, for the largest number of years between start and finish of college. George has been out of school for 30 years. He attended the 1932 summer camp. In 1933 he left Ames to work for the Soil Conservation Service and has been with them since. He lacked approximately one quarter to finish. This winter he took enough of his annual leave from the S.C.S. to come back to Iowa State University to finish his degree. He and his w ife F!orence have two children who have graduated from college. When George has time to spend as he likes, he usually spends it woodworking or gardening. The Baileys are from Wray, Colorado. GORDON GLENN CAMPBELL, Forest Products, is considering going on to graduate school· His expe riences include T.S.I. and Mistle toe work on the Arapaho N.F., Colorado, and extensive Timb ~ r Survey on the Challis and Caribou N.F., Idaho. He attended the 1962 summer camp. For hobbies he lists photography, hunting, swimming, basketball, and weight lifting. Gordon is a membe r of the S.A.F., Forest Products Research Society, Forestry Club, and the Weight lifters Club. His home is Hartford, Iowa. GENE H. CHRISTENSEN, Forest Management, plans to work for the U.S.F.S. after graduation and later join the Army Reserves. Gene worked in dwarf mistletoe control on the Arapaho N.F., and as a Forestry Aid on the Olympic N.F., Washington. He at tended the 1962 summer camp. His e xtra-curricular activities in clude the University lutheran Youth Org anization a nd Circle K, a branch organization of the Kiwanis Club. His hobbies are hun•• ing, fishing, swimming, golf, and bowling. Gene came to I.S.U. from Mason City, Iowa. BARRY C. CUSHING, Forest Management, is emphasizing Range Management in his major. He plans to work in Range Manage ment for the BLM after graduation. Barry is interested in carpentry and card-playing. Bowling must be added to his inter ests since he is captain of the Iowa State Bowling Team. Barry attended summer camp in 1960, spent one summer working for the Forest Service at Gunnison, Colorado, and one summer work ing for the BLM at Baker Oregon. He calls Shelby, Iowa, home. 36 The 1964 JOHN M. DEVILBISS, Forest Management, plans to serve in the navy following graduation. John attended the 1962 Winter Park, Colorado, summer camp. He has worked with the U.S.F.S. on the St. Joe. N.F., in Northern Idaho. He is Assistant Editor of the 1964 Ames Forester, and was the 1963 Summer Camp Editor. His hobbies include mountain climbing, skiing, hunting, and read ing. He is a member of the S.A.F., Newman Club, and also be longs to the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. John is from Burlington, Iowa. GARY FRANKLIN FIRCH, Forest Management, plans to work for the U.S.F.S. after graduation, if the Army doesn't call him forst. He attended the 1961 Winter Park, Colorado, summer camp. His experience s include inventory work for the U.S.F.S. on the Wil lamette N.F., Oakridge, Oregon, in 1962, and for the Pacific N.W. Forest and Range Experiment Station in S.W. Washington, 1963. Gary is co-chairman of the Forestry Club lntramurals. His hobbies are hunting, fishing, trapping, and sports. He comes to I.S.U. from Bridgewater, Iowa. CRAIG ALLEN FISCHER, Forest Products, plans to work for pri vate industry after graduation. His hobbies include woodworking and sports. Craig attended the 1962 summer camp. He is married and his wife's name is Susan. Craig comes to I.S.U. from Gary, Illinois. F. PHILIP HECKENBERG, Forest Products, plans to go into the wood processing business on his own after graduation. He is unique among the foresters at I.S.U. in that he presently awns a saw mill. He ha s harve sted and bought logs, pulp, and cooper age, and has p!anted a Scotch a,d Austrian Pine plantation in Sout heast Iowa. Phil is Features Ed itor of the 1964 Ames Forester. He is a member of the S.A.F., Forest Products Research Society, and Beta Theta Pi Social Fraternity. He attended the 1962 summer camp. His home is Mediapolis, Iowa. JOHN HINRICHS, Forest Management, plans to go into Military Service afte r graduation and then work for the U.S.F.S. John atte nded the 1963 summe r camp at Winter Park, Colorado. He is a member of the Forestry Club, and is Alumni Co-Editor of the Ames Forester. His hobbies are hunting, fishing, and camp ing. John is from Waukon, Iowa. STEPHEN A. KELLEY, Forest Manageme nt, plans to work for the U.S.F.S. He has worked two summers with the U.S.F.S. on the St. Joe National Fore st, Idaho, and one summer for the Schoenman Lumber Co. in Ames. Steve was editor of the 1963 Driftwood. He is inte rested in all outdoor sports with hunting and fishing at the top of the list. He also e nojys reading. Steve is married and his w ife's name is Marlene. He hails from Clarinda, Iowa. DONALD L. MEYER, Forest Management, pla ns to work for the Forest Se rvice after graduation. His expe rie nces include summer camp in 1961, one summer on the Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri, and one summer on the Arapaho National Forest in Colorado. His extra-curricular activities include Holst Tract Co chairman, and member of the Forestry Student-Faculty Relations Committee. Don is married a nd his wife's name is Judy. His home is Sac City, Iowa. AMES FORESTER 37 MILAN MAX MI~LER, Forest Management, plans to enter graduate school. He is presently on the Eli Lilly Advanced Curriculum. He attended the 1961 summer camp, and worked on timber in ventory on the Williamette National Forest, Oregon, in 1962. His main intere&ls are fishing and photography. His extra-curricular activities inclffiude Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, and Varsity Band and Orchestra. Milan is a photographer for the 1964 Ames Forester. He calls Indianola, Iowa, home. LARRY DEAN MORRISON, Forest Management, plans to work for private industry after graduation. He has worked 4 summers for the U.S. Forest Service on the White River N.F., Colorado, He attended summer camp in 1957. His hobbies are hunting and fishing. Larry is married and he and his wife have two sons. Larry hails from Ames, Iowa. NEAL MORRISON, Neal majored in Timber Management. He graduated the winter quarter of 1963-64, and went to work for the P.N.W. Forest and Range Exp. Station, Portland, Oregon. Neal was a member of the Alpha Kappa Lomba Fraternity. His interests include swimming, tennis, basketball, and bird study. His home in Cincinnati, Iowa. ROBERT C. MUSSELMAN, Forest Management, has a special inter est in Silviculture, Silvics, and Ecology. He plans to attend gradu ate school after graduation. During summer vacations Bob has attended summer camp, 1961 , worked for the U.S. Forest Service in forest survey, Pacific N.W., 1962, and on range survey for the BLM in the summer of 1963. His hobbies are hunting and fishing . He is a member of the Forestry Club. Bob calls Sioux City, Iowa, home. CLIFFORD R. NASER, Forest Management, plans to go into the Air Force after graduation. His experience in forestry includes working as a fire lookout in Northern Idaho, working on a Hot shot Fire Control Crew in Montana, and crusing timber for the Iowa State Conservation Commission. Cliff went to the 1962 Winter Park, Colorado, summer camp. His hobbies are fishing, camping, and canoeing. He comes to I.S.U. from Fort Dodge, Iowa. GERALD L. NILLES, Forest Management, plans to work for the Forest Service or the BLM after graduation. He attended summer camp in 1962 and has worked two summers for the Forest Serv ice. His hobbies are hunting and fishing. Gerald is the Alumni Editor for the 1964 Ames Forester. He hails from Ashton, Iowa. WILLIAM J. OBRIEN. Bill is maronng in Forest Management. He is unique among the forestry students in that he is already a D"istrict Ranger. Bill left Ames in 1953 to work for the Forest Service. In the nine years he has been with them, he has worked his way to District Ranger at the Lolo Ranger Station, Lolo, Montana. He was short one quarter of having his degree. This year he was granted enough leave to come back to Ames and finish his college. His hobbies include photography, reading, hunting, and fishing. Bill and his wife, Agnes, have four children. They consider Lolo, Montana, home. 38 The 1964 LARRY GEORGE P.ERRY, Range Management, has indefinite plans for after graduation. He attended the 1960 summer camp, worked 9 months cruising timber, and 6 months taking perman ent plots in Montana. Larry's hobbies are varied but hunting and fishing seem to head the list. He has been active in intra mural sports. Larry comes to I.S.U. from Vanwert, Iowa. WILLIAM J. PIERATT, Forest Management, plans to work for the BLM upon graduation. He has been active in extra-curricular activities such as Vice President of Bennett House, President of Bennett House, and a member of the M.R.A. Main Cabinet Con stitution Committee. D'uring his summer vacations, Bill has at tended the 1961 summer camp, worked for the USFS Inventory on the Williamette N.F., Oregon, and also as a Forestry Aid for the BLM, Missoula, Montana. Bill enjoys hunting, fishing, and photography. He hails from Dublin's sister city of Emmetsburg, Iowa. LARRY L. ROBBINS, Foerst Management, plans to work with pri vate industry after graduation. He attended the 1963 Winter Park, Colorado, summer camp. Larry is the 1964 Faculty Editor of the Ames Forester. His hobbies include hunting, fishing, and reading history. He was with the Iowa Highway Patrol before coming back to complete his degree. Larry is married and his wife, Suzy, is also attending I.S.U. They have one son. Larry is from Grandview, Iowa. JOHN REESE THURMAN, Forest Management, plans to attend graduate school in wildlife management, and lists as his hobbies anything that is concerned with nature. John was a receipient of the 196 Hartman Travel Award. He attended the 1962 Winter Park, Colorado, summer camp. He worked on the Kaniksu Na tional Forest, Idaho, in 1961, the Arapaho National Forest, Colo rado, in 1962, and for the S.E. Forest Experiment Station, Ash ville, North Carolina. Some of John's activities include Forestry Club Treasurer, Business Manager of the Ames Forester, and member of Gamma Sigma Delta Honorary Fraternity. He is also a member of the S.A.F. Wherever John goes he seems to find part of his home- Evansville, Wisconsin. RAY E. WILSON, Forest Management, plans to work with the U.S.F.S. after graduation. Ray attended the 1962 summer camp and has worked one summer with the U.S.F.S. on the Wallowa Whitman N.F., Oregon. He is the 1963 Vice President of the Forestry Club and is also a member of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. His hobbies are hunting, fishing, and golf. Ray is married and he and his wife, Karen, have two children. Ray is a licensed barber and has gone through school behind his clippers. He comes to I.S.U. from Pierson, Iowa. AMES FORESTER 39 ISU FORESTERS Don Lindsay Tom Crow, James Berryhill, Darrell DeVault, J. Milton Cone, Chuck Henry, Mike King, Roger McCay, David Hamilton Jr., Gary Riessen. Lee Garber, Larry Gash. Larry Gash, David Harcharik, Robert Sasse, Brian Angell, Dan Koch, Lee Allison, Gary Sieren, Steve Longval, Garry J.orgensen, Steve Lindblom. AI Everson 40 The 1964 Don Leaverton, Bob Sasse, Oscar McKay J. Milton Cone, Tom Crow (kneeling), Hal Barber. Art Abbs, Gary Riessen (kneeling), Steve Lindillom. Lynn Loken, Larry Sweeney, Dave Dvorak John Lynch, Jim Ly.ons, Roger McCay Chuck Henry, Charles Homemma, Lew Holliday. AMES FORESTER 41 Darrel Therriault, Loran Jones, Ray Van Wyngarden, Dale Robison, Glen Jack son. Jim Adams, John Danielson, Marvin Schmeiser, William Donaghu, Larry Taylor. Billy Bents, Dewaine Clausen, Haldor Stadel, Mark Oliver, Ross Writer, Roger Fight, Kenneth Phipps, Richard Teller and Jim Schnabel. 42 The 1964 Front r.ow: Mike Bradley, Steve Brenton, Walter Boskovich, Bernie Miller, Robert Braido, William Einspahr Kenneth Phipps, Ross Writer. Second row: Tom Bachmann, Richard Teller, Robert Smith, Mark Schultheiss, Charles Super, Melvin Spies, Aaron Campbell, Wayne R.oss. Third row: Dewaine Clausen, Dennis Bokemeier. Kenneth Phipps, R.oss Writer, Aaron Campbell, Robert Smith, Richard Teller, Mike Bradley, Steve Brenton, Dennis Boke· Bill Einspahr. meier, Tom Bachmann, Bernie Miller. Robert Braido, George Sloup, Mark Schultheiss, Wayne Ross, Haldor Stadel, Tom Van Orsdol, Dewaine Clausen, Charles Roger Haugen. Super, Melvin Spies. AMES FORESTER 43 New Building For Forestry by CARL H. STOLTENBERG, Head of Department , l ' • ' SCI liCE I IILOIII I I W t I T t T £ llltliSITY W, /4, , H 0 t c; h ll i s f , $ V p e r _. i J i . A g A f c h j t e c t The 1963 Iowa Legislature has appropriated 2.7 fit from the modern teaching labs and classrooms, a million dollars to construct a new building for the private office for the Ames Forester, improved facili Departments of Botany and Forestry. This appropri ties for the Forestry Club, better counselling and ation will be supplemented by a 1.1 million dollar teacher-student contact opportunities, and a class grant from the National Science Foundation to im room designed for group participation in manage prove the building's research facilities. ment and policy case studies and senior and gradu The four-story structure with its 140,000 square ate seminars. feet of floor area will provide sizeable increases in The forestry facilities will reflect the faculty's ef space and vastly improved facilities for both depart fort to make more effective use of students' class ments. It will be located east of MacKay (Home time by placing even greater emphasis on student Economics) and west of Agronomy, on the south participation in labs, discussion sessions, and courses side of Osborn Drive ( 6th Street). Completely air involving independent action and problem solving. conditioned, it will be one of the largest and most It will reflect the increasing importance of research modern and effective buildings on campus. and graduate study in forestry in general, and par The Forestry Department will be located primarly ticularly in the areas of silvics, tree physiology, sta on the second floor with additional ground-floor for tistics as applied to forestry, wood science, and for heavier equipment for teaching and research in estry economics. wood products. We hope that building contracts will be let this Forestry facilities of particular interest will in fall and construction will start soon thereafter. We clude private offices for all faculty, a modern general hope to occupy the building within two years. office, adequate office, computational and other facili This fine facility will fulfill one of the dreams of ties for graduate students, a faculty-graduate student Prof. Mac and Professor Hartman, as well as other reading room, and laboratories for research in silvics, Iowa State forestry professors who h ave over the tree physiology, mensuration, wood anatomy, and years sought improved facilities for forestry teaching wood mechanics. Undergraduate students will bene- and research. 44 The 1964 ' 1963 Summer Camp by ROBERT SASSE Left to Right. Back Row: Dean Gjerstad, Paul Ganzer, Ron Shull, Parmelee, Gene Lutz, Larry Ehlers, Gary Sieren, Steve Partlow. Third Row: Brian Angell, Larry Robbins, Steve Longval, Bill Donaghu, Gordon Hahm, Dave Countryman, Leonard Thye, Lloyd Pedersen, John Daniels.on, Logan McMinn. Second Row: Mrs. Colwell, John Hinrichs, Dick Gilmore, Dan Koch, Hal Barber, Bruce Nelson, Keith Bauer, Dick Dexter. First Row: Bob Sasse, Dick Parcher, Jeff Reimer, Gary Jorgensen, Larry Gash, Lee Garber, Bill Bowen, Ken Peters. 46 The 1964 LAsT JUNE our rambling summer camp came to rest in the rugged mountains of colorado's Winter Park area for the third successive year-and with due reason. The area is unique in its multiple use combination of wood, water, wildlife, forage, and recreation. This interaction served well the camp's main purpose-to provide a familiarization with the fundamental fields of forestry as well as their de mands on the individual and the satisfactions they provide in return. "Sure takes a long time to color these con· founded logs with lumber crayons." "Getting the lowdown from local District Ranger Henry Haalck." Through the summer the area's natural resources were interpreted to us often in a somewhat different perspective by many management specialists. In addition several federal land management agencies provided a clear picture of their objectives as well as the problems commonly encountered in managing these resources. We spent one of our most interesting days discussing fish and wildlife management with two state conservation department officials. Another intriguing day was spent with a geologist in the high country learning of the area's geologic formation, structure, and significance. Unlike many previous summer camps, we were well-equipped with modern facilities allowing much more time for our studies. Idle moments, however, were confined to weekend recreation, which im proved in some respects with the onslaught of the tourist season. The cool brisk morning air usually "Why did I ever sell my life insurance?" brought a truck ride followed by incessant note-taking AMES FORESTER 47 Dr. Thomson (Forest Biology & Camp Director), Dr. Hopkins (Forest Operations) Profes· sor Kellogg (Forest Operations & Utilization), Dr. Ware (Mensuration & Mappiu'g) Mrs. Colwell (Cook & Den Mother). ' which kept us alert, well at least awake, well at least ah ... ho . . . hum. We even acquired some insight into the field of re search in our travels. The results of considerable research on watershed and range problems were A considerable amount of time at camp was also shown to us at the Fraser and Manitou Experimental spent in applying our learning to practical and Forests. In fact some research was carried on back at valuable field experience. Some of these tasks were camp occassionally on such problems as whose beard surveying, forest site classification, and timber cruis needed thinning and who was forever pulling out the air mattress plug. ing, followed by topographic mapping and report writing. The last day brought forth a final test on cruising, but our errors were so grotesque as to make any estimate of reliability ridiculous. That eve ning a memorable steak fry was held at the Devil's Thumb Ranch after which we sang folksongs beside the campfire. Thus ended the days that wrought frameworks on which to direct the future building of our careers. Range trip at Manitou. 48 The 1964 First Row: Zac Dunlap, Lee Garber, Keith Lininger, Elder Stadl, Larry Walters, Bachmann, Melvin Spies. Second Row: AI Everson, John Thurman, Dennis Bokemeier, Wm. Dobler, Keith Bauer. Third Row: Russ Nelson, Craig Fischer, Richard Schultz, Steve Kelley, Ray Wilson. FORESTRY CLUB Fall Spring President ...... Larry Streeby ...... Marlin Johnson Vice-President ...... Ray Wilson ...... Steve Lindblom Secretary ...... Dennis Adams ...... Lew Holliday Treasurer ...... John Thurman ...... John Thurman Sr. Ag. Council Representative ...... Don Lindsay ...... Don Lindsay ]r. Ag. Council Representative ...... , . . .. Dick Schultz ...... Dave Countryman Faculty Adviser ...... Dr. Ware There were about sixty members in the Forestry pacing traverse. Presentation of scholarships and Club this year. The club's purpose has been to give recognition awards by the faculty will end the day's foresters a chance to work together and assist their program. classmates. Its programs and guest speakers have This year's Conclave will be at Michigan State and also provided foresters with recreation and a broader will have eleven events including the new pole bal look at the profession. ancing contest. Iowa State couldn't score much lower Last year's activities ended wlth the Midwest For than last year, however, the outing provides an ex esters' Conclave held at Michigan Tech. Ten schools cellent opportunity to establish friendship among sent foresters to the gathering. schools and foresters. Veishea Open House will fea Freshmen initiation highlighted the Fall Foresters' ture the theme "Better Forestry through Education." Day to start off this year's activities. Foresters later It will depict the Iowa State forester's curriculum earned their Game Banquet by tracking down the along with the careers that he pursues. The Forestry Club's only source of income is its main dish, pheasant. Dr. Robert Colwell provided a annual Christmas tree sales. The foresters made a revealing and applicable speech on the use of aerial considerably higher income this year than ever be photography after the dinner. This Spring Foresters' fore. Good sales were made for the trees, cones, and Day will be held at the Isaac Walton clubgrounds and greens, with the Wisconsin Norway Pine being es includes the Faculty Awards Dinner. The afternoon's pecially profitable. tournament will support eleven events including Dr. Kenneth Ware deserves high praise for his bait casting, trap shooting, and a hand compass- contributions as club advisor during the past year. 50 The 1964 '63 Hartman Fellows Go East IN THE SPRING QUARTER of the academic year 1962- 1963, John Thurman, Bill Pieratt, and I were in formed by Dr.'s Stoltenberg and Gatherum that we were the second trio of seniors selected to make the coveted George B. Hartman Award Trip, guided by them. The days from October 19-27, 1963, provided us with exceptional opportunities to become intimately involved with the profession of forestry. During the course of our tour of New England we observed for est types and forestry practices in a region new to Dr. William Murison, forest bioloigst at the Harvard the three of us. The many visits to research centers, Forest, talks with (top to btotom) Bill Pieratt, Dave forest industries, recreational areas of the northeast Young and John Thurman. were most informative and enjoyable. The Society of American Foresters meeting in Boston gave us a look members of the forestry faculty. The contagious en at the workings of a very progressive profession. The thusiasm of these two outstanding men was a pri alumni dinner and the people we met there made us mary factor in making the trip a rewarding and in very proud to be a part of the Iowa State Forestry De spiring experience. To them and to the alumni we partment. extend our sincere gratitude for a trip we will never All these wonderful experiences were no less valu forget. able than the continuous association with the two Dave Young Game Banquet sented the retiring Professor with the Frudden Award for his many contributions to the field of Iowa Forestry. Forestry Club accomplishments for the past year . were summarized by club president Marlin John son. Dr. Robert N. Colwell, Professor of Forestry at the University of California, was the guest speaker. Dr. Colwell was sponsored by the Society of American Foresters on the Visiting ,scientist Program and had given lectures on the Iowa State Campus during the A large crowd of approximately 140 persons at tended the Foresters' annual Game Banquet, January 9th in the Memorial Union. A dinner of pheasant and a very interesting and entertaining speaker high lighted the evening. After Dr. D. W. Bensend delivered invocation and the pheasant was eaten, Don Lindsay, Master of Ceremonies, began the evening's program by intro ducing the guests at the head table. Guests of honor, Dr. J. M. Aikman, Professor of Botany, and Dr. Louis Thompson, Associate Dean of Agriculture, were in week. We were indeed fortunate that Dr. Colwell troduced by Dr. Stoltenberg. Dr. Aikman was further was able to speak at our banquet. Using informative honored when Gene Hertel on behalf of the Iowa and colorful slides and generous portions of humor, Chapter of the Society of American Foresters pre- he spoke on the uses of aerial photgrammetry. AMES FORESTER 51 Pierre (Jim Rocca), Kennedy (Dennis Murphy), Udall (Bill Spinner) . .FALL FORE About forty I.S.U. Foresters, wives, and girlfriends converged on Innis Grove in Ames on October 12, 1963, in a successful effort to forget the books and concentrate on some light-hearted fun and fellow ship. Staff members Drs. Bensend, Thomson, and Hopkins joined us for the festivities. We were further honored to have with us "Mr. J. F. Kennedy" ( Dennis Murphy), "Mr. Stewart Udall" ( Bill Spinner), and "Pierre," the French"Canadian pulp cutter (Jim Rocca). Before these dignitaries we demonstrated our skill in match-splitting (won by Mark Oliver), two-man bucking (won by Rog McCay and Dave Harcharik), chain~throwing (won by John Thur man), and log-throwing (won by Gordon Campbell). Rawhide! 52 To be or not to be.. . . Tw.o-man bucking. S' DAY-1963 A few brave souls tried the new stunt called barrel riding. Apparently the objective was to see how long The Olympics. you cared to expose yourself to imminent death! Dennis Murphy and Ray Van Wyngarden actually managed to keep it up for twenty seconds. The radio broadcast of the I.S.U.-Kansas game inspired some to play football; others tried the summer camp pastimes of volleyball and horseshoes. After supper we voted for the "best-dressed" for ester. Kennedy won over Udall and Pierre after much deliberation. Before we disbanded, Pierre led some songs and kept everyone laughing whenever they weren't singing. Thanks to Foresters' Day Chairman Al Everson, The Lumber Jills who provided the eats, and all who helped, a good time was had by all. Meanwhile, back at the chain. 53 Precision. Lumberjills Front Row: Susan Fischer, Shari Nelson, Judy Ehlers. Back Row: Mrs. Kenneth Ware, faculty advisor; Marlene Kelley, Felicia Danielson, Mary Sweeney, Judy Meyer, Susan McCay, Karen Wilson. Presently, the Lumber Jills have twelve members "P.H.T's" (Putting Hubby Through) are given to the and hold regular monthly meetings in the lounge of wives at a dinner with their husbands. Another the Women's Gym. A special program is planned for highlight is the tea given for the forestry faculty each meeting. This year's programs included a talk wives each spring. by Dr. William McCormack, Pediatrician, and a visit This is the second year that the Lumber Jills have to Bleeker's Furniture Store in Ames. been charter members of the National Association of · Every year Christmas candy and cookies are sent Forestry Student Wives. to the Polk County Home and toys are sent to the This year's officers are : Karen Wilson, President; Woodward Children's Home. Nancy Terry, Vice-President; Mary Beth Sweeney, One of the highlights of the club's social activities Secretary-Treasurer; Felicia Danielson, Historian; is the giving of diplomas to the wives of graduating Judy Ehlers, Corresponding Secretary; and Mrs. Ken seniors. Each spring these diplomas, known as neth Ware, faculty advisor. Veishea Open House Driftwood The theme for the 1963 Veishea Open Houses was The Driftwood is published by the Forestry Club, "Knowledge in Quest of New Worlds". The theme for generally once each quarter during the school year. the Forestry Open House was "New Worlds in Wood This year Craig Fischer and Steve Kelley are taking Products." Our display concentrated solely on the care of the co-editorship responsibilities. The Drift field of Forest Products in order to provide a more wood contains student writings, giving students a complete picture of this broad subject. The display chance to express their opinions. Those who have ex was exhibited in the department hall and was broken perience in certain specific areas of interest m ay into the following six divisions: ( 1) Research, also contribute. In the future the Driftw ood will be (2) Utilization, (3) Construction, (4) Paneling, (5) stressing more promotional articles about the Flooring and Ceiling, and ( 6) Fabrics. A film con activities of the Forestry Club. cerning the comparative fire-resistant properties of wooden and steel beams was also shown as a part of the Open House. 54 The 1964 "They never pulled like this in Montana." Tug-of-War The Foresters and CE's renewed their annual rivalry on the intramural field on October 19th. What might have been a happy ending to Engineers' Day was changed when 15 Foresters out-pulled 15 CE's two out of three times in a Tug-Of-War. The traveling trophy at stake for the event still remains with the Foresters as it has since 1960. Professor Kellogg served as judge and starter for the event. Christmas Tree Sales Holst Tract This year's Christmas Tree Sales, althogh a bit chilling to the Recent revitalization of the Forestry Club·managed Holst feet, brought record·breaking revenues to the club treasury. State Forest included red pine pruning (above). Future plans Here F.orestry Club President Marlin Johnson exhibits a tree are the building of a pistol range, some additional planting, for a coed, while Gary Riessen entices her with a giant sugar co.operative conservation activities with the Boy scouts, and pine cone. increased Forestry Club activities in the area. AMES FORESTER 55 THEN HE MADE THE WIND TO BLOW By]. A. Larsen From out this drowsy sleep I'll wake; Shake off this slothful spell. For I an effort now will make To raise an ocean swell! I'll pound and crush the headland rocks, Where jagged shorelines pass; And splinter timber, boats and docks, Into a frothing mass. Those proudly towering Douglas trees, I'll load with sleet and snow. Then summon up more than a breeze, And lay those giants low. Then up and o'er the mountain spurs; To romp and rage and wreck Those puny, stymied gnarly firs, And all their branches break. The slopes that face the setting sun, Shall be like tinder dry at last. And where the lightning fire began, Shall come a holocaust. That tottering lookout tower I'll strike With all my might and main! And never shall they find that map, Nor frying pans again. Across the plains with rush and roar I chase the tumble weed. O'er roads and rails and cattle ranch, Wherever it might seed. I love to steal the pollen from All trees and brush and fling It fertilizing wher-'ere it come; · New races ever bring. By day and night o'er sea and land; From west and to the eastern shores Forever with a lavish hand I spread the fungus spores. The silt and Badland dust and duffs Laid on Nebraska's shore, I used to build the Council Bluffs For hillside farms and more. The inter-fluvial glacial drifts I scraped with rain and snow; To level out those Iowa rifts, For corn and oats to grow. O'er South and East and through the land, Where slums and filth abound I'll generate a hurricane,- With cleansing most profound. 56 The 1964 Alumni Notes CLASS OF 1909 Moessner, Karl E. He is employed in the field of photo Allen, Shirley N. Has been working with the Citizens interpretation and training in connection with forest Forestry Study Group of San Diego County, California survey at the Intermountain Forest and Range Exp. and working on a conservation textbook since retire Station at Ogden, Utah. ment from University of Michigan. Pecaro, George ]. Married and has two children and CLASS OF 1915 three grandchildren. Also President of the Flintkote Bode, Irwin T . Has retired after 20 years as Director of Co. the Missouri Conservation Commission and moved to Runkel, Sylvan T. Forester and Biologist with the S.C.S. California with his wife, also an I.S.U. grad. He has published several papers on Wildlife in Iowa. Harley, W. P. Is president of J. C. Baldridge Lumber His oldest son is Chaplain at the South Dakota State Company. He is semi-retired and has two sons and six Institution at Plankinton. One daughter is married, grandchildren. one is in college, and three sons are at home. CLASS OF 1916 CLASS OF 1931 Geisler, Max. Is sales promotion manager for the Harry Garver, Raymond D. Is retired from the U.S.F.S. and has Alter Co. He has a wife and three children. one son and five grandchildren. He belongs to Chevy CLASS OF 1918 Chase Citizens Ass'n., Chevy Chase Fossils, and the Donahoo, John F. John is retired from Lockheed Air Society of American Foresters. craft at Burbank, California. He keeps busy with McCormick, Leighton E. H. His family has shrunk to swimming and other activities. He has a wife, "the Bessie, Mac, and the old cat. Daughters Barbara and boss," one daughter, one grandson and two grand Jo Ellen live in Denver, Colorado, and son Leighton daughters. is in the Marines. CLASS OF 1922 Zimmerman, Elliott W. Has a wife and two married Morris, Rodger D. He is retired from the U.S.F.S. and sons. One is an administrator at St. Luke's Hospital, he and his wife are living in Arizona. Their one son is Milwaukee; the other is a medical student at the Uni an M.D. at Massa General Hospital in Boston. versity of Wisconsin. Pohle, Edwin. Ed is owner of the Southern Lumber CLASS OF 1936 Company of San Jose, California and owner of some Campton, K. C. Has two boys, one a junior in high timber property in Trinity County. If he can get a school and the other in 9th grade. He was elected vice little cooperation he plans to try a first in tree farms chairman for Ohio Valley Section of FPRS. in the west-a black walnut tree farm. Getty, Russell E. Is State Director of the BLM for Oregon and Washington. He is a married and has four CLASS OF 1923 children. Prout, John C. Is the State Fm:ester for the state of Cranston, Keith. Forestry Consultant throughout the Minnesota. He is married and ha,s two children. South and Southeast for industrial and private land Trenk, Fred B. Retired Extension Forester, University of Minnesota. owners since 1947, with headquarters in Lreland, Mis CLASS OF 1926 sissippi. Formerly with the TVA in CCC days, Corps of Engineers, the Farm Forester with Louisiana Agricul Mcintire, G. S. Mr. Mcintire retired as State Forester tural Service, Project Forester with the Timber of Michigan in 1961, and has spent much of his time Production War Project, on the Re-Appraisal of the traveling with his wife in the U.S. and Canada. They South in 1945, and with the Hardwood Branch, So. plan to go to Mexico this winter. Forest Experiment Station, Stoneville, Miss. Has a CLASS OF 1928 wife, Izella Reppe Cranston, (ex. Iowa State) grad. of Lepley, William M. Returned home recently after spend Delta State College, Cleveland, Mississippi 1960. ing spring and summer terms studying and traveling Daughter is Sylvia Cranston McDaniel, with 4 chil in the Republic of Ireland. Mr. Lepley's son is quarter dren. back on the junior high school football team. CLASS OF 1937 Ball, Donald R. Mr. Ball has two daughters, both Overby, ]ames F. Has a son at ISU and a daughter at married, and one son, a senior in high school. Don is SUI. presently serving as Assistant Regional Forester in CLASS OF 1939 California. Bjornson, Harold B. Was granted the honorary degree of Boeckh, Fred E. Fred is Assistant General Manager for Doctor of Divinity last spring. His daughter was M. & 0. Paper Company at International Falls. He has married June 3rd to Douglas Brown. They had both one daughter and one granddaughter. graduated from Linfield College the day before. CLASS OF 1929 Chambers, Wayne R. Is a Photogrammetric Engineer Olson, Roy W. Roy has been U.S.F.S. Defense Coordi with R. M. Towill Inc. He is working on a photogram nator in Washington for the past two years, and has metry and precise control survey for the San Francisco other administrative duties. He says working in the Bay area Rapid Transit Project. Washington office has given him a greater insight into Grliu, Robert B. Has a wife, Ruth, and 4 children; 3 all branches of Forest Service activities. His daughter boys and 1 girl. will graduate from college this spring and start gradu Hoskins, Robert N. Married and has four children, three ate school in the fall. daughters and one son. Children's names: Nancy 15, CLASS OF 1930 Mary 13, Julia 11, and Robert 8. Burkett, Luther B . Has four girls and two boys. Max is Miller, Norman R. Has a wife, Evelyn, sons Tim, 16, a marketing manager for a nuclear heating element, and Christopher, 5, daughters Kitty and Cindy, 15 and working for National Carbon Comany in Lawrence 10. burg, Tenn. Son Steve is now teaching at Eugene, CLASS OF 1940 Oregon. Mr. Burkett belongs to the American Society Applequist, Martin B. Has 3 children; Edward, 18, Mark, of Training Directors, Society of Personnel Admini 15, Karen, 11, also wife Louise. stration, and the National Safety Council. Benda, Kenneth. Is a State Senator and State Chairman 58 The 1964 for Radio Free Europe which recently sent him on a Herrick, David. He is married and has a wife, Ann, a tour of Germany. His daughter, Barbara, is a senior daughter Michelle 19, a sophomore at Southern Ill. at Grinnell College; son, James is in the 7th grade. U. and a son, David, 10. Cutler, Vern H. Has a son, Gene, in his 2nd year of Pre Halbrook, Quincy X. Is a civil engineer for the USGS Med. at Emory University; son, Danny has another and is a member of the American Society of Photo year of high school; daughter, Pamela, is looking for grammetry. ward to high school in 2 more years. Kucera, Clair L. Is chairman of the Botany Department Schwane, Henry H . Retired from the U.S. Air Force and at the University of Missouri at Columbia. He has moved to Idaho. been active in biological research, both in Missouri CLASS OF 1941 and Costa Rica and will take a leave of absence next year for travel, writing and research. Cool, Bing. Has three girls aged 19, 16, and 6. Linder, Ward 0 . Is Sales Representative for Rexford CLASS OF 1942 Paper Co. in Milwaukee, Wis. Austin, Don B. Administration and Management of Montgomery, joel. Is working in sales for Gittings Lum company lands of American Can Co. He is married ber Company in Denver, Colorado. He and his wife, and has one 15 year old son. Maxine, joined the 1963 summer campers for Sunday dinner at Winter Park last summer. Pallard, Bob. Married and has two children. Stephen 10, and Lorna 4. Van Gilst, G. W. Is serving as Supervisor on the South Tongass National Forest in Alaska, living in Ketchi kan. His two girls are in the 8th and 1st grade; his Our prodigal son is in the fifth grade. Senior Editor, CLASS 0 F 1948 Don Leaverton. Arlen, William H. Is employed by the Forest Service as Timber Management Assistant in Texas. He is married and reports no children. He is active in his local SAF group and belongs to the American Forestry Associ ation and the Texas Forestry Association. Teuber, Ross L. Ross is an lnsrtuctor General at the new USFS Training Center at Continental Divide, New Buck, George A. Returned February 1963 from 39 Mexico. His family consists of wife, Clara, son Larry months in Mannheim, Germany. Retired as Lt. Col. Ross 12, and daughter Rebecca Ann 9. See article from U. S. Army on December 1, 1963. He will attend this issue. Drake University as full time student beginning Feb CLASS OF 1949 ruary 1964. He is married and has one son 10 years old. Doolittle, Darle M. He is married and has two daughters, Jensen, Harold ] . Working in reforestation on the Gif Tamara and Cynthia and wife, Donna. ford Pinchot National Forest. He has four children in Harrington, Thaddeus S. Mr. Harrington is in timber school. His wife, Helen, is active in Cub Scout work. mgt. research. He is married and has five children; Quirin, Arthur F. Now in the life insurance business as Jeff 8, Patty 7, Timmy 5, Matthew 4, and Teresa 1. a special agent of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Schmidt, Howard N. Is supervising company logging Co. of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is still interested in operations for Crown Zellerbach Co. He recently had the lumber business. Has a son, Jim, in the University a write-up in Forest Industries and Pulpwood Produc or Oregon Honors College; a daughter, Sue, at Antioch tion on logging and sawmilling. His wife was recently College; a son, Tom, at Dallas High School; a son, elected department historian for the Department of Rick, who is the youngest. Louisiana American Legion Auxilliary. Rice, William. Is a partner in a wholesale lumber deal ing firm concerned with west coast lumber and a Northern Michigan stud mill. He is married with wife, Bea, and four children, Bob 13, Cynthia 11, Richard 9, and Billy 2 months. CLASS OF 1943 Our prodigal Porter, G. I. Has his own business, G. I. Porter Assoc. Faculty Editor, which is tied in directly with recreation and watershed protection as a basis for maintaining and improving Larry Robbins. hunting and fishing. Thomson, G. W. "Doc" is still with the ISU Forestry De partment, teaching Forest Management and Photo grammetry and carrying out counselling duties. CLASS 0 F 1946 Allyn, Allan. Engaged in land and timber acquisition and tree farm family activities for Crandon Paper CLASS OF 1950 Mills, Inc. in Fort Madison, Iowa. He has a wife, Vesta, and a 4-year old son, Mike. Carson, Benjamin F. Has 2 sons, 17 and 12 years old. Little, Warren T . Is presently chief of the Division of Transferring from Timber Management Staff of Timber Management Research at Upper Darby, Pa. Chequomegan N .F . at Park Falls, Wisconsin, to Tim Warren served as Chairman of the Division of Forest ber Sale Administration and Appraisal Staff, Region Management at the 1963 National SAF meeting in 10, Juneau, Alaska. Boston. He attended the Second North American Gill, ]ames M. Buyer of Forest Products for Wickes Forest Soils Conference at Oregon State University in Corp., Medford, Oregon. August, 1963. Recently had lunch with Bill Chilcote ]ones, Robert E. Responsible for planning and program ('43) and his wife; the first time he had seen Bill ming line clearance activities for high voltage trans in 20 years. Warren's daughter, Linda, is a sophomore mission lines for the Commonwealth Edison Company, at Pennsylvania State University this year. Chicago. Robert and his wife, Barbara, have three children. CLASS OF 1947 Knop, Blaine M. As V.P. of Kerns Company, Blaine is Crow ther, C. R. Is Associate Professor of Forestry at President of Grays Harbor Chair and Mfg. Co. and of Michigan College of Mining and Technology. Rogers Wood Products Co. AMES FORESTER 59 Kuefner, Wayne H. Has seven children and is superin tendent of a paper mill for the Flintkote Co., San Leandro, Calif. Larson, Richard E. Has worked with U.S.F.S. since 1951, and is currently assigned to Ohio and Wabash River Basin studied being conducted by U .S.D.A. Richard is single. Riley, John R. Is single and has been a cartographer with the U.S. Navy for 12 years. Schlick, William T. Chairman of the Central Oregon Remember Chapter of S.A.F. and is spending January to June in Washington D.C. on a training program. He and his when? wife, Mary, have three children, Bill in the 8th grade, Kitty in the 6th, and Joe in the 5th. CLASS OF 1951 Bauer, Theodore J. Is married and has two children. Craft, Rolland E., Jr. He has been doing forest manage ment and research work in northern Pennsylvania with the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Co. Fleming, Lester C. Works for the Iowa State Conser vation Commission. Has five children ranging in age from 3 to 14 years. Glaser, Donald E. Works for U.S.F.S. and is a member of SAF. Has three children, ages 1, 2, and 12. Hanson, Norman. Norm is a self-employed consulting forester and tree farmer at Drakesville, Iowa. ceived Pilot Wings in 1956, was a co-pilot of KC-97's Hungate, George. Is married and has one daughter for SAC from 1956-61, a pilot of KC-97's in 1961-62, Annette Sue, age 2 years 7 months. George is presi and a pilot of KC-135's in 1963. He has a wife Barb dent of the Superior Lumber Company at Iron Moun ara, sons David and Daniel, and a daughter, Carol. tain, Michigan, and is engaged in distributing hard Keesey, John C. Married and has three children, Anne wood lumber. 6, Michael 5, and Christopher 2. John is involved in Lang, Jervis W. Is sales manager of General Plywood State and private fire protection, management, tree Corp., Lockport, Iowa. Jervis is married and has two planting assistance, and other state-private forestry daughters. programs in New Mexico. Rehm, R. S. Sales representative for Potlatch Forests, Lassen, Lawrence. Works in the Division of Wood Qual Inc.; is married with one girl, and one boy. ity Research, U.S. Forest Products Lab, Madison, Wis Smith, Walter A. Is married and has four children. He is consin. He is married and has two children. supervisor of the Delco Battery Corp., East Brunswick, Richards, Merril L. Richard is married and has one N.J. child. He is a member of the American Society of Tomascheski, ]. He is chairman of the Eastside Forest Range Management. ers' Assoc. He is married and has 6 children. Schallau, Con H. Con is a forest economist at the Lake CLASS OF 1952 States Forest Experiment Station. We received a letter Campbell, Donald C. Has a wife, Dorothy and three from Mr. Schallau commenting on last year's issue children, Deborah 10, Dunette 8, and Daniel 3. Don is for which we were most grateful. We'd appreciate a member of SAF, the American Forestry Association, hearing from all the alumni once in a while! and the Air Force Association. He is a Recreation CLASS OF 1955 Planner for the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, Depart Barrington, John C. He is married and has three ment of Interior. children, two daughters Noreen 7, and Jana 5, and Clark, Wendell P. Is currently conducting profitability one son Stephen 2. His wife's name is Mary Ann. studies of sawmills and plywood mills in Idaho. The Chelstad, Gene. Gene is married and has a daughter, results of these studies will form the basis for a 10- aged 2. year operating plan. He plans to study opportunities Jack, Lyle E. He is married and he and his wife, Alice, for investment in specialized wood products in the have three children, Nanci 7, Susan 6, and David 3. near future. He has three children. Ploen, Delbert L. Married and has three sons Mark, Jeff Hartman, T. A. Is owner and operator of the Ripplewood and Kye . Resort, Big Sur, Calif. Ted is married and has three Ter Louw, Joe W. Joe is responsible for layout and ad girls. ministration of 126,000 Mbf annual cut on the Oak Haygfeen, John. Associate Professor of Forest Products ridge Ranger District, Williamette National Forest, Engineering at the School of Forestry, University of Oregon. He and his wife, Ruth, have two sons. Minn. Van Deusen, Jim. Conducting studies in levels of grow Hemphill, Merlyn W. Manufacturing Manager for ing stock, healing rate of pruning wounds, and Weye):'hauser Co. periodic growth and development of Black Hills pond CLASS OF 1953 erosa pine. He is chairman of the Black Hills Chapter Arrasmith, Paul W. He is married and has 3 children, of SAF. Jim is married and has one son. 2 daughters, ages 11 and 9 and one son age 5. He is CLASS OF 1956 a recreation specialist with the BLM concerned with Andreas, Lee G. Lee is Instructor of Conservation at planning, development and utilization of recre Wisconsin State College and is Secretary-Treasurer of ation resources of the public lands administered by the Wisconsin Rapids Chapter of SAF. He is married the BLM in Washington and Oregon. and has two boys and one girl. Campbell, Oliver F. Sells particleboard and plywood in Clauson, Robert D. Robert is married and has two boys Calif. He is married and has one son, Scott. and one girl. Christ, Duane. Married in Sept. 1963 and works for IBM Devaul, Franklin D. Factory Superintendent for Inter as a programmer. national Paper Co. He is married and has two children. Popp, Richard D. Is a forester in charge of the Spokane Gill, Ronald B. Married and has one son. Works on Line Indian Reservation, Cleuelah, Wash. Richard and his Sales for Georgia-Pacific. wife, Peggy have two boys, Mark 4 and Troy 11/z years Hoiu, David C. Dave is an Administrative Assistant with old. the BLM at Las Vegas, Nevada. He is married and has Shaw, Adalbert F. Is pilot for American Airlines, and is one daughter, 5 years old. married. CLASS OF 1957 CLASS OF 1954 Albrecht, David J, Is married and has two daughters, Corrigan, Clayton H. Entered Air Force in 1955. Re- Barbara 4, and Susan 1V2 years old. 60 The 1964 Bouman, Lane ]. Married and has four children. ing starting in Jan. He has a wife Ruth but no Ethin gton , Robert. Bob is a member of FPRS, SWST, children. SAF, Sigm a Xi, and Gamma Sgima Delta. He and his Hanks, Leland F. He is presently working on a U.S.F.S. wife Ellen have two daughters, Teresa and Sheryl. log and tree grade project at the Central States Forest Perkins, John B . John is married and has sons, Brian 5 Experiment Station. and Daniel 4. ]ones, Robert L. Worked on Missouri National Forest for Stewart, Robert E. Robert and his wife, Pat, have three one year. He is presently in the U.S. Army. Bob has children . a wife Mary and a small daughter, Anglea, 2. ¥ argus, Wayne. Forester for BIA at Wind River Reser Little, Harry G. Is engaged in range and wildlife studies, vation, where he moved from McNary, Arizona, range improvement and revegetation projects, prepar Apache Reservation. He is married and has three ing management plans, and the administration of children. livestock grazing on the range district. He has three CLASS OF 1958 daughters, Laurie 7, Kathy 4, and Joyce 2 months Arney, Richard ]. Richard is a member of SAF. He is and one son John, 18 months old. married and has one daughter. Madsen, Arnold R. Is currently working on a compart Clausen , Melvin D. Melvin is working on timber sales mentization study on the Malheur National -Forest. He and fire protection for the Pennsylvania Dept. of will be married this spring. Forests and W ater. Smith, David W . Is currently with the USN. He and his Muntz, Hilton. Reverand Muntz is the pastor of Grace wife Bev have one daughter, Laurie, aged 5. Methodist church in Norway, Michigan. He is married Messerschmidt, Dale K. Dale has a wife, Catherine, and and h as one daughter, 16 months. a son and daughter. Saylor, L. C. Is doing research and teaching in the area Spencer, Gerre L. Wife and three children ages 6, 3, and of speciation and cytogenetics of forest trees. He is 10 months. married; wife Marilyn, and daughter Christi. CLASS OF 1961 T ompkins, George L . George is working on timber sale Aegerter, John C. Returned to old job as Project Forester prepara tion, appraisal and administration. George is on Klamath Ranger iDstrict in Nov. '62 after 5 mo. on not married. military leave. John has a wife Brenda, (I.S.U. Home Williams, Henry S. He is married and has two sons, 3 Econ.) and a daughter, Cathleen, aged 2. and 1112 and one daughter, 4 mo. Henry is a member Howells, Benjamin. He is married with wife, Rhea Mae, of SAF and an employee of the Bureau of Indian Af and a daughter, Sarah 2. fairs. Reves, Roger G. Roger will be released from the Army CLASS OF 1959 at the end of '63. He plans to spend the summer on Baker, Dean P. Dean is married and has one son, aged his Father's farm by Minburn and then seek a forestry 2 . job in the fall. Rodenberger, Paul E . He is a member of SAF and the Warick Carl D. Member of the S.A.F. and A.S.R.M. He Forest History Society, Western Forestry and Conser has two children, David 2, and Karla Kae 2 months. vation Association. He is married; wife Eve Lynn and CLASS OF 1962 one son, Paul E ., Jr. Bugenhagen, ]on L . Presently in the U.S. Army, sta Ficke, ]ames E . Is married and has wife, Barbara, and tioned in Augsburg, Germany. son, Jim. Carter, Stanley W . ]r. Stanley is married and has no Fields, Bob L . He is a member of SAF, the Southeast children. He is presently working on large sale lay Missouri Foresters Club, and the Lions Club. Bob has outs including cruising, marking unit locations, work a wife, Patricia, two daughters, Debra 10 and Vicki ing appraisals, and advertisements and contracts. All 7, and one son, Timmy 2lf2. training aimed at preparation for sale administration. Hambrock , Richard L. Richard has a wife, Mary Ann, Cline, ]. P. Field representative for Albemarle Paper Co. and three girls, Glenda Lea 6, Krista Ann 4 , and Karla He reports no additions to his family. Gae 1. Gagen, Michael H . Presently in the U.S. Navy and plans Kaderabek, ] . K. He is doing timber sales work, range completion of active duty in June-July of '64. He has rehabilita tion, and erosion control. James is married a wife, Marilyn, and reports no children. and has two daughters, 3lf2 and 2 yrs. Lorio, Pete. He is married and has three girls and a Sw anson, William S. William is married and has two boy-OOPS another arrival last Nov., a boy Peter L. daughters, Valerie 2 and Leslie 1. He is a member of III. SAF. Norton, Calvin. He is married and has two children, T yrrel, Robert R. Robert is married and has three aged 2 & 4. children, wife, Janeti, daughters Kari Kay, Lori Lynn, Schwartz, Lorin P. Presently a practicing general for and son Steven Robert. ester doing recon, layout, cruising, appraisal and con CLASS OF 1960 . tractive administration work. Lorin is married and has Goins, Richard. Richard is presently a forester with two children; wife, Jean, daughter Lori 5, and son Weyerhaeuser, but he will be in Industrial Engineer- Jimmy 3. Stepanek, Dean E. Dean is a range and forestry tech nologist with BLM. He was recently transferred from Shoshone, Idaho to Coeur d'Alene. He was married on June 15, 1963 to Wanda Lee Bancroft of Shoshone. Voss, Ronald L. Ron is working for the Tahoe Timber Co. in Nevada. He is married and has a daughter, Robin age 1. CLASS OF 1963 Meltzer, William H . Bill is working as a Service Forester in Kentucky. He is married and has no children. The rightful use and purpose of our natural re sources is to make all the people strong and well, able and wise, well-taught, well-fed, well-clothed, well housed, full of knowledge and initiative, with equal opportunity for all and special privilege for none. -Gifford Pinchot AMES FORESTER 61 Alumni Directory 1900 GEISLER, MAX, 925 Wesley Ave., Evanston, Ill., Sales Promotion, Harry Alter Co. MAST, W. H., Deceased. MQCARTHY, C. C., 301 Edgewood Dr., Webster City, Ia., City Manager. JONES, G. C., Address Uncertarn. 1904 1917 MERRITT, MELVIN L., Deceased. HARTMAN, GEORGE B., Deceased. HENRY, A. S., 6320 Roosevelt Road, Oak Park, Ill., Sales Manager, A us 1905 tin Brothers Construction Co. QUINT, ]. HARLEY, Deceased. SECOR, ARTHUR J., Keosaqua, Iowa, IndePendent Forester. VEACH, CLAUDE H., 10521 Waller Road, Tacoma 44. Wash. 1907 1918 BALTHIS, RUSSELL FOREST, 2301 Bomar St., Vicksburg, Miss. Self DAVIS, E. M., 3121 Oxford Road, Madison, Wis., Principal Wood Tech employed. nologist, U.S. Forest Products Laboratory. DONAHOO, JOHN F., 730 Captain Cook Ave., Apt. 538, Honolulu 14, Hawaii, R etired. 1908 HADLOCK, FRANK D., Route I, Rummerfield, Pa., Retired. BAXTER, W. G., Deceased. HAEFNER, HENRY, 4242 Northeast Failing St., Portland 13, Ore., 1919 Retired. DAVIS, EDWARD M., 3121 Oxford Road, Madison, Wis., Retired . 1909 1920 ALLEN SHIRLEY, 1137 S. Quince St., Esceondido, Calif., Professor of Forestry, Emeritus, University of Michigan. BAKER, C. ]., 5308 Clinton Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., Teaching. DEMING, MILO H., 804 Oakwood Div., Falls Church, Virginia, Range Conservationist, Research, B.L.M. 1911 FLETCHER, R. A., 216 Orange, Oakland Cal., Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. HOYER, VERNE B., 717 S. 7th, Cottage Grove, Ore., Self Emptoyed. FREEMAN, FRANK G., 1928 Greenleaf St., Santa Anna, Calif., Insurance. Public Accountant. HOFFMAN, ARTHUR F. C., Deceased. LOY, E. C., Deceased. KOEPKE, W. C., Address Uncertain. MOORHEAD, JOHN W .. Drcrn ~e d. REYNOLDSON, LeROY A., 6319 · 33rd St. N.W., Washington 15, D.C., MORRELL, FRED W., Deceased. Retired. WALL, LLOYD A., Box 392, Taos, N. M., Retired. SMITH, PERCY T., Deceased. WHITHAM, J . C., Deceased. 1921 AVERY, N. A .. Laramie Wyoming, Assistant Superoisor, M edicine Bow 1912 N. F. CORMANY, CONRAD P., 240 Melrose Ave., Kenilworth, lll., Self Em LESSEL, L. R., Deceased. Ployed. O'BANION, A. C., Fertile, Minn. RINGHEIM, H. I., Box 25, White Rock, B.C., Canada, Retired. RICHMOND, HOWARD H., Cass Lake, Minn., Timber Producer. 1922 SMITH, WILLIAM A., Deceased. TRUAX, THOMAS R., 3813 Council Crest, Madison, Wis., Retired. BUCK, K. J., APO 28 N .Y., N.Y., Battalion Officer. FENNELL, ROBERT E., 951 North Irvington, Indianapolis 19 , Ind., Retired. 1913 LING, WEN MING, Chengtu, Szechwan, China, Vocational Agriculture, University of Nanking. BAXTER, L. J., Galva, Ia., Farming. MORAVETS, F. L., 5236 Southwest Burton Drive, Portland, Ore., Retired. CLARK, H. B., 5001 Nicholas, Omaha, Neb., District Manager, A. E. MORRIS, ROGER D., 5518 North Wilshire Drive, Tucson, Ariz., R e Robinson Company, Irrigation Engineers. tired (U. S. F. S.). HENSEL, R. L., Address Uncertain. POHLE, EDWIN W., 14466 Oak Place, Saratoga, Calif., Own er, Southern RINGHEIM, HORACE I., Box 25, White Rock, B.C., Canada, Retired. Co. STEFFEN, EDWIN H., Deceased. WATTS, LYLE F., Deceased. 1923 BOGEN, A. J., 13431 Danbury Lane, Apt. 134F, Seal Beach, California. 1914 DUNN, PAUL M., 40 Washington St., East Orange, New Jersey, Vice HASSEL. W. C., 1158 J . Ave., N.W., Cedar Rapids, Ia., Penick and Ford, President, St. Regis Paper Co. Incorporated. PROUT, CLAREN~E W ., 5552-24th Ave., South, Minneapolis 17 , Minn., Director, Div. of Forestry, Minnesota Department of Conservat ion. HAYES, RALPH W., Baton Rouge, La., Retired (School of Forestry, TRENK, FRED B., Box 98, Arena, Wise., Executive Secretary, Wisconsin Louisiana State University). Christmas Tree Producers Association. NAGEL, WILLIAM M., Address unknown. Retired. WATKINS, E. W., 4332 Southwest Lobelia St., Portland I, Ore, Bureau STERETT, JOHN C., 249 S. Villa Ave., Villa Park, Ill., Real Estate. VAN BOSKTRK,S., Deceased. of Construction . Public Works Department, City of Portland. WOLF, E. T ., Ad. Unknown. WOLVIN, RAY M., 1022 West 19th St., Santa Ana, Calif., Retired. 1924 MARTIN, CHESTER W., Old Post Road, Old Lyme, Conn., State Parh 1915 and Forest Commission. MILLER, ALLEN F., 5155 Nebraska Ave. NW, Wash. 8, D. C., Assistant BODE, IRWIN T., Beverly Park Apt. 2-D, 730 West Beverly Blvd., Chief, Division of Recreation and Lands, U .S. Forest Servtce. Whittier, Calif., Retired. RUTTER, FRANK J., 623 Echo Lane, Glenview, Ill., Huss Lumber HARLEY, WILLIAM P., 1506 Park Ave., S.W., Albuquerque, N. Mex., Company. President, ]. C. Baldridge Lumber Company. HICKS, LOWELL E., Address Uncertain. SCHRECK, R. G., Deceased. 1925 SMITH, R. P ., 6649 Octiho, Scottsdale, Ariz. CORRELL, LYNNE M., 5 Arlington Ave., Berkeley 7, Calif. DURRELL, GLEN R., 1324 N. Washington, Stillwater, Okla .. H ead, 1916 Department of Forestr)', Oklahoma A & M College. HOWELL, JOSEPH, JR., Address Uncertain ... CASSIDY, H. 0., Deceased. NELSON, DEWITT, 1401 Teneighth Way, Sacramento 18, Calif., CORNELL, HARVEY H., 151 East Barcelona Road, Santa Fe, New Mex., Director, Department of Natural Resources, State of California. Chief Landscape Architect, National Park Service. TOWNE, CHARLES R., 5657 Rock Port, T ex., Retired. 62 The 1964 1926 BARNOSKE, FRANCIS M., Deceased. FARNSWORTH, C. EUGENE, 1219 Lancaster Ave., Syracuse 10, New York, Professor, College of Forestry, . State University of New York. GREEF, CHARLES H., Box 385, Amanllo, Tex., Owner, Greet Lumber Sales. HARRISON, C. L., 1010 Lynnwood, Rolla, Mo., Supervisor, Mark Twain N ational Forest. HASEK, MILVOJ, Address Uncertain. T. A. Foley HOGAN, JACK BROOKS, 2776 N. E. Diamon Lake Blvd., Roseburg. Ore., Supervisors Staff, Umpqua National Forest. KOUBA, THEODORE F., 1962 North Prospect Ave., Milwaukee 2, Wis., Rep;ional Office, U. S. Forest Service. MciNTIIRE, GEORGE S., 2626 Libbie Dr. Lansing, Mich. Retired (State Forester of Michigan). Lumber Co., Inc. McKENNAN, RUSSELL B., U. S. Forest Service, South Building, Agri· culture, Washington 25, D. C., General InsPector, Office of the Chief, U .S.F.S. MEYER, RUSSELL E., 107 Lewis Lane Knoxville, Illinois, General Manager-Alton Box Board Co., Chicago Mill & Lumber Co . PICKFORD, GERALD D., P.O. 192 Forrest Grove, Iowa. SCHULZE, NATHAN C., Address Uncertain. SVENDBY, CLARENCE, USOM-Columbia % Dept. of State, Washington 25, D.C., Silviculturist, Intemational Cooperation Administration. Manufacturers of THARP. ORLO E., Bellefontaine, Ohio, Farming. WALLING, RAYMOND C .. Address Unknown . WEST, JACK W., 768 28th St., Ogden, Utah, U. S. Forest Service. HARDWOOD 1927 FULLERTON, NEIL, Box 331, Thompson Falls, Mont., Cabinet Na tional Forest. GIBBS, J. A., Decet1sed. HUTCHINGS, GORDON C., Route I, Henderson, Colo., Owner of LUMBER Commercial Fish Hatrhery. JACKSON, MARION D., Deceased. LATHAM, ORRIN L., Wanakena, N. Y., Associate Profe.~. AMES FORESTER 63 STOUGHTON, MARGARET (Mrs. C. A. Abe)l), 1369 Tomlee Dr. Berk DALE, JIM E., 1005 Elm St., Conway, N. C., Forester, W. M. Ritter ley, Calif., Housewife. Lumber Co. WAMBOLD, LLOYD D., Lakeview, Ore., Chief Forester, Fremont Lum DYKSTERHUIS, EDSKO J., 5342 Cleveland Ave., University Place, Lin· ber Company. coin 4, Nebr., Chief, Range Division, Soil Conseroation Service. GIFFEN, WILLIAM DUNCAN, 3007 Hickory St., Alexandria, Virginia. GRAY, GORDON J., 62!LCody, Denver 15, Colo., Regional Off., U.S.F.S. 1931 HARMON, WENDELL H., 1840 South Shady Hollow Way, Oswego, Ore- gon .. U.S.F.S .. Divt'\iOn of TimhPr M!ft .. Rel{ion 6. BENSON, ELLSWORTH, H., 3824 Apple, Lincoln, Nebr., Assistant State HINKLEY, HARRY S., 703 E. Bald Mtn. Rd., Sonora, Calif., Farm Extension Forester Univ. Nebr. Advisor, Agricultural Extension Service, University of California. BOEGER, HAROLD, 205 E. Spring, Dayton, Wash., Work Unit Con INTERMILL, WEBSTER W., 115 Edwards St., West Houghton, Mich., senJationist, Soil Conurvation Service. Forester, Consolidated Water, Power and Paper Company. BRANDS, ANDREW F., 2523 Weigelia Rd. NE, Atlanta 6, Ga., Regional KLINE, GEORGE, Deceased. Office, U. S. Forest Service. POTTER, EWART D., Partner, Adrew Bather Company, Florists. CHASE, CLARENCE D., 2717 Delaware, Southeast, Minneapolis 14. SCHAFER. ARTHUR 0., 714 Margaret St., Rhinelander, Wise., Assistant Minn., Forester, Lake States Forest Experiment Station. Supervisor,_Nicolet National Forest. CHIPMAN, RUSSELL L., 3106 Pelzer Ave., Montgomery, Ala., Super SWANSON, CHARLES M., 89 Skyline Cr., Reno, Nev., Forester, Feather visor of Alabama National Forest. River Lumber Co. DODGE, ALBERT F., 714 Stanton Ave., Ames, Ia., U. S. Plant Intra · duction Program. GARVER, RAYMOND D., 5822 Nevada Ave. N.W., Washington 15, D.C .. Retired. GRISWOLD, GERALD H., 102 Nichols, Vicksburg, Miss., Appraiser, U.S. 1933 Corps of Engineers. HOUGH, JOHN P., 1007 Ivy Lane, Fortuna, Calif. ILCH, DAVID M., R. M. Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Forestry Bldg., ANDERSON, CLARENCE E., Greenwood, So. C., District Ranger, Sum· C.S.U., Fort Collins, Colo., Chief, Div. of Station Management. ter National Forest. KRUSE, GERALD W., 46 Shaw Ave., Silver Springs( Md., Chief, Con DUNN, MILFRED R., Address Uncertain. struction Division, U. S. Corps of Engineers, Wash. Div. GIBSON, LAWRENCE M., 7th Avenue & 7th St. So., Park Falls, Wis., LUBBERTS, DONALD R ., Rt. 5 Box 993, West Tucson, Ariz., Hybrid SulPhite Superintendent, Flambeau PaPer Division, Kansas City Star Corn Gorwing. Co. McCORM~CK, LEIGHTON, 1-34 Agriculture Building, Columbia, Mo., GRAU, EDWIN H., 719 Shattuck, Greenville, Miss., Woods Operating Professor of Forestry. Extension SPecialist, University of Missouri. Superintendent, U. S. Gypsum Co. MOSER, HAROLD C., 5323 Lost Trail, Louisville 14, Ky., Vice Presi- GOTTSCHALK, FRED W., 1021 -7th Ave. Lewiston, Idaho. dent, Gamble Brother.<. GRAVES WALTER L., 82 13 Conn. St.. Albuquerque, New Mexico., NEWLAND, HARROD B., 207 Crestwood Drive, Frankfort, Ky. HART, EUGENE D., 8120 Maitland, Inglewood 4, Calif. PRIESTER, F. T ., 5964 Guthrie St., Los Angles 34, Calif. HENRIKSON , EINAR L., Address Uncertain. ROCHE, LLOYD J., 314 1st St. Independence, Iowa, Farming. JAUCH, JACOB, 3227 St. Clair Ave., Pueblo, Colo., District Ranger, San SMITH, CLYDE TREMAN, 303 Spring St., Campbellsport, Wis., Area Isabel National Forest. Supervisor- Forests and Parks, TVisconsin Conservation Department. KOWSKI, FRANK F., Box 583 Grand Canyon, Ariz., Training Officer, THIELKING, KARL F., 8416 Tulane Dr., Hyattsville, Md., Publica Nfltional Park Service. tions Editor, Soil Conservation Service. McCOMB, ANDREW L., Head, Department of Watershed Manage UNSER, GEORGE M., Rapid City, ·s. D., Northwest Engineering Co. ment, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. ZIEBARTH, KURT, 7 North Pueblo Road, Taos, New Mexico, Soil MELVIN, CLAIR R., 809 · 40 st., Ogden, Utah, Staff Forester, Regional Conservationist, Bureau of Indian Affairs. Office, U. S. Forest Service. ZIMMERMAN. ELLLIOT W., 4441-31st St., South Arlington, Va., OLSON, EARL F., Norris, Tenn., Forester, Division of Forestry Relations, Branch Chief, S.&PF. Div. of Cooperative Mgt., USFS. Tennessee Valley Authority. PONOMAREFF, NICHOLAS V., Rt. 4, Box 88, Tucson, Ariz., Owner, Flowerland Nursery LandscaPe and Flower Shop. 1932 SACK IVAN N., 1555 S Wells, Reno, Nev., Supervisor, Toiyabe National Forest. ANDERSON, HELMER, R.R. 4, Box 138, Chippewa Falls, Wis., U. S. STEAVENSON, HUGH A., Elsberry, Mo., President, Forest Keeling Nur Soil Cons. Serv. sery. COONS, HAROLD S., 1515 Lake, Ogden, Utah, Assistant Regional STONE, WENDELL EVERETT. 163 1 Lake Park Dr., Laurel, Miss., Forester, USFS. self emPloyed, PulPwood Dealer. R. s. BACON VENEER co. 4702 Augusta Blvd., Chicago, Ill. IMPORTERS- MANUFACTURERS We carry a large and complete inventory of all foreign and domestic fine face veneers, VENEER including our "Treasure Chest" of rare stocks for custom architectural woodwork. We operate a walnut sawmill in Dubuque, Iowa. We specialize in walnut, but also handle LUMBER all other popular foreign and domestic hardwoods. Originators and manufacturers of Panawall, the beautiful ,1,4" V-grooved plywood with PANAWALL® the identical appearance of individual boards. Available in genuine mahogany, walnut, wild cherry, oak, brown elm, birch, butternut, pecan, hackberry, teak and many others. MOULDINGS Standard mouldings to go with any species of Panawall. ASSOCIATE Hubbard Walnut Div., Dubuque, Iowa Buyers of Walnut Lumber, Logs and Timber ., 64 The 1964 BRINKMAN, KENNETH A., 819 Edgewood, Columbia, Missouri, For ester, Central States Forest Experiment Station. CARLSON, HENNING, 1010 Denver, Boise, Idaho, Staff Forester, Boise Nat. Forest, U.S.F.S. Portraits CLOCKER, EVERETT H., 1107 Mavine Drive, Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.F.S. Tbr. Mgmt., Washington Office, Chief- Branch of Land Sur veys. COMPTON, KENNETH C., 87 Aldrich Rd., Columbus 14, Ohio, Forest Products T echnician, Central States Forest Experiment Station. & Application COX, DONALD E., Box 684, East Ely, Nevada, Dist. Ranger Humbolt Nat. Forest. CRANSTON, R. KEITH, SR., 401 Huddleston, Leland, Miss., Consult ling Forester, Keith Cranston & Associates. ELLERHOFF, MANS A., 2601 48th St., Des Moines, Iowa, Super intendent of Forestry, Iowa Conservation Commission. Photos ELSTON, LLOYD M., 1516 Bonforte Blvd., Pueblo, Colorado. FELKER, RALPH H., 1690 N. Lambert Lane, Provo, Utah, Area Conser Color or Black & White vationist, Soil Conservation Service. FERGUSON, LEWIS K., 612 South Moore St., Algona, Iowa, Senior Right-of-Way Agent, Iowa Highway Commission. GETTY, RUSSELL E., Rt. 3 Box 468, Dundee, Ore., State SuPervisor, HILL STUDIO Bureau of Land Management. GRAU, MARTIN F., 1603 Dale Ave., Altavista, Va., Woodlands Manager, 2530 LINCOLN WAY AMES, IOWA Virginia Timber Corp. ( U. S. Gypsum Company). HEYER, E. WINN, 30 Peachtree Rd., Basking Ridge, N. J. Sales Service Supervisor, Weyerhaeuser Co. JENSEN, ALVIN, 1145 First Ave., Ottawa, Ill., Engineer, Illinois Division of Highways . .TOHNSON, GLEN L. JOHNSON, R. VER LE, Lockwood Rd. R FD 2, Peekskill, N.Y. 1934 JULLE, W . LEROY, 14424 S. Wallace, Chicago 27, Ill., Lumber In s+u~rtor . Cook r.nunty / ,1 1m her ComPany. BATEMAN, BRYANT A., 645 Leeward Drive, Baton Rouge 2, La., LUNDQUIST, JOHN A., 2431 So. Wolcott Ave., Chicago, Ill., Sales Professor, Forestry School, Louisiana State University. Mgt., Edward Hines Lumber Co. BATTELL, FRED C., 2269 Carter Ave., St. Paul 8, Minn., Librarian, MILIU~. HANS C., Box 33 1, Bend, Ore., Forester, Brooks-Scan/on, Inc. Minnesota & Ontario Paper Co . McELHINNEY, GAIL D., Box 568, Princeton, British Columbia, Canada, CAMPBELL, SAMUEL L., Route I , Eldora, Iowa, Farming. Mgr. W estern Pine Lbr. Co. Ltd. CHISHOLM, LYLE W., Box 85, Bemidji. Minn., Agency Forester, Minn NISSEN, PAUL FRANK, 3008 D Ave. Northeast, Cedar Rapids, Ia., nesota Agency, Office of Tndian Affairs. Vice President, Nissen Trampoline Co. DORMAN, KEITH WILLIAM, Box 2570, Ashville, North Carolina, Asst. PERRY, JAMES R., cJo Simpson Redwood Co., P. 0. Box 35, Arcata. Chief, Div. of Timber Management, Southeast Forest Experiment Calif., Assistant Superintendent, Simpson Redwood Co. Station. RENAUD, JULES S., 602 Yorktown Drive, Alexandria, Va., TV Special DUERR, WILLIAM A., 121 Windsor Place, Syracuse 10, N.Y., Chairman, ist, Information & Education, U.S.D.A. Department of Forest Economics, College of Forestry, State Univer THAYER MARSHALL, 5016 Woodhaven, Olympia, Wash., Bio., U .S. sity of New York. Fish and Wildlife Serv. HATCH, W. L., Address Uncertain. TRIBBETT, VANCE A., Route 4, Box 700 Skyline Road, Salem, Oregon. HESS, R. W., 6855 S. W. Raleighwood Way, Apt. 32, Portland 25, Oregon, U. S. Bureau of Land Management. Director of Research, Georgia- Pacific Corporation. WIEHN, LEONARD J., 402 Anawanda Ave., Pittsburgh 34, Penn., HUBBARD, JOHN W., Box 325, Big Falls, Minn., Forester, Minnesota Production Planning Department, U. S. Steel Co. and Ontario PaPer Co. jENSEN, EVERETT J ., 4 Meadow Way, Fairfax, Calif., Forester, U. S. Forest Service. JOHNSON, 0. M., 2217 Lonedall Rd., Arnold, Mo. 1937 LEHMANN, ARTHUR F., Box 56, Keltys, Tex., Forester, Angelina County Lumber Company. BARTON, JAMES H., 6004 Dogwood Road, Knoxville 18, Tenn., NEWVILLE, DAROLD F., Superintendent, Minnesota Woodlands, Opera T ennessee Valley Authority. tions, Nekoosa-Edwards Paper Co. BAUGHMAN, ROBERT W., Route 3, Ames, Ia., Laboratory .4ssi.itant, RICHMAN, HUGO W., Freeport, Ill., Soil Conservationist, Soil Con Dairy Industry Dept., Iowa State University. servation Service. BRADFORD, MORSE V., Address Uncertain. SCHROEDER, G. M., 910 Renfraw, West Plains, Mo., Owner, Green COOK, H . C. FREEMAN, Box 324, Margarita Gatun, Canal Zone, A II house anr/ NursP.rv. W eather Estate (rubber Plantation). STRADT, GILBERT H., 2414 Walnut Drive N.W., Cleveland, Tennessee, CORNWELL, WM. G., Pender, Nebr., U. S. Post Office. Supervisor Cherokee National Forest. DANNENBERG, WALTER W ., 1797 Marigold, Greenville, Miss., Woods SUEDER, ROBERT G., 2988 Carrilee Drive, San Bernardino, California, Subl., U. S. Gypsum Co., Greenville, Miss. Chief Clerk, San Hernardino National Forest. DAVID, DONALD E., Ashworth Rd., Des Moines, Ia., Contract Plumber. DeYOUNG, CLARENCE E., 1124 Scholl Road, Ames, Iowa, Chief In s-hector. Materials. Iowa Highway Commi.t~ ion . 1935 DILWORTH, J. RICH ARD, 3610 H arrison, Corvallis, Oregon, Head Dept. of Forest Management, School of Forestry, Oregon State Col BROWNFIELD, R. C., Box 55 1, Aanaconda, Mont. lege. CAMPBELL, RICHARD B.. 1338 Hillendale, Salem, Ore., Forester, EHRENHARD, CLAYTON C., Fremont, Iowa, Farming. H. L. M., Salem Ore. FOLLEN, Wm. FRANCIS, 544 Will-o-Wisp Way, Jackson, Miss., Sales CHRISTENSEN, JOHN IRVING, 207 NE Blvd., Apt. I, Gainesville, Manager, Warren Wood Lbr. Co . Fl a., Forester, USFS . GRANSON, JOHN E., 954 P~rk Circle, Boone, Ia., Director, Alumni CU RTIS, ROBERT L., 6800 North 31st., Arlington, Virginia. Fund, Iowa State University. " DANNEN, DWIGHT LEONARD, P. 0 . Box 429, St. Joseph, Mo., Presi HOLSCHER, CLARKE E., 6405 Dahlon<;ga Rd., Washington 16, D.C., dent, Dannen Mills, Inc. Chief, Div. of Watershed ManageJ?ent Research, USFS. DOWNEY, EARL J ., Huntsville, Tex., Champion Paper & Fiber Co. KINKOR, CLARENCE P., Deceased . . HARVEY, RALPH R ., 5 12 Wes t So. St., Winterset, Ia., Soil Co nservation ist, Soil Conservation Service. HODGES, DONALD JOSEPH, 2904 8th Avenue, Pueblo, Colorado, Staff Forester, San Isabel National Forest. H URD, E. STANLEY, 5 10 Lincoln St., Rhinelander, Wis., Managing Forester, Consolidated Water, Power, and Paper Co. HUTCHINSON, R. R., Address Unknown. JACOBSEN, REUBEN E., Mineral, Wash., District Ranger, Sno qualmie Nat/. Forest. . KELfYd? .. MORRIS, DORSEY J ., Address Uncertain. MULLER, PAUL MAX, Rt. No. I, Clinton, S. C., Area Forester Con tinental Can Co. OLSON, OLIVER L., 60 Ruby Lane, Eugene, Oregon. OSTERMAN, DELBERT H ., R .R. I, Ames, Ia., Assistant Purchas ing Agent, Iowa State University. ROTTMAN, W. R., Box 93, Joshua Tree, Calif. Brochure and Prices: SCHLEMMER, NELSON, Route 3, Elmwood Platt, Troy, Ohio, Re search Engineer, Hobart Brothers Company. THOMAS, GAIL M., 738 E. Emerson, Bend, Ore., District Forest Engi neer, W estern Pine Association. VANDENOEVER, E. H., 5451 S.W. Ill., Portland 19, Ore. WILEY, HAROLD E., Center Point, Ia., Farming. A. I. KELTY MFG. CO. 1936 P. 0. Box 3453 BALL, GLENN, 2847 32nd Ave., Meridian, Miss., Plant & Timberland Glendale 1, Calif. (1807 Victory Blvd.) Manager, The Flintkote Co. BISHOP. ALBERT B., 87 Neish St., Camarillo, Calif., Administrative Office, Naval Const. Bat/. Center, Port Huenema, Calif., .. AMES FORESTER 65 HUGHES, RALPH H., 1010 North Ridge Ave., Tifton, Ga., Range Conservationist (Research), Southeastern Forest E x p. Station. HUNTINGTON, SETH M., Address Uncertain. JORANSON, PHILIP N ., 306 E. South River St., Appleton, Wis., Research Associate, Institute of Paper Chemistry. Visit Our Store Often KANSKY, GEORGE W ., 14701) N. E. Hancock St., Portland 20, Ore., Forester, U.S.F.S. Div. Recreation. KELLSTEDT, PAUL A., Address Uncertain. KENNEDY, WILLIAM B., 255 Glenwood Rd., Lake Forest, Ill., M anager, Chicago Diuision7 Hager Manufacturing Co. If you're looking for LARSEN, MERLIN D., 1027 W. Highland Acres Rd., Bismark, N . D., SuPerintendent, Employee & Community Division, Standard Oil Co . LISCHER, WARREN J., Route 2. Red Oak, Iowa, Farming. McLINTO.CK, THOMAS F., 6 Urookwood Road, Asheville, North Carolina, Director, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. Reference Books Stationery MATLACK, VIRGIL W., Box 55, 812 Douglas Ave., Ames, Iowa. MEHLIN, ALBERT F., 916 Mill St .. Algoma, Wis., Purchasing Agen t , Algoma Div. U.S. Plywood Corp. MILLER, HOMER E., 4303 Wakonda Pkwy., Des Moines 15, Iowa, Col., Cook Books Greeting Cards U .S. Army. MULLEN, FRANKLIN H., 302 University, Donnellson, Iowa, W ork Unit Conservationist, Soil Conservation Service. PETERSEN, ANSEL N ., Rt. I, Box 450, Yankton, South Dakota. R eser· voir Manager, Savins Point Dam. Childrens Books Sweat Shirts PFEIFFER, HERMANN K., 906 Grover Ave., Cottage Grove, Ore.. Owner, Pfeiffer Lumber Co. PHILLIPS, RAYMOND R., 1701 Wisconsin Ave., Gladstone, Mich Birds Eye Veneer Co. Paper Backs Pens & Pencils REEDER, DOUGLAS, 1424 25th St., Longview, Wash., Wood Pre- serving Division, International Paper Co. RISE, CARL H., President, Best Moulding Corp. SAUER, KENNETH W., Managing Director, Fiberpane Corp. SCHIERBAUM, DONALD L., Rural Route 2, Altamont, N . Y., Game I.S.U. Souvenirs Reference Books Resetrrch lnv e.r;t.igator, New York Stnf" Conservation Dept. SCHMIDT, RALPH A., 196 Main St., Wakefield, Mass., R egional Super visor, Bureau of Sbort Fisheries and W ildlife. SCOLTOCK, JOSEPH D., 2501 Raymond Dr., Des Moines, Ia., Conlin· ental Forest Products Co. We Appreciate Your Business SCOTT, SAMUEL J. JR., Box 307, Zwolle, La., District Forester, Inter national Paper Co. SECOR, JAMES B., Address Uncertain. SMITH, WALTER P., 5508 Susquehanna Dr., Virginia Beach , Va., Genentl Nfanager, Woodlawn M Fm orial Gardens, Inc. STARR, JOHN P., 1325 ·21st Longview, Wash., Salesman, T reated Prorfucls, International Paper Co. STF.ENSF.N, DON H .T .. R No. 2. Box 387, Auburn. Ala. SWANSON, CLIFFORD 0., 715 Woodland Ave., Springfield, Ill .. A cci dent Research Analyst, Ill. Div . Highways. THEOPHILUS, DAVID C., 2821 James St., Bellingham , Wash. VON GTLLERN , ROBERT F., 1421 Locust St.. Des Moines, Ia., Mannzrr. Cnnn-'n J>rv Bottling Co. WILSON, JOHN R., 215 E Madison Ave., Wheaton, Ill., Owner, W ilson TnAustrial 'hr. Co. WULFF, WILBUR A., 1611 . 9th St., Lake Charles, La., Dist. Sales LACK, IVAN N ., 1525 Liberty Street, Franklin, Pennsylvania, Staff Manager, Curtis Companies, Inc. Engineer, Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company. YODER, RALPH E., JR., P.O. Box 1243, Phoenix, Arizona LEWISTON, WAYNE C., Stoney Brook Rd., Plymouth N. H., Manager, Bobbin Division, Draper Corp. O'NEILL, GORDON K., Address Uncertain. OVERBY, JAMES F., Box 32, Marble Rock, Ia., High School Science Teacher, Marble Rock Community School. 1939 PATTERSON, ARCHIE E., 520 Castalia Ave., Athens, Ga., Profes.wr of Forest Management, School of Forestry, University of Georgia. SADDORIS, THOMAS J., 440 Moreland Drive, Franklin, Pennsylvania. AYF.R. DARREL P .. Route I, Hudson, Ia., Farming . SEEMAN, LOUIS N. A., P. 0. Box 395, Huttig, Arkansas, Chief Sur BABEL JOHN S., 1921 Lupine Ave., Monterey Park, Calif. veyor, Olin Mathieson Chemical Company. BAXENDALE, HOWARD E., P. 0. Box 124, Stapleton, Ala., Fornlrr. SMELSER, AMOS W., 1006 N.E. 79th Ave., Portland ,Ore., Staff Tenn. Coal & Iron Di11., U. S. Steel Corp. Forester, Mt. Hood National Forest. BJORK, CLAYTON A .. Route ], Box I, Boring, Ore., Forest Tn spector, STONE, FREDERICK M., 1024 Redwood Drive, Green Bay, Wis., Worh Oregon State Board of Fore. 66 The 1964 HURD, RICHARD M. Star Route, Riverside Park, Juneau, Alaska, Director, Northern Forest ExPeriment Station. JAMISON, GLEN M., Coin, Ia., Farming. JOHNSON, FLOYD A., 1406-64 S.W. Goodal Road, Oswego, Ore., Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Exp. Sta. Calders' Per Cent Abney Reduction Tables $1 KAPEL, FRANK J ., East 1528 Wabash Ave., Spokane, Wash., Soil Con- servation Service. Calders' Forest Road Engineering Tables $5 LEHMANN, KARL T ., Address Uncertain. LIVERS, HAROLD A., Neligh, Nebr., Soil Conservation Service. MARIS, ALBERT R., Box 122, Forks, WasiL, Consulting Forester, Maris Calders' Natural Cosines and Sines Table $4 Fo rests Enterprises. MELVIN, JAMES K., 5611 Norwood, Shawnc, Mich. MILLER, NORMAN R., 2607 Randolph Road, Silver Spring, Md., Deputy M obilization Officer, U. S. Civil Serv. Comm. PHINNEY, HARTLEY K., 53 Deacon Hill Road, Stanford, Conn., T echnical Representative, Bakelite Division, Union Carbide and Car bon Corp. CALDERS' PROCTOR, ROBERT E., 1714 Verda, Redding, Cal., Supervisory Any or all three of these Forester, BLM. books will be mailed post 1828 Hilyard REISTROFFER, LIEUT. ROBERT J., Address Unknown, Military Serv. paid for 30 days trial use SCHOLTES, WAYNE H., American Embassy, Montevideo, Uruguay, Soil EUGENE, OREGON Specialist al Facultad de Agronomia. 97401 Agronomy (Soils), Iowa Stale University. SHUMACHER, CHARLES M., 1722 High St., Lincoln 2, Nebr., Plant Material Tech., Soil Conservation Service. SMOKE, JOE E., 4301 Columbia Peak - Apt. 30, Arlington, Virginia. U .S. Bureau of Public Roads. STIEHL, JAMES H., 613 Taylor Road, Barrington, Ill., Manager Pon derosa Pine Sales, Edward Hines Lumber Co. FABOR, LESTER F., 5500 Britt Drive, Bethesda 34, Maryland. TIC£, CHARLES C., 7652 Honey Creek Parkway, West Allis 19, Wis., FALB, J. HOWARD, Butterlane, Flossmoor, Ill., Manager, Cook County Chief of Survey Branch, U. S. Corps of Engineers. Lumber Co. WEBER, JOHN L., 9326 So . 55th Ave., OakLawn, Ill., Manager, Bison FARIDAY, WAYNE H., Address Uncertain. Millwork & Supply Inc. FISK, CARROLL V., Box 201, Farmington, N. M., Real Estate. FRENCH, ROSCOE F., 122 S. Pennsylvania Ave., Belleville, Ill., U. S. Air Force. In charge compilation section, Aeronautical Chart & 1940 Information Center, St. Louis, Mo. GILLETT, GEORGE W., 234 Sparta Ave., East Lansing, Mich., Assistant ALLEN , JOHN C., Box 480, Norris, Tenn., Staff Forester, Tennessee Professor, Botany &: Plant Path., Michigan State University. Valley A uthorily. GLESNE, NELS G., 1312 State St., Beardstown, Ill., President-Casswood APPLEQUIST, MARTIN B., 221 5 N Crescent Dr., Flagstaff, Arizona, Industries, Inc. As.roClate Prof essor, D ept. of Forestry, A rizona State College. GOODNER, THOMAS B., 5108 Bedford Ave., Edina 24, Minn. BAGLEY, WALTER T ., Rt. 3 Lincoln 7, Nebr. Assistant Forester, t.RIM"-S, t.OlJL>H 1., JIJ 4tll ~t., ~wua, N. L Agri. Exp. Sta., University of Nebraska. HOUSTON, JEAN A., 1105 Maryland Drive, Vista, Calif. BEBENSEE, BRUCE M., 3203 15th Ave., Meridian, Miss., Assistant Pla11t HOY, WM. A. (COL), Address Uncertain. Ma11ager, Flintkote Co. HUSMAN, DON L., 49 Skyhill Road, Apt. 203, Alexandra, Virginia. BENDA, KENNETH J., Hartwick, Ia., Executive Vice President, Hartwici< KADEN, CLARENCE E., 260 Columbia Ave., Elmhurst, Ill., Partner, Stale Bank. Edward A. Kaden & Son. BISHOP, CLINTON G., 2026 Cook Ave. Billings, Mont., Private Fish LANE, MAX H., Box 208, Benton, Ill., Staff Forester, Fire Control, Illi Hatch ery. nois State Division of Forestry. BJORGE, WILSON, 480 Kings wood Ave., Eugene Oregon, Resource LANE, RICHARD D., 4995 Henderson Hts., Columbus 2, Ohio, Direct01·, Management Specialist, Bureau of Land Management. Central States Forest Exper. Station U.S.F.S. BORSTING, CONRAD 0., 1020 l'acific Terrace, Klamath Falls, Ore., LAYMAN, PAUL A., 8765 S.W. White Pine Lane, Portland, Oregon, W eyerhaeuser Timber Co. Sales Engineer, Fryer Dry Kiln. BOSWELL, MARTIN M., 1008 N. Delaware, Roswell, N. Mex., Rancher MOORH.EAD, DONALD WAYNE, P. 0. Box 418, Pineville, La., Vice (Sheep & Callie ). President, Kellogg-Graves-Moorhead Lumber Co. BRANDU, WILLIAM H., Uncertain . NICOL, ROBERT A., Route I, Box 31, Suisun, California Pilot C-124 BROWN, PERCY J. C., 615 Orchids State St., Redding, Calif., Forester to Far East, U. S. Air Force. ' B.L.M. OELSCHLAEGER, ROLAND W., Monroe City, Mo., Owner, Greenhouse. BUSCHING, RICHARD W., 949 Rose Lane, Annandale, Va., Col.- Air PATTERSON, DOUGLAS H., (Lt. Col.), Hq. USARAL-64, APO 949, Force. Seattle, Wash. CAMPBELL, LESLIE W. A., Box 796 RR. 10, Houston, Texas. PHILLIPS, GNY E., General Delivery, Whittier, Alaska. CLEMENS, JOHN R., 2127 37th Ave., Box 82 , Missoula Mont. RADCLIFFE, ARTHUR D., 997 Hichcock, .Cincinnati 38 Ohio Manager COUNTRYMAN, DAYTON W ., 614 E. Ave., Nevada, Iowa, Attorney. Finney Plant, Koppers Co., Inc. ' ' CUTLER, VERN H., Box 104, Springfield, Ga., Asst. Forest Supervisor, RHE~NER, STANLEY P., 108 Washington St., Pullman, Wash., Execu Union Bag-Camp Paper Co . tiVe Secretary, Y.M.C.A., Washington · State College. DEAN, LAUREN W., Route I, Cambridge Ia., Goodyear Tire &: Rubber RHODY, JOHN P., 518 Meadows Hill Drive, Dawson Springs, Ky., Company, Ames, Iowa. Associate Director, Kentucky Div. of Forestry. DeFORE, ROBERT C., 1229 Northwestern, Ames, Ia., Teacher, Coach, RYAN, FLOYD T., 1299 Van Buren Ave., St. Paul 4, Minn., Resources Ames School Syst em. Development Officer, Minneapolis Area Office, Bureau of Indian DERR, HAROLD J., Rt. I, Box 304, Pineville, La., R esearch Forester Affairs. SCHROEDER, VINCENT J., 667 Cody Ct., Lakewood, Colo., Head of Specialist, Army. nght-of-way acquwtwn, Region 2, USES. DORMAN, MERLE L., Rt. 1; Perrv. Ia., Farming. SCHWANKE, HENRY H., Rt. 2, Caldesacy, Idaho Retired (Colonel DUBOISE, RICHARD P., Ill McClellan, Grayling, Mich., Lumber Sales USAF). ' man, Pierson, Davison Lumber Co. SHEARER, ROBERT W., 38 Dawn Drive, Rome, New York Photo- DUNCK, RICHARD L., 201 Wabash Ave., Belleville, Ill., Printing Serv grammetrist, U. S. Geological Survey. ' zce, U .S. Army. SILKER, THEODORE H., 115 Hertman, Assistant Professor, Forestry EDMUNDS, MERRILL B., Star Rt. 2, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, Owner, Dept., Okla. State Univ., Stillwater, Okla. Wood Business. SIVERLY, RALPH E., 614 Burrel Dr., Lewiston, Idaho, Wood Auditor, ELLISON, MARION Stephen F. Austin State College, Nacogdoches, Texas. Potlatch Forests, Inc. SWEM, THEODORE R., 4109 Watkins Trail, Annandale, Va. In charge of Branch of National Park System Planning, National Park Service. THOMPSON, DEAN W., Ed. Hines Lumber Co., 77 West Washington Street, Chicago 2. Ill., Buyer, Retail Dept. URBATSCH, HARLEY R., Forest City, Ia., Owner, Forest City Hardware. WEST, JACK R.., 634 !67th Ave. NE, Bellview, Wash., Advertising Mgr., Ansol Co. WILSON, CARROLL C., Route 2, Box 66B, Lebanon, Oregon, Press Operator, Western Veneer & Plywood Co. WITHERSPOON, JOHN C .. 170 Putnam Circle, N.W., Atlanta 5, Ge orgia, Assistant General Manager Southern Pulpwood Conservation Assn. WITMER, CARROLL R., Shimek State Forest, Farmington, Iowa, Dis West St. Grocery trict Forester, Iowa Stale Conservation Commission. 1941 I ALMDALE ROY W., 5213 West 70th, Prairie Village, Kan., Superinten dent of Parks, johnson County. OPEN 7 days a week AUGSPURGER, CHARLES E., 431 Henry Clay Blvd., Lexington, Ken tucky. AUSTIN, DON B., II7 West Morris St., Ironwood, Michigan, Area For ester, Marathon, Div. of American Can Co. 9 a .m.- 11 p.m. BElL, CHESTER M., 2227 Reclamation Ave., Klamath Falls, Ore., Free mont National Forest. BOATMAN, ROBERT L., 1039 Whitfield Road, Northbrook, Ill., Sales Dept., Masonite Corp. AMES FORESTER 67 BREUER, V~ADIMIR, JR., 142 Beverly Rd., Syracuse, N. Y., U . S. Plywood Corp. COOL, BINGHAM M., 213 Wyatt Ave., Clemson, South Carolina, Pro· lessor of Forestry, Clemson College. CROOK, EUGENE M. (Major), 2706 Crawford St., Bellevue, Nebr., Of WHEN WRITING futt Air Force Base, Nebr. DAHL, ERNEST A., 4121 Cornelia St., Chicago 41, Ill., Cartographer, Rand McNally and Co. ECKHART, RUFUS F., Rt. 1-B Spencer, Iowa, Farming. ADVERTISERS HILSMAN, VINCENT J., 3702 Durness, Houston 25, Texas, Vice Presi dent & General Manager, james H . Stanton Construction Co ., Inc. HOOSE, WELDON W., Whiteville, N. C., Sledge Lumber Co. HOUSTON, CHARLES S., 1961 Painter St., Klamath Falls, Ore., Safety PLEASE MENTION Director, Weyerhaeuser Co. LARSON, J. DONOVAN, 1640 N. 20th Springfield, Ill., Staff Forester, Ill- inois Division of Forestry. THE AMES FORESTER LAW, JOHN WM., Bronson, Ia., Farming. LEFFLER, GUSTIN 4819 W. 78 St., Prairie Villige, Kansas. MIDDLESWART, EUGENE L., 112 Castle Rd., Columbia, S. C., Forester, South Carolina, Forestry Comm. MINOR, CHARLES 0 ., 2114 N. Navjo Dr., Flagstaff, Arizona, Head of Dept. of Forestry, Arizona State College. TREEMAN, RALPH W ., 414 S. Okla. St. Sapula, Okla. NELSON, HAROLD A., Plymouth, N. C., Chief Forester, North Carolina UNDERBAKKE, MAYNARD W., Pres ton, Minn., Consulting Forester. Pulp Co. VAN GORDER, CHARLES H., 15741 South Trumbull, Markham, Ill., OELSCHLAEGER, GEORGE E. P.O. Box 69, Lebanon, Ore., Production Asst. Buyer Forest Products & Manager Treating Plant, Chicago, Standards Engineer, Cascades Plywood Corp. Rock Island, & Pacific R .R. Co. PARKER, CHARLES WM. 3512 37th St., Des Moines 10, Ia., Science WAKEFIELD, JOHN P ., 3416 E. 12th, Des Moines 16, Ia. . T eacher jr. High, Des Moines School System. WALLACE, RICHARD P., Rt. I, Box I16, Washburn, WISe., Forester PFEIFFEa, RAY E., 2002 Lagoon Drive Route 2, Okemos, Mich., U. S. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Foresl Survey Coordinator, Michigan Dept. of Conservation. WHITE, RALPH W., 517 North Larson, Porterville, California, Staff PIZZANO, VINCENT 1'. Route I, Pownal, Vt., President, Northeast Forester, Sequoia National Forest. Wood Products, Jn c. PORTER, MATTHEW A. Fayette, Ia., Farming QUINTUS, RICHARD L., 2420 Yernwood Circle, Lake Oswego, Oreg., 1943 District Forester, U . S. Bureau of Land Management. RUMMELL, ROBERT S., In charge,Range Allotment Analysis, U.S.F.S., BURGY, MARLOWE P., 945 E. Kings Road, Tomahawk, Wis., Owens Wash. D. C. Illinois Glass, Woods Manager. SCHNABEL, LOUIS F. (Lt. Col.) CHICOTE, WILLIAM W ., 3610 Van Buren St., Corvallis, Ore., Asso SOMBERG, SEYMOUR I., 2003 Medow Lane, Carbondale, Ill. ciate Professor, Botany Dept., Oregon State College. STROM, WILLARD E., Address Uncertain, Alemite Division, Stewart DORSETT, GEORGE L., !53 Bruce St., Shreveport, La., Air Force. Warner Corp. ENGSTROM, WILBUR H ., 1355 Strong Road, Salem, Ore., Forester, SWANSON, HAROLD V., 136 S. Willias St., Stillwater, Okla. Oregon State Board of l'orestry. THOMSON, DONALD E., P.O. Box 86, Goodwell, Okla., Lt. Col., U.S. l'OAH, MARIO L., 661 North Cumberland Road, Teanck, N. J., Im Army, PMS at Panhandle A&M College. porter. WALLACE, ARTHUR L., Box 549, Salem, South Dakota, Dentist. GARMAN, EDWARD F., 815 Douglas Drive, Endwell, N. Y., Salesman, YOCOM, THt:ODORE R., 3250 Circle Drive, Corvallis, Oregon, Raw Ma Friden, Inc. terials Mana!rer, Pope & Talbot, Inc. KRAFKA, WARREN V., Address Unknown. KREIMEYER, VICTOR L., 785 N.E. Laucelhust Pl., Portland 12, Ore. LORENZEN, RICHARD N., Address Uncertain. McDERMOTT, ROBERT E., 1251 S. Garner St., State College, Pennsyl 1942 vania, H ead Dept. Forest Mgt., Penn. State College. MAYER, CARL E., 140 Hillview Dr., Springfield, Pa., In charge Forest Survey, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. ANDERSON, KARL M., 2295 Tyler St., Eugene, Ore., Timber Man PORTER, GEORGE !., 17 3 Huckins Ave., Squantum, Mass., G. l. Porter ager, jones Veneer & Plywood Co. Association. BARISH<., MAURICE F., Concrete, Washington, Mt. Baker Natior~al ROGERS, EUGENE H., Box 335, Greenfield, Ia., Owner & Operator, Forest. Rogers Gardens. BEGUELIN, HOWARD R ., Route 2. Box 55, Estacada, Ore., Forester, THOMSON, GEORGE W., 3334 Morningside, Ames, Ia., Professor, Mt. Hood National Forest. Department of Forestry, lowa State University. BELEHRAD, LAD WM., 44 Tulane Ave., DeRidder, La., Vice President, WOOD, THOMAS R ., 4202 Lawnwood, Des Moines !0, Ia., Allied Fi West Bros. Dept. Stores. nance Co. BLACKMORE, WM. WINKLER, 50 Country Circle, Mason City, Ia., J-'re51dent, Blackmore Landscape Service. BOATMAN, JAMES W., 55 Pharr Rd., N.W., Apt. Fl05, Atlanta 5, 1944 Georgea, Collins Radio Co. BORGLUM, DONALD W., 1229 Southeast Lane, Roseburg, Oregon, R e HANSEN, EARL H., 807 Chestnut, .Cadillac, Mich., l'orester, L ower forestation, Weyerhaeuser Co. Nlichigan National Forest. BUCK, GEORGE A., 93l- 40th Place, Des Moines, Ia., Retired, Lt. COL. LAUTERliACH, PAUL ., Route I, Box 40, Centralia, Wash., Research US Army). . ... Forester, W eyerhaeuser Co. CLARKE EDWARD H., 2947 Hickory St., Alexandna, V1rg1ma. EISLER,' LEO, 417 Ocean Terrace, Staten Island 4, New York, Orchard SKARIL, WARREN J., 1250 Dakota Street, Huron, South Dakota, Major, Grower. U.S. Marine Corps. EWANOSKI, STANLEY, P.O. Box 83, Kernville, Calif., District Ranger, U. S. Forest Service, Sequoia National Forest. 1945 GRIFFITH, JOHN E., Addr~ss Uncertain, Wood T~chnologist, Mississippi Products Co. BARRETT, JAMES W., 592 Thurston, Bend, Ore., Research Forester, HARRIS, ROBERT B., Deceased. Pacific Northwest Forest & Range Exp. Sta. Ht:GG.<:N, JOHN W., 3215 Oak Creek Road, Corvalis, Ore., Business GALEY, CARL D., 526 North Main, Ottumwa, Iowa. Office, Uregon State College. UHLIG, HANS G., 2I12 Cedar Ave. White Bear Lake, Minn., State HOOVER, CLYDE C., 1604 N. Main, Cassville, Mo., President, Forest Biologist, Soil Conseroation Service. Products, Inc. JENSEN, HAROLD J., Willard Rt., Cook, Washington, Reforestation Assistant, VSFS. 1946 KELLER, EUGENE. KRAJICEK, JOHN E., Route 2, Carbondale, Ill., Central States Forest BERGMANN, HAROLD ARTHUR, Lufkin, Texas, Dist. Ranger, Ang Jixpt. Station. elina National Forest. KROACK, MERLIN E., 925-80th N.E., Box 195, Medina, Wash. BURKLE, JOSEPH L., 1825 North Shirley, Tacoma 7, Washington, LANE, RICHARD D., 5995 Henderson Hts., Columbus 21, Ohio, Plant Sup't., Educators Mfg. Co. Director, Central States Forest Expenment Stat1on, USFS. CRUMBAUGH, JOHN H.,~~ wdian Dr., Clarendon Hills, Ill., Structural MOLLISON, ALLAN W., 415 W. Wetmore Rd., Tucson, Ariz., Range Engmeer, Research and Development, U. S. Gypsum Co. Examiner, Office of Indian Affairs. DOOLLITTLE, WARREN TRUMAN, 137 Warrier Rd., Drexel Hill, OLSEN, DALE C., 2743 South Delaware Place, Tulsa, Okla., District Penn., Chief, Division of Forest Mgt. Research, Northeastern Forest Manager Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. Exp. Sta., USFS, Upper Darby, Pa. QUIRIN, ARTHUR F., Ft. 2 Box 51-B, Dallas, Oregon, Williamette GLADE, BERNARD W., I108 Oleta St., Lufkin, Texas, Chief Forester, Valley Lumber Co. Southland Paper Mills, inc. RICE, WILLIAM, I042 Floral Dr. SE, East Grand Rapids, Mich., Lumber Wholesale Salesman, Partner- H erman E. Lueatke & Assoc. RATCLIFFE, KENNETH P., (Capt. U. S. Army). RIGGLEMAN, FREDRIC D., I375 N. Uclid Ave. Upland, Calif. RAUM, HANS R ., Regional Oftice, U.S.f.S., 5608 Jackson Ext., Alexan SCHISSEL, CHARLES F., Estes St., Amesbury, Mass. dria, La. STEIG, GEORGE G., 36ll Pacific Way, Longview, Wash., Weyerhaeuser SEISER, VIRGIL 0., 12240 N.E. Rose Pkwy, Portland, Oregon. Co. SVEJCAR, JOHN F., 375 Delrick Rd., Eugene, Ore., Sales Mgt. Natmorn 1947 Plywood Co. SWANSON, CARL G., 2379 Austin Ave., Eureka, Calif., Simpson Red ALLEN, ROBERT M., Route I, Box I54, Saucier, Miss., Research For wood Co. ester, Gulfport Branch, Southern Forest Exp. Sta. TORGERSON, GEORGE H., Highway No. 67 S. Gurdon, Ark., Forester, ALLYN, ALLt:N D., . 41 florence Drive, Fort Madison, I a., Forester, Gurdon Lumber Co. Crandon Paper M1lls, Inc. 68 The 1964 SIMS, JIMIE R., 615 N. 8th, Silsbee, Tex., Kirby Lumber Co. THOMAS, LEONARD H., Address Unknown. VAN GILST GERALD W., 838 Jackson, Ketchikan, Alaska, Forest Su Pervisor, South Tongass N.F. WEST, DALE W., 307 Mound Ave., Mankato, Minn., Plant Breede1, Cargill Inc. Forestry Graduates and Students: You are invited to 1948 jo in thousands of foresters and woodland operators ALDRICH, HOWARD W., 1320 Upton, Waterloo, Iowa. ARLEN, WILLIAM H., 712 Lazy Lane, Lufkin, Texas, Tbr. Mgt. Ass't., and find " What you need- When you need it" at: Texas National Forest. BOUST, WILLIAM H. JR., 415 First Ave., Audubon, Ia., Soil Con servationist} U. S. Soil Conservatiton Service. CHRISTMAN, R. Don, 3001 Knik Ave., Anchorage, Alaska, Chief, Division of Range and Forest Management, BLM. CHURCH, ROBERT E., 829 Alvardo, Jackson, Miss., MississiPPi Forestr'f Commission. CLARK, EUGENE P., 481 · Finley, Dnbuque, Ia., Western Auto Supply Co . COLBERT, FRANCIS T., 8602 N. 6th Drive, Pheonix, Arizona, Partner, Western Farm Management, Co. CRAVEN, WILLIAM H., 825 North Main Street, Rockford, Illinois, Ingersoll Milling Machine Co. DEWEY, RALPH E., 611 Leonard St., Sac City, Ia. DOWD, LEE W., 2116 14th St., Chehalis, Washington, Work Unit Con servationist, S. C. S. EWERS, KEITH F., 2230 County Rd., Minneapolis I, Minnesota. GARDiiNER, EDMUND T ., Box 154, White Sulphur Springs, Mont., Box 8397, 205 West Rankin Street Superintendent, Douglas Stands Inc., HARTMAN, GEORGE B. JR., 3837 E. Liberty Terrace, Portland I I Oregon, Forester, BLM. Jackson, Mississippi 39202 HILL, ROGER M., Route I, Redfield, Iowa, Farming. HOFFMAN, PAUL F. JR., 511 E. Jefferson Ave., Kirkwood 22, Missouri Plant Pathologist, Development Dept., Monsanto Chemical Co. HOOTMAN, WARREN DEMMING, P. 0. Box 249, Coos Bay, Ore., Consulting Forester. JENSEN, WM., 309 N. Huber, Anamosa, Ia., Dist. Forester State C.C. JOHNSON, ALFRED W., 438 Pine Ridge Rd, Jackson 6, Miss., Super visor's Staff, Miss. N.F. KUPKA, CHARLES A., 2235 S. Florence, Springfield, Mo., Dist. Sales Rep. Quality Forestery, Engineering, Camping and Indus Weyerhaeuser Co. LOERCH, KARL A., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr., Extensior. trial Supplies-SHIPPED ANYWHERE ! Forester} Nebraska. LITWICKI, WALTER J ., 138 Canal St., Cannon City, Colo., District Ranger} White River National Forest. MCANINCH, JAMES B., Allison, Ia., Soil Conservation Service. McCARRON, DAVID H., 1985 Cheney Road, Dubuque, Ia., Ass't. Fore- man, Curinf{ Dept., Dubuque Packing Co. . MADSON, DANIEL R., 4034 Barrett Way, Salem, Oregon, Unit Forester, BLM. MENDELSON, HERBERT, Address Unknown. MUNGER, ROBERT J ., Route I, Lebanon, Ohio. Farm Forester. BRECKENRIDGE, GEORGE P., 1716 McGregor Ave•, Fort William, NELSON, HERBERT E., 805 Clay St., Ashland, Oreg. Ontario, Canada, Ass't. Logging Supt., Abitibi Power and Paper 'Co., OBYE, KENNETH D., 269 Dallis, Greenville, Miss., Chief Forester, u~ . United States Gypsum Co. BRIDEN, DONALD C., 1623 Riviera Drive, Redding, California. PATTERSON, LLOYD M., Box 233, Oskaloosa, Ia., Work Unit Conser CAMPBELL, JACK G., 970 Windgate, Salem, Ore.; Timber Sales Super vationist, Soil Conservation Service. visor, Oregon State Board of Forestry. PATTON, JOE C., Rt. 2, Box 942, Tillamook, Ore., Forester, U. S. CROWTHER, CHARLES R., 1030 Ash St., Hancock, Mich., Assoc. Prof. Bureau of Land Management. of Forestry, Michigan College of Mining & Technology, Houghton, PAULSEN, HAROLD A., JR., 1109 Newsom, Ft. Collins, Colorado, Mich. Range Conservationist, Rocky Mountain Forest & Range Experiment DANIELSON, WILLARD W., Box 121 Death Valley, Calif. Station. DIRKS, RONALD J., Box 308, Maldon, Mo., Farming. PLASS, WILLIAM T., Elizabethtown, Ill., Supt., Kaskaskia Expt. Forest, FISHER, ROY R. JR., Address Uncertain. Central States Forest Expt. Station. GROVE, HARRY LEE, 16306 Hillcrest Drive S.W. Tacoma, Washington, REHFELDT, RICHARD FREDERICK, Address Unknown. t Mgr. Industrial Wood Parts Dept., Weyerhaeuser Co. SAFRANEK, J OHN 0., Box 278, Cresco, Iowa, Soil Conservation Service. HAHN, OSCAR M., 7304 Grace St. Springfield, Virginia. TEUBER, ROSS L., USFS Training Center, Continental Divide, New HALBROOK, QUINCY X., 42170 Camino, Santa Barbara, Fremont 36, Mexico, Instructor General. Calif., Civil Engineer, US Geological Survey. VAN DORAN, ROBERT M., 901 West 2nd St., North Platte, Nebr., As HERRICK, DAVID E., 3502 Cameron Mills Rd., Alexandria, Va., Chief, sistant City Engineer. Forest Products Marketing, Washington Office, USFS. WADE, ROBERT V., Box 254 Kenai, Alaska, Refuge Manager, U.S. HOFFMAN, EDWARD J., 4612 Hummer Road, Annandale, Va., Forester, Fish l:r Wildlife Service. U.S. Bureau. of Land Management. WALTERS, WARREN W., JR., 10125 W. 19th, Lakewood 15, Colorado. HOPP, ERITH L., 1021 Cathcart St., J acksonville II, Fla., Manager O/ WHITE, RONALD A., 515 Washington, Monistiquee, Mich., Dist. Ranger, Wood Procurement, Owens-Illinois Co. Shawnee Nat. Forest. HULING, JOHN H., Route I, Box 249, Pedro, Ohio, Forest Ranger, WILLSON, GEORGE L., Uncertain. Dean State Forest. WORSTER, JOHN R., 3826 6th., Sioux City 6, · Iowa, SuPervisory Soil INMAN, LAWRENCE L., Dept. Field Corp., College of Agr., Abu Scientist1 U. S. Soil Conservation Service. Ghraib, Iraq, Univ. Bagdad. JACK, ROBERT C., 1921 Timothy Dr., N .E., Atlanta 6, Ga., Sales Representative, International Paper Co. 194!1 JACKSON, ROBERT H., Box 228. Wallowa, Ore., Assistant Forester, ] . Herbert Bate Lumber Co. ALLEN, MEREDITH R., 5205 Otsego Street, Duluth, Minn., Cruiser KUCERA, CLAIR L., 500 Rockhill Road, Columbia Mo., Associate Pro Halverson Trees, Inc. fessor of Botany, Chairman of Dept., University of Missouri. ANDERSON, RAYMOND E., 10 Damon St., North Reading, Mass., Math KUHNS, PAUL S. JR., 4477 Barrett Way, Salem, Ore., Forester, U.S. Teacher, Parker Jr. High School, Reading, Mass. Bureau of Land Management. BLACK, ROBERT E., Box 1273, Winslow, Ariz., Winslow Timber Co. LANGE, JOHN R. BOYCE, JOHN T., 281 Jacolyn Drive N.W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. LINDER, WARD 0., 1185 Lone Tree Road, Elm Grove, Wis., Sales BROWN, KENNETH, 4210 S.E. Raymond Road, Milwaukie, Ore., North Representative, Rexford Paper Co. Pacific Lumber Co., Industrial Sales Manager. LOWE, HOWARD E., 1003 W. College Drive, High Point, N. C., Vice BUCHHOLZ, JAMES A., 539 Flaimingo Ave., Frankfort, Ky., Manager President, Lowe-Cramer Veneer Co. Division of Planning, Highway Department of Kentucky. MEIERSTEIN, GEORGE W., 2406 Jackson, Sioux City, Iowa, Thos. CAREY, ROBERT E., 13502 West 24th Place, Golden, ~olorado. Mould Lumber Co. COOK, CHARLES F., Mgr. Retail yard, Edward Hines Lumber Co ., MONTGOMERY, JOEL R., 791 S. Vine St., Denver, 9, Colo., Sales, Highland Park, Ill. Gittings Lbr. Co. DEINEMA, JOHN W., Personnel Mgt., U.S.F.S. Region 4, Ogden, Utah. MOORHOUSE, WILLIAM H., Glidden, Ia., Secretary, A. Moorhouse Co. DEKALB, VICTOR MEREDITH, 3655 Camellion Drive, San Bernar MORLOCK, JEROME F., Red Lake Indian Res., Red Lake, Minnesota, dino, California, Forest Engineer, San Bernardino National Forest. Forester, BLM. DENMARK, EARLE EDWARD, 1715 Ferndale Ave., Northbrook, Ill., MOSS, RONALD A., Address Unknown, Associate Biochemist, Argonne Sales Representative, Hill-Behan Lumber Co. Laboratory, Atomic Energy Commission. DOOLITTLE, DARLE M., 539 Grain Exchange Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. PICOTTE, GORDON P., 390 1 East Skinner, Wichita, Kan., Sales Repre Sales Representative, Continental Forest Products Co. sentative, International Paper Co. DORAN, SAMUEL WYATT, 2920 County Farm Road, Eugene, Oregon, POLLARD, ROBERT L., 4621 Sherwood ~ourt, Downers Grove, Ill., Forester, U. S. Bureau of Land Management. Sales Representative, Edmund A lien Lumber Co. DOWNEY, DANIEL A., No. 8 N. Davis Ave., Weed, Calif., International ROCKWOOD, FRANK B., Tifton, Ga., New River Lumber Co. Paper Co . AM ES FORESTER 69 DREXLER, ROBERT EARL, 605 jackson St., Paris, Tenn., Forester, McGRATH, THOMAS J., 6840 W. 176 St., Tinley Park, Ill., Building Tennessee Valley Authority. Supervisor~ Barrett 13 ros., Bu.ild er .~. EINSPAHR, DEAN WILLIAM, 1713 E. Marquette, Appleton, Wisconsin, MARTIN, JOHN R., 191 3 Millcreek Way, Salt Lake City, Utah, Morris· Institute of Paper Chemistry. Merrill and Co. ENOS, EDWARD JR., 3943 Hillview Rd., Santa Maria, Calif. MOODY, ELBRIDGE R ., Address Uncertain. GALLAHER, WALLACE BERT, 6609 Ponderosa N.E., Albuquerque, MUNSON, WILLARD E., 2904 West 18th St., Eugene, Ore., Salesman N .M., Staff Forester, Coconino National Forest. -& Engineer~ Moore Dry Kiln Co . GERLACH, GEORGE MILLER, 9824 Overbrook Court, Kansas City NEVELN, KEN NETH HAROLD, 14331 S.£. Dursion, Portland, Oreg. 13 , Mo., Home Builder, Luhnow Construction Co. Personnel Management, U. S. Forest Service (Region 6 Office). GODDARD, DONALD W., Route 2, Ripco Forest Nursery, Eagle River, NILES. JAMES R., Route 2, Box 21), Placerville, Calif., Forester, Eldo· Wisconsin, Nursery Superintendent. ra:lo National Forest. GOSSARD, DEAN C., 303 North Steves Blvd., Flagstaff, Ariz., Coconino O ILSCHLAGER, ELLSWORTH E., 410 Island Ave., Port Edwards, Wis., National For est. N eltoosa-Edwards Paper Co. GRAHAM, JAMES H., 1450 South jay St., Denver 14, Colorado, Ass. O'NEAL, ROGER EUGENF.. Sal~.< OefJI., Rosboro !.umber Co. Office Manager, New York Life Insurance Co. PARKER, CHARLES A., 1615 !luff A>e., Ames, Ia., Iowa Highway GRIST, RICHARD P., Hallsboro, North Carolina, Division Superinten· LUIItiiUS~lUII. dent, W. M . Ritter Lumber Company. PARSONS, JOHN WILSON, Box 601, Mobridge, S. Dakota, SujJcrvisory H AMMOND, RUSSELL C., Route 132, Box 356B Duluth, Minn., Safety Biologist, U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. Engineer. Employers Mutual of Wausau . PERRIER, JOHN D., Sheldahl, Iowa, Sheldahl Co-operative (grai11, HARRINGTON, THADDEUS A., 119 Ridgewood Dr., Lake City, Fla., lumber, etc.) Project leader, Naval Stores rlf Tree Improvement Research, South PETERSEN, CHARLES J ., 15355 S.W. Division St., Beaverton, Oregon. east Forest Exp. Sta., USFS. PETERSEN, EMMANUEL J., 2329 Lansing Way, Sacramento 21, Calif., HASEK, JOHN M., 5612 Pinelawn Ave., Chattanooga II, Tenn., Shop Vt.strict Forester~ bureau of Land Mgt. Engineer, Combustion Engineering, Inc. PETERSON, ORIN J ., 223 S. 15th Ave; Maywood, Ill., ]. ]. FitzfJatrick HATCHER, ROY G., 7120 Middle Road, Muscatine, Ia., Dist. Forest., Lumber Co., Maa. iso n, Wis. State Conseroation Comm. PIETSH, WESLEY W., Carrolls, Wash., Partner, Carroll's Sawmill Co HIGGINS, ROBERT F., 38 N . Berkeley Way, Medford, Oregon, Sales l'l t~NEO, JAMES E., McNary, Ariz., Pry Kiln Foreman, Southwest Forest Manager, Timber Products Company. industries, inc. HILLS, JAMES ARTHUR, Osage, Iowa, Iowa Highway Commission. POSTON, WILLIAM EUGENE, 304 N.E. Hayes, Greenfield, Iowa, Teach· HUGHES, ROBERT F., 1526, 47th St., West, Des Moines 10, Ia., Sales er, Greenfield Community High School. Manager, National Lumber and Shingle Co . REYNOLDS, EUGENE E., 35 17 Gladden Dr., Louisville, Ky., Forester, HUGHES, W. G., 111 3, 29th St., NE, Cedar Rapids, Ia .• Sales Repre· Wood-Mosaic, Corp. senlaLive, Hughes Borthers Lumber Co. ROBERTSON, GAYLORD K., Deceased. IPSEN, LORENZ£ R., 1424 HiView Drive, Des Moines, Ia., Lumber SAYERS, EARL HAROLD, 2510 Acheson Way, Arcata, Calif., Supt., Sales, j ewett Lumber Co . Catup Plant, Roddiscraft Inc. JENSEN, ]ENS C., 3447 6th St. Apt. B., Riverside, California, District SCHMIDT, HOWARD N., 22l5 Elmer St., Denham Spr., La., Logging Manager, Sacramento Forestry Dist.~ U. S. Bureau of Land Manage Supt., Crown Zellerbach Corp. ment. SCHRADER, MAX KENNETH, 305 Keglers, Doniphin, Mo. JOHNSON, WILLIAM A., Forks, Washington, Washington Dept. Natural ~HERHR!NG, 1\ilLTON J., Hox 192, Ogden, !a., Northern Natural Resources. Loa.) C.:o. JORDAN, WILLIAM R., 5043 Marathon Drive, Madison 5, Wisconsin. STRONG, DONALD L., 3285 lith St., Baker, Oregon, District Ranger, Administrative Assistant~ Forest Management Division~ Wisconsin Wallowa·Whitman Nat'l. Forest. Conservation Depa1·tment. SVIEN, THOMAS A., 3909 Rolling Green Dr., Des Moines 22. Iowa, Man· KIEWEL ROBERT L., 2065 Donmar Lane, Brookfield, Wis., Sales Repre ager, IQwa Farm SuPPil! Co. sentative. W eyerhat>user Co. TALLEY, JAMES R ., Hox 1940, Little Rock, Ark., Fire Chief, Arkansa' LOVESTEAD, HOWARD SCOTT, 11 5 Oneida Ave., Rhinelander, Wis., Forestry Commission. ~rea :luper(n.wr, Lunsoliclated Water~ Power and Paper Lomf;any. TIMKO, PAUL A., Jr., 101 Hood St., Hot Springs, Ark. LOVRIEN, ARTHUR K., Clarksville, Iowa, Farming. TURINSKI, CHESTER A., 1016 W. Carrol, Portage, Wis., Owner, New LUDEKE, LYLE · ELMER , Rt. 3, Box 292·B, R ichmond, Va. Wood Co. McANDREWS, PHILIP ] ., 1567 Hamilton, El Centro, Calif. WEBHER, DAVID H., 112 Brinkley Pl., Plymouth, N.C., Assistant For· McDADE, ELMER F., 4668 Rincoada Dr., Santa Rosa, Calif. ester, North Carolina Pulp Co. McELROY, JACK W., 3317 Los Prados, San Mateo, Cal., Asst. Super· WHEAT, JOSEPH, G., Rt. 3, Box 440, Olympia, Wash. visor Kisatchie National Forest. WICKS, WALLACE W., Box 641, Roanoke Rapids, N. C., Chief Forester, Halifax Paper Co., Inc. WILLASSON, DONALD E., 707 Home Park Blvd., Waterloo, Ia., Foster Coal & Feed Co. WOJOHN, KENNETH E., Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., Nurseryman, Wis· consin Conservation Dept. ZAIDLICZ, EDWIN R ., 305 Ford Road, Fairfax, Virginia, Wash. Office Division of Forestry, U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Make Money In Your Own Business 1950 Ambitious men are using BELSAW equip ADAMS, EUGENE, B., R .R. 2, Walcot, Ia., Brammer Mfg. Co . ALLEN, THOE R., Box 531, Pinetop, Arizona, Moulding Plant Manager, ment to start and build their own profit Southwest Forest Industries, inc. ANDERSON, ARDEN E., Kington, Tenn., Assistant District Forester, able business. These determined men are Hiwassee Land Co. ANDERSON, GORDON K. , Primghar, I a., Northern Natural Gas Co. making sure of their own LIFETIME SE ANDREWS, CHARLES W ., 501 North Central Ave., Chicago, Ill. BARKER, DONALD V., 1627 La Jolla Ave. , Las Vegas, Nev. A .C. CURITY by starting their own business in Houston Lumber Co. BARNES, CHARLES CLIFFORD, 403 Bradley, Laramie, Wyo., Super spare time while still working at their visor Staff, Medicine Bow N. F. BLAISDELL, ALFRED J ., JR., Quilcene, Wash., Forester, Olympic regular jobs. National Forest. BLOMQUIST, THURE W ., 1336 W. 5th Ave., Oshkosh, Wis., Area Super· visor, East Central Area, Wisconsin Conservation Department. If you would like to learn more about the BOUSTEAD, LYLE EDWARD, 1350 Pleasant Hill Dr., Cottage Grove, Ore., Forester and Engineer, Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. BELSA W plan for making $5 an hour in a BRABHAM, WILLIAM CHARLES, 508 7th St., West Des Moines, Iowa, Supt. of Game, Ia. Cons. Comm. pleasant sparetime hobby while building BRADDY, DONALD L., Navy 138 UP-45 FPO, N.Y., N.Y. BRUNS, DAYU. ALBERT, 6109 N. 24th St., Omaha 10, Neb. your own business, write today. No obli BYERS, WILLIAM MARION, JR., 4134 South Pine Ave., Milwaukee 7, Wisconsi n. gation . . . no salesman will call. Wayne-Hoosier, National Forest. CARSON, BENJAMIN F., 270-5th Ave. North, I'ark Falls, Wis., Timber Management Officer, Supcmisor's Office. • Portable Sawmills • Planer-Molders CESAR, CHARLES F., Box 15353 Lakewood, Colorado, Owner, Asphalt Walk·Driveway Bus. • Sharpening Tools • Locksmithing CLAY, DONALD L., Hampton, Ia., Farming. CUSHMAN, HOWARD R ., 18455 Gottschalk, Homewood, Ill., Container Corp. America. DAIB, LEONHARDT G., Grimes, Ia., Sloan·Pierce Lumber Co. DOUGHERTY, FRANK G., c/o U. S. Forest Service, Pendleton, Ore., District Ranger, Umatilla National Forest. ECKSTEIN, JOHN H., Dinuba, Calif., Ivory Pine Co. ELLSWORTH, NELSON R ., Spencer, Ia., Schoeneman Brothers Lumber Belsaw Machinery Co. Co. ERICKSON, PALMER E. JR., R.F.D., Jewell, Ia., Owner, Operator, Mink Ranch. 31 S Westport Road EVANS, JOHN D., 8th and Anderson, Apt. 5, Coos Bay, Oregon. EWING, ARNOLD D., Box 775 C., Rt. 2, Creswell, Ore., Forester, KANSAS CITY 11 I MO. Western Forest Industries. FASSETT. JIM F., R. R. 3, Webster City, Ia., Mink Farmer. FINCH, CLIFFORD D., P.O. Box 64, Westfir, Ore., Shipping Foreman, Edward Hines Lbr. Co. 70 The 1964 wherever you go in the forest industry N W-1-E WEST • SOUTH • NORTHEAST • MIDWEST s SOUTHWEST • CANADA • LATIN AMERICA • OVERSEAS you'll find forestry and industry leaders reading forest industries FOREST INDUSTRIES is the only truly national and international journal serving the complete industry from the growing and logging of trees, t hrough the manufacturing and marketing of lumber, plywood, board and other wood products. Subscription rates: one year, $5-two years, $8-three years, $10. MILLER FREEMAN PUBLIC AT I 0 NS the world's leading publishers serving the forest industries Publishers also of: PULP & PAPER PU LP & PAPER forest industries INTERNATIONAL WORLD WOOD DIRECTORY OF THE Serving: LOGGING • FORESTRY FOREST PRODUCTS INDUSTRY THE PLYWOOD DIRECTORY LUMBER e PLYWOOD e BOARD Circulation Department: 500 Howard St., San Francisco, Calif. 94105 San Francisco . Portland . Chicago . New York . Decatur · Seattle · Fort Worth · Long Beach · Vancouver, B . C. · London . Cologne . Zurich FINLEY, JACK A., 5 12 152nd East, Tacoma 5, Wash., Douglas Fir Ply- LARSON, RICHARD E., 3470 North Meridian, Apt. 312, Indanapolis, wood Assoc. . lnd1ana, Forester, Watershed Mgt., VSFS. FISHER. ALAN K., 615 Jefferson, Dallas, Ore., Resident Engmeer, LENDMAN, FRED N., 2758 Kenco Ave., Redding, Calif., Forester, Willamette Valley Lumber Co. W. E. Lanni Estate. FIXSEN, WALLACE G., Box 967, Delta Junction, Alaska, District For LENZ, MORRIS T. J., 1007 Stern, Joliet, Illinois, Radiosonde Tech ester, U. S. Bureau of Land Mgt. nician, U.S. Weather Bureau. FRITCH ER , EARL E., 10721 Art St., Sunland, Calif., Assistant Project LEROUX, JAMES E., Sherry, Wis., Night Suj>t., Roddis Divn., Weyer Design Engineer, Calif. State Div. of Highways. haeuser Co., Marshfield, Wise. FYE, DAVID, L., Box 326, Hopkinton, Ia., Student SuJ>J>ly Pastor, Hoi>· McCRORY, CLAIR A., 2845 Valquanduen, Davenport, Iowa, Foreman, kin.ton M ethodist Church. Davenport Nursery. GABRI ELSON, OSCAR U., J ewell, Ia. MANN, DONALD E., 146 Cedar Road, Uogalusa, La., Forester, Pilot, GATES, JACK G., 1631 16th Ave., Seattle 22. Wash., Assistant Public Re Gaylord Container Division, Crown Zellerbach Corp. lations Director, Glue Division, American-Marietta Inc. MARSHALL, GERALD D., 130 South Hill, Dubuque, Ia., Forester, Bar- GILL, JAMES M., 1416 Fortune Dr., Medford, Ore., Lumber Buyer, rett Division, Allied Chern. & Dye Co. . Wickes Lumber Co. MAYNARD, DONALD E., 7508 W. Indiana, Phoenix, Ariz., Realty Of· GLEASON, LOWELL S., 803 E. H edges, Fresno 4, Calif. {ice, Minneat>olis Area Office, U.S. Bur. Indian Affairs. Physiologist, Mansanto Chemical Co. MILLER, JAMES W., 908 So. Lake St., Lake Mills, Iowa, Sales Repre GOWER, JOHN A., 15 11 Bryn Maur Dr., Dayton 6, Ohio, Salesman sentative, W endell Brown Lumber Co. (Wholesale), Edward Hines Lumber Co. MUHM, ROBERT E., 805 Meetinghouse Court; Riverton, N. J ., P lant GRIMES, PHILLMER DALE, 220 Franklin Part Drive, Boise, Idaho, Sup., Wood Conversion Co. Forester, Boise National Forest. OLSON, PAUL L., 609 W . Center St., Cambridge, Ill., Farm Forester, HADACEK, ARTHUR FRANK, Box 276, Hot Springs, N . Carolina, Illinois Division of Forestry. District Ranger, Pisgah National Forest. PAULSON, ROLAND A., Deceased. HAKENSON, CARL G., 520 W. Burtlett St., Shawono, Wis., Forester, PLUM, BRUCE E., 404 W. Washington, Fairfield, Iowa, Forester, State HANSEN, ROBERT A., 7233 (Box) Snoqualnie Falls, Washington, For Conservation Commission. ester and Engineer, Weyerhaueser Co. POTTER, G. W., 1029 Elm Ave., Richmond Calif., Calif. Forest Products HANSON, NEWTON F., Bruce, Miss., E. L. Bruce Co. Lab. HATCHER, ORVILLE K., 4667 Pierce St., Omaha, Neb., Asst. City PRICE, WILLIAM F., 1916 East Spruce, Kankakee, Ill. Forest er, City of Omaha, Neb. RAMS EY, ROGER A., Box 417, Window Rock, Arizona, Forester, Navajo HEMPEL, ROWLAND W., 317 Tulsa Ave., Carpentersville, Ill. Agency, US Bureau of Indian Affairs. HENNINGS, ROHERT A., 3325 Embry Hills Dr., Chamblee. Ga. RANDOLPH, CALVIN C., Address Unknown. HERTEL, HAROLD G., 5941 Cottage Dr., Des Moines, Iowa. Assistant RAUN, LYLE H ., 1923 Wilson Ave., Webster ,City, Ia., Assistant Manager, Forester, i owa Cons. Com. Farmers Lumber Co. HORTON, LOWELL E., 312 Allen Drive, Vernal, Utah, U.S.F.S. RIDDLE, DONALD D., 1060 Forest Drive, Casper, Wyoming, O perations Ashley Nat/. For. Forester, Bureau of Land Managem ent. JIRSA DONALD E. U .S.F.S. Apache N .F., Springville, Ariz. RILEY, JOHN P., 141 Bennington St., Lawrence, Mass., Photogram JONES, ROBERT EDWARD, 709 Commercial St., Plainfield, Ill., Divi met>·ist, U. S. Naval Hydrographic O[Jce, Washington, D. C. sion Forester, Commonwealth Edison Co . ROZEBOOM, WILLIAM B., 1429 Clark Ave., Ames, Ia., Sales Repre KAGEORGE, MICHAEL W., 206 Norrie, Ironwood, Mich. . sentative, Osmose Wood Preserving Company. KALEN, WENDELL D., Hallsboro, N. C., Forester, W. M. Rttter Lum· RUSH, WAYNE M., RR 3 Box 43, Jefferson, Ia., Manager, Ferguson ber Co Diehl Lumber Co. KATOVICH, ALEXANDER, Rt. I, Box 143A, Wautoma, Wis., District SAPOUSEK, OLIVER F. A., Hat Creek, Calif., Forester, Lassen Forest. Forester, J¥isconsin Conservation Dept. SCHLICK, WILLIAM T., Warm Springs Indian Agency, Warm Springs, KEISTER, THOMAS D., 8024 !'airier, Baton Rouge, La., Gaylord Con Oregon, Forester. U.S. Office Indian Affairs. tainer Div. Crown-Zellerbach. KINGERY, HUGH M., 100 Crestview Dr., Uirrningham, Ala., Elmendorf SCHLOTTER, HAROLD J ., 3030 Middle Road, Keokuk, Ia., Director, R esearch, Inc. Prodvcl De1 ·e/opment. Hoerner Boxes, Inc. KNOLL, CHESTER W., 10 Marlbourough, Chalimar, Fla., U .S.A.F. SIMON, HAROLD F. 1407 S.W. 9th Ave., Fairbault, Minn., Minn. Diu. KNOP, ULAINE M., 1227 N'.W. J ohns Ave., Pendleton, Ore., V.P. and of Forestry. Manager, Kerns Co. SMilTH ROUERT A., 4225 Spenard Rd. No. 54, Spenard, Alaska. KUEFNER, WAYNE H., 27978 Ingram Place, Hayward, Calif., Super SODERLING, DONALD E., 302 Maple Ave., Emmett, Idaho, Buyer, intendent of Pa{>er Mill, Flintkote Co. Industrial Wood Parts Department, Weyerhauser Co. AMES FORESTER 71 STAMY, ROGER S., Rt. Box CP53, Amboy, Washington, Dist . Ranger, (Gifford Pinchot Nat'! Forest.) STOKES, JOHN M., 8809 Madison, Des Moines, Ia., State Forester-State Conservation Comm. LINDQUIST TAUBE, ALBERT H., Deceased. TAYLOR , PAUL K., TWIST, ROBERT C., Hamer, Idaho, Manager, Game R efuge, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. VANDERSHULL, THOMAS D., 410 Grove Ave., Tilamook, Ore., For VARSITY CLEANE1RS ester~ Buehner Lbr. Co. WARD, HUBERT B., Box 74 Noxon, Mont. WAR REN, CH ARLES W., 5632 Corby St., Omaha, Nebr., Director, Parks Recreation and Public Property Dept., City of Omaha. WIDMAR K, CHARLES R., 924 S. lith St., Brainard, Minn., Forester, Park Region Timber Co. WILEY, GERALD J., Deceased. WINTER, ERNST H., 120 Marquerite Road, Metairie, La. W ISE, JAY FRANK, 1006 Brookmount Ave., Box 1620, .Jacksonville, Fla., Phone 232-1055 120 Hayward A ve. Owens-Illinois Cmp. YOUNG, EDWARD J., 1341 Andrew Drive, Glendale 22, Mo., Partner, Cosmo Brokerage Co. AMES, IOWA 1951 ALLEN, LOUIS A., M.D. 5317 West 79th St., Prairie Village, Kansas. AMENDT, MARVIN L., 6th and Grand, (Box 293), Lakeville, Ind., Owner and OPerator, Lakeville Sawmill Co. NEEDHAM, PAUL E., 1556 Third St., Boone, Ia .. Military s --rvicr. AXT, DONALD A., 2415 West Huntington Dr. Peoria, Ill., Field Engi NERVIG, STANLE, 0., 4401 N. Ruby, Schiller ark, Ill., Timber neer, Gates Rubber Co . Structures. BAUER, THEODORE J ., 299 Sunset Dr., Winchester Bay, Ore., Ply NORMAN, DEAN F., 3275 Forest Ave. , Medford Ore., Lumber Buyer, wood Plant Foreman, The Long-Bell Div. I nternational Paper Co. Western Lumber. Inc. BEAVIN, MILTON J., Address Unknown, Sales RePresentative, Proctor PATTERSON, DEAN E., 52 1- 15th St., Boone, Iowa. and Gamble. PARSON, JACK D., Address Uncertain BLUMENTHAL, DONALD K., 22 Bullard, Fort Levenworth, Kansas. POSEKANY, RICHARD ., 1'0 Box 545, Mill Ci ty Ore., Timber Manager, BRUGERE, GENE S., 300 North Euclid, Oak Park, Ill., Field Super Frank Lumber Co. visor, Osmose Wood Preserving Co., Buffalo, N. Y. RAWLINGS, DONALD E., R t. I, Richmond, Ill. , Sdf-nnfJloyed, Rolling BURNS, JAMES R., 1010 Joy Street, Magnolia, Ark., Manager, Unit Acres Orchard. Structures. READINGER, EUGENE H., Rt. 3, Box 375 AR, Bogalusa, La., Area BUSCH, WILLIAM H., 8731 Stearns, Overland Park, Kan., Sales Dept., Forester, Crown Zellerbach CorjJ . Long-Bell Div. lnternational Paper Co. RENARD, LAWRENCE P., 718 W . Sunset Nashville, Ark., Pla nt SuP CAMERON, LEONARD H., Jll5 N.W. 36th Ave., Gainesville, Fla., erintendent, W ood Preservation Division, Dierks Forrsls, Inc. Treating Supervisor, Koppers Co. REHM, ROLLAND S., 2N 359 Pleasa nt, G lyn Ellyn, Ill., Sales RejJTe CAMPBELL, DALE C., Box 122, Eagletown, Okla., District Forester, sentative, Potlatch Forests, Inc. Die'~'ks Forest." /nr. ROSS, HARMON L., Address Uncertain. CHAPMAN, ROBERT C., 822 H Street, Centralia, Wash., Forester Pilot, R U I'PELT, JAMES M., Box 277, Twain H arte, Cal., I mpact Survey Offi- Weyerhaeuser Co. cer, USFS. CLAYCOMB, W.ILLIAM E., 402 S.E. 20th Street, Portland 14, Oregon , SABA, EDWARD J . Contact Administration-U.S.B.L.M. SCHADT, HAROLD 0 ., 3836 N. Lowell Ave., Chicago 41, Ill. CRAFT, ROLAND E., 701 Ross St., Coudersport, Pa., Management SCHOCK, .JAMES H., 2047 Diamond St. San Diego 9, Calif. Forester, West Va . Pulp & Paper. SORENSEN, WAYNE M ., Empire Rt., Dierks, Ark., Assistant District CRANE, CARL K., 665 Marcia Avenue, Hamilton, Ohio, Sales R epre- Forester, Dierks Forests inc. sentative Pease Woodwork STEVENS, ROBERT E., II 09 Fred kin Drive, Covina, California, Carlo· DITTMAN, WILLARD HOWARD, Box 743, Fairfield, Calif. gmfJher. FORNEY, JOHN L., Route I, Richport, N. Y., Graduate Study. STOPPEL, DUANE E., 420 No. 12th St., Adel, Ia., District Forester, FLEMING, LESTER C., Runnels, Ia., Coordinator of County Conserva- Iowa Conservation Commission. tion artivities, sec. SMITH, JACK R. FRY, HARRY J., RFD 3, Box 724, S. J- Ashley H all Manor, Charleston, SMITH, WALTER A. JR., 75 Merrill Ave., East Brunswick, N .J., Su S. C., Koppers Company Inc. Pervisor, Delco Battery CorfJ., General Motors. GLASER, DONALD E., 207 Terrace, Manistique, Mich., Ass't. Dist. TOMASCHESKI, JOSEPH D., 2675 Coppa Way, Sparks, Nev., Tahoe Ranger, Lower Nlichigan National Forest . Timber Co. HAAS, RICHARD E., 912-B. Pineda]] Manor, Lufkin, Texas, Forester, TENNIS, BLAINE S., Ennis, Mont., Dist. Ranger, B eaverhead Nat. Southland Paper Mills, I nc. Forest. HANSEN, NORMAN J., Drakesville, Ia., Consultant Fores ter, Midwest WAHL, JAMES D., 314 Favallone Ave., District Fo rester, Weyerhauser Forestry Service. Company, Tacoma 66, Washington. HARDCOPF, ROBERT ., 7431 18th Ave. So., Minneapolis 23, Minn. WAHLGREN , HAROLD E., 62 16 Straddmore Lane, Madiso n, Wisconsin, Grad. Student, University Minn. R esearch Technologist, U. S. Forest Products Laboratory. HERTZBERG, GROVER R., Address Uncertain. WATERS, JOHN W ., 2770 Worwick Vista Tucson, Arizona, District HOEKSTRA, PIETER E., 1224 Harris St., Charoletsville, N. C., R e R anger, Santa Catalina District, Coronado National Forest. search Forester, Southeastern Forest Experiment Sta.tion. WIER, ROBERT A., 1320 W . 7th Ave., Mesa, Arizona, Recreation Site HORAK, FRANCIS J., 13975 Beefbend Road, Tigard 23, oreg., B. L. M. Planner, Coconino National Forest. HUNGATE, GEORGE E., 400 Walworth Ave., Iron Mountain, Mich., WENDEL, GEORGE W., Box 205, Person, W. V., Southern Forest Fire Lake SujJerior Lumber Co. Laboratory, Southern Forest Ex p. Station. IMFELD, DONALD A., 16 19 Marquette Rd., Joliet, Ill. WILLIAMS, JAMES G., 30 18 E. Ave. N .E. , Cedar R apids, Ia., Foreman, J ARR ARD, STANLEY E., Daisy, Ark., District Forester, Dierk For Hargrave Construction Co. est, Inc. JASKULSKI, T H ADDEUS M., 307 S. 49th Ave., Bell wood, Ill., Pack aging Engineer, Container Laboratories Inc. 1952 JENSEN, ARTHUR W., Deceased. KOM!'v:IANETSKY, MICHAEL, RFD Ames, Ia., Wheat Rust I nsPector ARNOLD, WILLIAM DALE, 1606 Rosewood, Chillicothe, Missouri, Co- Botany DePt ., Iowa State Univ. owner, Chillicothe Lumber Co . LANG, J ERVIS, W ., 923 Milne Dr., Lockport, Ill., Salesman, General BROWN, WILBERT E., Address Uncertain. Plywood Corp. BURNS, RICHARD R ., Uncertain. LYNN, ARTHUR D ., 510 Yeon Building, Portland 8, Ore., District CAMPBELL, DONALD C., 1808 Abbott St. , Ann Arbor, Mich., R ecrea Forest Engineer, Western Pine Association. tion Planner, Bureau of Outdoo1· Recreation. McANI NCH, CARROLL D., 569 5th St., Durango, Colo., Forester, San CAMPEN, ELDON R ., !.lox 5 1, Oregon, Ill., Farm Forestcc, Illinois juan National Forest. Division of Forest1·y . McMIILLAN, FRED W., 1205 Monroe, Beardstown, Ill., R ight-of-way CARTWRIGHT, JAMES R ., Box 464, Wheatland, Calif., Assistant AP:ent, Central Illinois Public Service Co. Highway Engineer, California Dept. of Highways. MARSH , R ICH AR D C., 1487 E. Ollie Circle, Greenville, Miss., Forester, CLARK, WENDELL P., PO Box 684, Emmett, Idaho, Industrial Engineer U . S. Gypsum Co. Boise Cascade CorjJ. MENNE, DAVID C., II Parkland, Glendale 22, Mo., Manager, Hill COCHRAN, THOMAS E., 3090 University, Eugene, Oregon, Dis trict B 72 Th e 1964 FLEMING, RICHARD E., 1162 Mountain Drive, Visalia, Calif. (Ag. Ex MARTIN, THOMAS C., 5549 Laurell Ave., La Grange, Ill., Ponderosa tension Service ), Univ. of Calif. Pine Sales, Edward Hines Lbr. Co. FORMAN, LAWRENCE P., Box 289, Rifle, Colorado, District Ranger, MATHESON, ROBERT R ., 1501 W. 13th St. S., Newton, Iowa. White River Nat'l Forest. MITCHELL, LEO A., 6220 McKinley, West Des Moines, Ia., Paxton Lum FREDERICKSON, PAUL W., 2503 Chitwood Way, Boise, Idaho, Carload ber Co., Des Moines, la. Wholesale Dept., The Hallack & H oward Lumber Co. POPP, RICHARD D., Box 557, Chewelah, Wash., forester, US Bureau GULICK, MILES J ., Box 116, Fawnskin, Calif., Asst. Forester, San Bern of Indian Affairs, Colville Indian Agency, Coulee Dam, Wash . ardino N . F. SCOTT, DAVID f ., 320 Hillarie Drive, Hopkinsville, Kentucky. HANNA, STEWART, Box 1027, Burns, Oregon, District Ranger, Malheur SET ZER, T ED S., Box 120, Sou th Amana, Iowa, Manager, Amana N. F. Sawmill and Division of Forestry. H ANSEN, RICHARD C., 922 S. Townsend, Apt. No. 8, Santa Anna, SHAW, ALBERT F., 431 Peters Blvd., Brightwaters, N.Y., Pilot, American Calif., Sales Representative, Frank Paxton Lumber Co. Airlines. HANSON, O RLIN j., % U.S.F.S., Yreka, Calif., Forester, Klamath N.F. SHORT, WINSTON B., 7822 Zuni, Denver 21, Colo., Forester, Bureau HARTMAN, THEODORE A., JR., Ripplewood Resort, Big Sur, Calif., of Land /11Ianagement. Owner, Ripplewood Resort. SMITH, JEROME B., 4425 Memory Lane, Tacoma 66, Wash., Public HASKELL, H EN RY H ., 1538 Elmond Ave., Middleton, Wis., Wood Tech Relations Dept.} Weyerhaeuser Co. nologist, U. S. Forest Products Lab. SUTTON, ROGER F., 218 S. 2nd St., St. Charles, Ill. HAWK, HERBERT E., 9104 Bacon St., LaGrange, Georgia, LaMar Lake SZYMECZEK, FRANK 0~. 1906 North j annet, Tacoma 7, Wash., Service Ins. Engineer} R ilco Laminated Products, Inc. HAYGREEN, JOHN G., 2232 Rosewood Ave. S., St. Paul, Minn., Ass't. TRUE, MARION G., JR., Maio, Michigan. Professor, DetJt. Forestry, Vniv. of Minn. TWITO, ROGER H ., 1040 8th Ave. East, Kalispell, Mont., Consulting HEM PHIL, MERLYN W ., 706 Apple, Marshfield, Wis., Manufacturing Engineer. 1Wanager, W eyerhaeuser CorjJ. HERTEL, WILLIAM M., 1308 Ridgewood Dr., 1 Highland Park, III., H etl.r Lumber Co. 1954 HILLIARD, WILLIAM K., 222 Read St., Silsbee, Texas, In Charge Field OjJerations, D. D. Shive Surveys. ALLMAN, FRED D., Lowry Field, USAF, Denver, Colo. HORSMAN, LEWELL E., 1622 H ershey Lane, Alexandria, Va. Recrea BLYTH, JAMES E., 1724 Greysolon Road, Duluth 12, Minn., U.S.F.S., tion Planner, U. S. Army Engineers. L.S. For. Exp. Sta. HUBBARD, ARTHUR C., RR I, McCall, Idaho, Check Scaler, Brown'• BUCHANAN, DEAN W., Box 149, Eli, Minnesota, District Ranger, USFS. T ie & Lumber Co. BYRUS, WILLIAM C., Box 874, Cross City, Florida, Forester, St. j oe HUMMEL, ALLAN E., 902 Plum, Atlantic, Ia., Office Manager, R etail Paj1er Co. · Lumber Yard, H ighway Lumber Company. CHANCE, RICHARD L., Westover A.F.B., Westover, Mass., Photo In KLINE, PAUL D., Address Unknown, Iowa Conservation Commission. telligence, U.S. Air Force. LODGE, FLOYD E., 1533 1 Foch , Livonia, Mich., Wholesale Salesman, CHENEY, BRUCE D., 1611 East Street, Cedar falls, Iowa, Science F. W. Lange & Son, Detroit. Teacher, Cedar Falls Public School. LOKKEN, CLAYTON M., 305 22nd St., Ames, Iowa, Iowa Highway CORRIGAN, LAYTON H., PO Box 228, Oscoda, Mich., Pilot, SAC Comm;ssion. USAF. MAYBERRY, GERALD D., Box 970, Leadville, Colo., District Ranger, GOFF. CHARLES R ., 916 N.E. 66 Ave., Portland 13, Ore., Forester, Gif Nebraska National Forest. ' ford Pinchot National Forest. MICKLWRIGHT, JAMES T ., 7732 Arlen St., Annandale, Va., USFS, GRISWOLD, RICHARD K., 5819 West Fountain Ave., Milwaukee 23, Washington Office. Wise. MURPHY, WILLIAM E., 14800 Lata Vista Dr., Elm Grove, Wis., Manu- HAALAND, CARL ) ., 725 Michael, Fort Rucker, Alabama. facturers Representative, A. ]. Dunsmore Co. HAMMER, MELVIN E., 2720 So. Bonnyview, Redding Calif., Forester, NELSON, JOHN P., 2595 !'otter, Eugene, Ore. Shasta- Trinity Nat. Forest. NESBITT, GEORGE G., 1945 W. 3rd Ave., Denver 23, Colo. HOMAN, KEITH ALLEN, P.O. Box 352, Haleyville, Ala., Assistant I'ROEGER , LINDEN PAUL, RR No. I, Box 151, Prophets Town, Ill. Ranger, DeSoto National Forest. R ITTER, WILLIAM C., Box 662, Elkader, Iowa, District Forester, KESSEY, JOHN C., Box 147, Chama, N. Mex., District Forester, New Iowa Conservation Commission. Mexico Dept. of Forrstry. RYMER, KARL R., 1431 Crest Dr., Rt. 3, Box 139, Eugene, Ore., For KREGER, l'AUL B., Address Uncertain, Dist . Forester M ead Co rjJ. ester, Bureau of Land Management. LAMANSKY, WILLIAM H ., Route I, Orrville, Ohio, Koppers Com SCHIENBEIN, ALLEN G., 520 Vista Dr., Falls Church, Va. Pany, Inc. SCH UTT, WALTER W., JR., 4571 Harlan Drive, Salem, Oregon, For LARSEN, DONALD E., 303 Fillmore, Hoquiam, Wash., Forester, Ray ester, Management Division, Oregon State Board of Forestry. onier, Inc. SPAIN, CHARLES F., Norwalk, Ia., Science Teacher, Callanan Jr. High, LASSEN, LAWRENCE E., 216 West Morland Blvd., Madison, Wis., Des Moines, Ia. Forest Products T echnologist, US Forest Products Lab. TOBIASKI , ROBERT A., 8 BelAir Ave., Winchester, Kentucky, For MACPEAK, MALCOLM D., 1700 Howell St., Missoula, Montana, Re- ester, Div. of Natural Resources, U. S. Forest Service. search Forester, Western Pine Association. WESTPHOL WARREN B., 3000 N. Lilly Road, Brookfield, Wis., MELROY, DANA L., 1404 Wilshire Dr., Bellevue, Nebraska. T eacher, Milwaukee Public Schools. MILLER, CHARLES W., 328 N. 14th St., Corvallis, Oregon. WIANT, R EX H ., 1909 R oosevelt, Ames, Iowa, Safety & Traffic Dept., PARKER DARREL F., Box Ill, Lincoln I, Nebr. i owa State Highway Commission. PAAKKONEN, ONNIE E., Neah Bay, Wash., Forester, Administration, WILSON, JOHN 0., Tiller, Oregon, District Ranger, Umpqua National Bureau of Indian Affairs. Forest. PETERSON, ROBERT E., 110 Partridge Dr., Grass Valley, Calif., Mul WOOD, WILLIAM C., 1990 Carlin St., Reno, Nevada, Nevada State Div . tiPle Use Sumeys, Tahoe NF. of Forestry. l'ETERSON, ROBERT R ., Box 975, Enamclaw, Wash., Regeneration Forester, Weyerhaeuser Co. RAWLEY, JAMES E., 870 Goorman, Littleton, Colo. 19.>3 RENAUD, RAY E., 309 Marshall Dr., Louisville 7, Ky., Manager, ARRASMITH, PAU L W., 5326 NE-39th Ave., Portland Ore., R esearch Research and Development, Quality Control, Wood Mosaic Corpor Specialist., BLM. ation. BRADISH, JOHN A .. 1415 East 29th, Albany, Oregon, Farm Forester, RICHARDS, MERRJL E., Box 782, Williams, Arizona, District Ranger, Oregon State Board of Forestry. Chalender RD, Kaibab NF, USFS. CAMPBELL, OLIVER F. 7660 E. Coolgrove Dr., Downey, Cal., Sales RUSSELL, ROBERT J ., 471 Hiatt St., Lebanon, Oregon, Cascades Ply man, Pope and Talbot, l nc. wood CorjJ. CHRIST, DUANE M., Apartment 403, 502 W est 122 Street, New York, SCHALLAU, CON H ., 2362 Valentine, St. Paul, Minn., Research For N.Y. ester (Econ), L.S. For. Exp. Sta., St . Paul I, Minn. COOPER, GLENN A., JR., Rt. I, MaRanda, Ill., Central States Exp. Sta SCHMIDT, ·VERNER N ., 1009 Fairway Tr., Aberdeen, WasiL, Land tion. aminer, Weyerhaeuser Co. COYLE, CHARLES J ., 718 Sherman Ave., Ackley, Ia. CRELLIN, JOHN S., Box 722, Route I, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Car son National Forest. DALE, MARTIN E., I02 Holly Hill Drive, Berea, Kentucky, Forester, Central States Forest Exp. Station. EHRLICH, GLENN H., Box 31, Mescalero, New Mexico. FULTON, MAX D., Box 625, Salon Springs, Wisconsin, Assistant District Manager, Mosinee Paper Co. LUMBER AND MILLWORK GREEN, DUANE LEROY, Box 761, Bottineau, North Dakota, Assistant State Forester, North Dakota School of Forestry. HANISCH, RICHARD L., 5927 Twin Springs Drive, Boise, Idaho, Safely BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Insp., Employers Mutual of Warsaw. HARVEY, JAMES, JR., 882 N. 9th E., Price, U tah, Assistant District, Ranger, Helena National Forest. KALE, WILSON S., 621 !'reston, Lewiston, Idaho, Forester, Potlatch For ests, Inc. Ames Lumber Company, Inc. KNUTSEN, STANLEY, Route I, Ossian, Ia. KUESTER, ALLAN F., 615 S. Dodge St., Algona, Iowa, Forest Consul tant. LASH, MERRILL G., 2509 S. Hills Dr., Missoula, Montana, Ass't. Sales Mgr., Anaconda. LEUTHAUSER, ALBERT H., 70 Halfway Ranger Sta., Halfway, Oregon 2 Blocks East of Underpass Assistant Ranger, Fremont National Forest. LHOTA, FRANK H ., 9 15 Cedar Dr., Brooksville, Fla. M. D. (J e ns) Klatt 501 lincoln Way McKEE, LOUIS ,C., 2890 Bowman Rd., Reedsport, Ore., Ass't. to General Manager, Gardiner Branch of Long-Bell Div' n. of International Paper Co. PH. CE 2-4772 AMES, IOWA MARTIN, CHRISTOPH J ., 1308 Del Norte, Prineville, Oregon, As- sistant District Ranger, Ochoco National Forest. · AMES FORESTER 73 CONGER, RICHARD J., 3274 N. 77th, Milwaukee 22, Wise. District Mgr., Koppers Co., Inc. COSGRIFF, KENNETH L., 101 Marsha Drive, Chesapeake, N.C. DEVAUL, FRANKLIN D., Box 124, Weed, Calif., Long-Bell Division, The Finest Groceries and International Paper Company. ECKER, EUGENE F., Glenwood Springs, Colorado, Forester, White River The Freshest Meats are found at National Forest. FRITCH, KATHLEEN CLARK, c/o USFS, Pagosa Springs, Colo., House· wife. GILL, RONALD B., 655 Sheffield, Franklin Park, Ill., Salesman, Georgia Pacific Corp. The Hy-Vee Food Stores GROOM, WAYNE J., 3806 South Austin Blvd., Cicero 50, III. HERZBERG, SIDNEY D., 2409 E. Dunlay Ct., Waukegan, Ill. Large Selection HOW, DAVID C., 2224 Brenda Lane, Las Vegas, Nev., Administrative Assistant, U. S. Bureau of Land Management. LEFLER, MARSH E., Watersmeet, Michigan, Assistant District Ranger, Quality Meats & Groceries Ottawa National Forest. LINDQUIST, LEONARD A., Jemez Ranger ~tation, Jemez, New Mexico, Assistant District Ranger, Sante Fe National Forest. at competitive prices MciNTYRE, JAMES A., 2715 59th St., Des Moines, Iowa, Manager, jewett Lumber Co. MERRIMAN, MICHAEL, M., 1557 Arch. St., Berkeley 8, Cal., Military Plenty of free parking Service. PRESTMAN, DEAN R., 1629 Elm Av., Richmond, Calif., Technical Field 112 South Sheldon 207 South Duff R epresentative, National Lumber Manufacturers• Association. QUAINTANCE, MICHAEL F., 1105 West 77 St., Kansas City, Mo., Sweet Lumber Co. (Retail). QUIRK, jOHN T., Address Unknown, Research Forester, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison 5. Wisconsin. RETTEMAIER, JAMES J., 56 Ivanhoe, Asheville, N. C., Morgan Manu· facturing Co. of Black Mountain, North Carolina. STROTMAN, BRUCE D., 624 5th St., N. W ., Waverly, Ia., Military ROBINSON, VVERNON L., 21 Lookinglass Lane, Ashville, North Caro Sendee. lina, Research Forester, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. WILES, MITCHELL G., 3775 D St., Salem, Oregon. SVENSF.N, WILLIAM T., Rt. 5, Brady Rd., Des Moines, Iowa, Mort· gage Finance Co. 1955 BARDEN, ALVIN L., Box 101 , Eagle River, Wis., Trees for Tomorrow. 1957 BARRINGTON, JOHN C., Box 357, Callahan, Calif., District Ranger, USFS. ABRECHT, DAVID J., Box 24, Valyermo, Calif., Ass't. Dist. Ranger, CHELLSTAD, MANGUS (GENE) c/o USFS Box 1067, Petersburg, Angeles NF. Alaska, Staff Ass't., Petersburg Ranger Dist. BONYATA, RICHARD J., P.O. Box 68, Crawfordville, Florida, Forester, COLLEEN, DON A., 600 Benne~t St., Sedro-Woollesy, Wash., Inventory Florida National Forests. Forester, Washington State Division of Forestry. . BOUMAN, LANE J., 2120 jackson St., Eugene, Oregon, Forester, U. S. COMBS, MARVIN H., Mountainview Road, Mountainview, Wyo., DIS· Bureau of Land Management. trict Ranger, Wasatch Natl. Forest. BOZARTH, RICHARD E., 9629 Redman Ave., Omaha, Nebraska, Erdman EVENSON, JOHN 0., 3720 Irving St., Marinette, Wis. Tree Service. FELLOWS, ALBERT M., 1708 S. Seehom Rd., Spokane 62 Wash., Boise· BRENDF.MUEHL, RAYMOND H., 706 Spring St., Marianna, Fla., Re· Cascade Lumber Co. search Forester, Southern Forest Experiment Station. GEYER, WAYNE A., Uncertain. DANIEL, PAULL., 2526 Chamberlain, Ames, Iowa. GORE, JAMES L., 6001 Snyder, Des Moines, Iowa. DODGE, RODNEY E., 714 Stanton, Ames, Iowa, Military Service. GRUENING, WILLIAM E., JR., 5615 Valley Road, Parkville, Mo., EDGREN, JAMES W., 5014 N.E., 34th Ave., Portland II, Ore., Forest Sales Trainee, Dierks Forests, Inc. Pathologist, Pacific N.W. Forest & Range Exp. Sta. HERRICK OWEN W., 115 Cherry Road, Berea, Ky., Union Camp Corp. ETHINGTON, ROBERT L., 5207 Manitowoc Parkway, Madison, Wis., HOLLAND, JACK S., Box 70 A.R.I., Magnolia, Ark., Assistant District Technologist, Forest Products Laboratory. Forester, Dierks Forests, Inc. FERREE, MAX E., 5117 ·49th Avenue N., Minneapolis 22, Minn. HUNT, ROBERT L., 304 Whipple St., Prescott, Ariz. FREESE, MARY SCHWARTE, Ames, Housewife. HUNTER, (CHARLES) R., Elk City Ranger S~ation, Elk City Idaho. HAYGREEN, JAMES H., 2232 Rosewood Lane, S. St. Paul 13, Minn., jACK LYLE E., Box 280, Cordova, Alaska, DISt. Ranger. Georgia Pacific Corp. JOHNSON, HOWARD G., 881 W. St., Charles Rd., Lombard, III., Gen HAZARD, JOHN W., 3041 S.E. !66th Ave., Portland, Oregon, R esearch eral Supt., DuPage County Forest. Forester, P.N.W. For. Exp. Sta. JOHNSON, VICTOR A., clo J & M Cafe, Missouri Valley, Ia., Military HETZER, ROBERT E., McKenzie Bridge, Oregon, Forester, Wil/iamette Sf'n•ire. National Forest. KRIEGER, JACK R ., Estacada, Ore., Lakes Ranger Statio>~, Mt. Hood KASTELIC, JOSEPH P., Box 432, College, Alaska, U. S. Bureau of National Forest. - Lanrl Mana~remrnt . LORENZ, PAUL R ., 1930 Kings Rd., Corvallis, Oregon, Project Supcrvi· KETCHUM, RONALD L., Tieton Ranger Station, Box 189, Naches, sor, Oregon State Tax Commission. Wash., Timber Resource Ass't., USFS. LUTZ, CLARENCE A., (Rev.), Address Unknown. . KONING, JOHN 2125 Keyes Ave., Madison 5, Wis. McKENZIE, ROBERT G., 700 - 1st Ave., Laurel, MISS., Forester, De KRIDELBAUGH, LEON E., Eagle River, Wis., Assistant District Ranger, Soto National Forest. Nicolet National Forest. MARSHALL, HARRY JOHNSON, 4824 Laverne Ave., Klamath Falls, MEDIN, DEAN E., Rt. 3 Box 529, Ft. Collins, Colorado, Biologist, Colo· Oregon, Unit Forester, Oregon State Board of Forestry. rado State Dept. of Game and Fish. MORGAN, DONALD JAMES, 1507 64th St., Des Moines, Iowa. . MILES, ROBERT L., 245 A;rport Road, Shawano, Wis., Assistant Dis· PLOEN, DELBERT L., 2312 Miller Dr., Terre Haute, Ind~ana , Quality trict Forester, Wisconsin Conservation Dept. Control, Div. of Commercial Solvents Corp. NIELSEN, RICHARD L, 8609 N .E. Clackmas St., Portland, Ore., Re· SWEIZTER, GORDON A., 146 Elcamino DeLas Crucitas, Santa Fe, New search Forester, P.N.W. Forest Exp. Sta. Mexico. . OMODT, DON G., 4500 W. 79th., Prairie Village, Kan. TER LOUW, JOE W ., Star Route, Box 62, Westfir, Ore., TJmber and OMUNDSON, FREDERICK L., 4455 NW 17th Av., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., Watershed Mgt. Ass't., Oakridge RD, W•llamette NF. Unit Structures. THOMSEN, KEN, 1613, 2nd St., Coeur de'Alene, Id., Forester, Coeur PERKINS, JOHN BRYANT, Early Winters Ranger Sta., Mazama, Wash., de' Alene Nat. Forest. Ass't. Ranger. TORRENCE, JAMES F., LaGrande Ranger Sta., 1202 Cedar St., La· PILLSBURY, STERLING 0., 3708 6th Ave., Sioux City, Iowa, Military Grande Oregon, Asst. Ranger, Wallowa Whttman, N.F. Service. VAN DEUSEN, JAMES L., 202 Donbarton Ave., Rapid City, S. D., Re· PREY, ALLEN J ., 613 N. Midvale Blvd., Madison, Wis., Assistant District search Forester, Rocky Mt. Forest & Range Expt. Sta. Forester, Wisconsin Conservation Dept. WATTS, ROGER H., 38 Kendall Drive, Parlin, N. J., Treating Super· QUADE, ROGER L., General Delivery, Springerville, Arizona, Forester, visor, KoPPe•·s Company. Tonto National Forest. WILHITE, LAWRENCE P., 130 Gwen Lake Blvd., Lake City, Fla., S.E. RICHARDSON, DEAN E., USFS, Tell City, Ind. Forest Experiment Station. RUSH, PAUL A., 588 Yorktown Rd., Chicago Heights, Illinois, Wood Technologist, Furniture Technical Sendee Dept., Sherwin-Williams Paint Company. 1956 SCHRAMM, DONALD LESLIE, 3008 Dale Ann Drive, Louisville, 20, Kentucky. ANDREAS, LEE G., Wisconsin State College, 419 Sherman Ave., Whiting, SMITH, ROLAND D., 513 Barnes Ave., Medford, Oregon, Forester, Wise., Instructor. . . . Bureau of Land Management. AXELTON, LARRY E., 7008 Roseland Drive, Des Momes, Ia., M1lltary STEWART, ROBERT E., 190 South Emory Ave., Peshtigo, Wis., Sales SenJice. Engineer, Unit Structures Inc. BARKER, VIRGINIA MciNTYRE, 1960 Snyder Hill Rd., Ithaca, N.Y., UHR, SELMER C., 202 Gillis Street, Polotka, Florida, Hudson Pulp l:t Housewife. Paper Company. BERLYN, GRAEME P., 30 Morris St., Haden, Conn., Yale Univ. School WARNER, WILLIAM R., II Eaton Court Ramsey, N . J., Manager of Forestry, Instructor. Eastern Div. Timber Structures, Inc. BREON, DUANE G., Pinedale, Arizona, District Ranger, Sitgr•aus Na· WELCH, GARY A., 4211 Amherst Rd., Montgomery, Ala., General Field tional Forest. Foreman, Koppers Co., Inc. BROWN, RICHARD W ., 49 Pinehurst Rd. Munroe Fall, Ohio, Forester, WOHLENBERG, BARLOW H ., Warm Springs Indian Agency, Warm Ohio Edison Co . · Springs, Oregon. CLAUSON, ROBERT D., Rt. No. 2, Box 3, T iller Ore., Resource Ass't., YARGUS, WAYNE ORA, Box 313, Ft. Washakie, Wyoming, Administra· South Umpqua Dist., Umpqua NF. tive Forester, US Bureau of Indian Affairs. 74 The 1964 1958 1959 ARENDTS, C HARLES L., Pine Ranger Station, Halfway, Oregon, As ANDERSON, DAVID !'., Box 144 Okanogan, Washington, Forester. sistant District Ranger, Wallowa Whitman National Forest. ANDERSON, DONALD E., 1127 West 101th St., Chicago 43, Ill. BERGER, jOHN M., 4732 SE Madison, Portland 15, Ore., Research ANDERSON, RICHARD, 1001 South 7th St., Manager-Rogers W ood Forester, PNW Forest and Range Exp. Station. Products Co. Rogers, Ark. BURTON, JAMES D., Cotten Cottage, Sewanee, Tenn., U. S. Forest Ser ARNEY, RGHARD, Galice Ranger Station, Merlin, Ore., Timber Manage v ice, c/ o University of the South, Sewanne, T enn. ment Ass't. CLAUSEN, MELVIN D., Log Run Rd., Rd. 2, Williamsport, Pa., For BAKER, DEAN P., Dyersville, Ia., Forester, Jayne Mfg. Co. ester, Pa. State Dept. of Forests & Waters. BARNES, GORDON D., 4279 West Glendale Ave., Milwaukee, Wiscon COMSTOCK, G ILBERT L., 5017 Holiday Drive, Madison, Wisconsin. sin, Sales Engineer, United Structures, Inc. CON KLIN, WILLIAM F., P.O. Box 362, Kremmling, Colorado, Asmtant BINGER, CALVIN E., Box 66, Tolovana Park, Oregon, Field Survey District Ranger, Arapaho National Forest. Crew, Crown-Zellerbach. CUKURS, PAVLIS, Box 535, Oakridge, Oregon, Cascndes Plywood BODEN BERGER, PAUL E., 491 3 East 3rd St., Prineville, Oregon, BLM Corp. BROWN, DAVID B., Estacada, Ore., Forester, Lakes Ranger District, F AGO, CLIFFORD E., 171.1 Wright, Santa Rosa, Calif., Forester, State U. S. Forest Service. of Calif. BROWN, GREGORY N., 2529 Chapel Hill Rd., Durham, N. C., Grad FRANKLIN, ROBERT P., ll55 East Street, Redding, Calif. uate student, Duke University. FREEL, RICHARD D., 585 Lorna Street, Redding, Calif. BRAWN, GREGORY N ., Grad. Student, Yale School of Forestry, New HOUTCHENS, FAY L., East I 15 S. 3rd, Grangeville, Idaho, Forester Haven, Conn. USFS, Lewi.< and Clark N. F. CLINE, RUSSELL W., 9316 N. Lake Drive S.W., Tacoma 99, Wash. JAYNE, JAMES L. Box 302, Quilcene, Wash., Forester, USFS, Olympic COCHRAN, P. H., Guthrie Center Ia. NF. COOPER. TERRENCE G., 520 New River Drive, jacksonville, N.C. 28540. JENSEN, WILLIAM L., 309 N. Huber St., Anamosa, Iowa. District For DAH LQUIST, ROBERT B., ~4 1 7 E. 15th, Tulsa, Okla., R etail Lum- ester, Iowa State Conservation Comm. ber, Long-Bell Division, International Paper Co. KLINOFF, ROGER H., 633 E. Lincoln. Tomahawk, Wis., W estern DYRLAND, RICHARD D., Lyle, Minn. District Forest Manager, Owen-Illinois Corporation. FLCKE, JAMES E., Box 218, Baily, Colo., Ass't. Dist. Ranger, USFS. LAURITSEN, MARVIN K., 600 W. Graham, Council Bluffs, Iowa. FIELDS, ROBERT L., 907 Lafayette, Doniphan, Missouri, Ass't. Dist. LINK, KERMIT]., 841 Simms Avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Ranger, Mark Twain National Forest. MARSH, DALE E., Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, Assistant District Forester, GATHERUM, GORDON E., 1508 Duff Ave., Ames, Iowa, Associat• Wisconsin Conservation Def>t. Professor, Dept. of Forestry, Iowa State University. MEYER, GENE C., Box 98, Mercer, Wisconsin, R esearch Forester, Mara HALEY, THOMAS ]., 1344 Arlingwood Ave., jacksonville, Florida, Mili thon Division of American Can Company. tary Service. MUNTZ, HILTON D., 417 Norway St. Norway, Mich., Pastor, Grace HAMBROCK, RICHARD, Twin Peaks, Calif., Forest R ecreation Planner, Mr thodist Church. San Bernardino NF. NAGEL, SAM R., 3 11 1 S.W. Kirk; Pendleton, Oregon. HARDIE, H. B., 587 Stella Drive, Ukiah, Calif., Timber Appraiser, M endi PETERS, DANNY L., Address Unknown. cino Co. RASMUSON, DEAN A., Red Feather Lakes, Colo., District Ranger, HAFENSTEIN, ERWIN N., Box 331, joseph Ore., Timber Mgt. Ass't., Roosevelt Nat' l. Forest. USFS. ROGERS. DONALD D., Address Uncertain. HILLMAN, KENNETH W., 1160 Park Ave., Ketchika, Alasaka, Ketchink RUS, WILLIAM E., 1833 Maple St., North Bend, Oregon, Forester, Pulp & Paper Co. U. S. Bureau of Land Management. jOHNSON, ROBERT C., Hickory Grove Trailer Park, Rt. 2, Ames, Iowa, SAYLO R, LEROY C., 3509 Merwin, R aleigh, North Carolina, Ass't. Special Student. Prof., North Carolina Slate University. JOHNSON, ROBERT W., 1435 MacArthur Drive, Munster, Ind. SIMPSON, HAROLD W., Box 870 Lisbon, North Dakota. JOKERST, RONALD W., Rt. 2, Carterville, Iillnois. STEENSEN, DONALD H. ] ., 1439 South Gray Rt. 2 Box 387 Auburn, KASILE, jOSEPH D. 2501 Pacific St., Napa, Cal., Research Forester, Alabama. Ass't P rofessor of Forestry, A1.tbu1·n Univ. USFS. TOMPKINS, GEORGE, 224 S 4th St., Hamilton, Mont., W est Fork KADERBECK, JAMES K., Box 137, Big Creek, Calif., Project Sales Of Ranger Station, Bitterroot National Forest. ficer, USFS. TROXEL WILLIAM C. KELLER, DARREL V., 4707 Hollandale, Wichita Fall, Texas, Building WILLIAMS, H. STEIN, 1304 Adams Ave., Toppenish, WasiL, Forester, Material Sales, International Paper Co. Bureau of Indian Affairs, Yakima Jndian Agency. LEARY, ROLFE A., 12 17 Curtiss, Ames, Iowa. MORRISON, ROGER A., 1217 Felix, Magnolia, Arkansas, Sales Engineer, U nit Structures. NELSON, DAVID K., USFS, Nevada City, Calif., Asst. District Ranger. ORCUTT, DAVID A., 3601 76th Pl., Des Moines, Ia.; Iowa Power & Light Co. PIERCE, RICHARD F., Tonsket, Washington. l'I PHO, HAROLD L., Box 54, McKenzie Bridge, Ore., Forester, USFS. PLANK, M. E., Box 3141, Portland 8, Ore., PNW For. Exp. Sta. POLENZ, ALLEN, R., 211 NW Canton St., john Day, Oregon. RARDIN, DONALD L., RR 2, Box 909, j effersonville, Indiana. ROTH, PAUL L., Dubois, Wyoming, Timber Sales, Shoshone Na TAH.OE TIMBER tirmn' Fnrest. SIEVERDING, HAROLD P., 1008 Browning, Salem, Ore., Forester (Tim ber Sales), U. S. Bureau of Land Management. SLOAN, LESLIE JAY, Box 203, Redfield , Iowa. . SPOLAR, THOMAS ]., Box 133, McKenzie Bridge, Ore., T1mber Sales Administration, Willamette National Forest. STARKE, ROBERT K., Eisele Trailer Park, Sheridan, Wyoming, Assistant District Ranger, Bighorn National Forest. STUELKE, D. 0 ., West Branch I, Partner, Const. Co., SWANSON, W . S., Hayfork, Cal., Timber Management Ass't. USFS. SYNDERGAARD, LARRY E., 926 Spaight St., Madison 3, Wise. TEETERS, JAMES L., Deceased. OF NEVADA, INC. TYRREL, ROBERT R ., Box 155, Aurora, Minnesota, District Ranger, Superior Nat'l. Forest. VANEK, DAVID V., ACO., 6th Special Forces Group, (ABN), Ft. Bragg, N.C., Captain, US Army. VAN ZANDERBERGEN, ROBERT L., Tomahawk, Wis., Assistant For ester, Woodland Division, Owens-Illinois Corp. WILKE, ROGER A., Andover, Iowa. Manufacturers and Processors of Ponderosa Pine WISCH, JOHN C., Granite Falls (Box 215), Washington, Forester, Mt. Baker National Forest. Jeffrey Pine a nd Silver Fir WRIGHT, jOHN A., Tiller Ranger Station, Tiller Ore., Salvage Sales Adm. Umpqua National Forest. P.O . Box 6 49 - RENO, NEVADA 1960 ANDERSON, GEORGE E., Ava Mo., Forester, Mark T wain NF. ANDERSON, PHILLIP 0., Box 38, H alsey, Nebraska, Forester U.S.F.S. BARDEN, WILLIAM L., 609 Outer Drive, Milton, Florida. "Employers of BROERMAN, BUD F. S., 775 lOth St., Nevada, Iowa, Grad. Student. BULMAN, JAMES S., 1027 North St., Chariton, Iowa, Dist. Forester, Ia. Cons. Comm. CHRISTOPHER, PETER A., Box 204, Prinville, Oregon. Iowa State Foresters COVAULT, JERRY D., 138 South 18th St., Reedsport, Oregon, Forester Siskiyou N. F. DUSKIN, DONALD, 1541 SE Stpehens, Roseburg, Ore., Forester, B LM. Exclusively" FARRIS, WILLIAM A., 123 Ave. C., Denison, Ia., District Forester, State Cons. Comm. FERGUSON, NORMAN B., 537- 56th St., D~ Moines, Iowa. FlCKEN, LYLE D., 4319 Gary, Klamath Fallo, Ore., Forester, Winona Nat'l. Forest. GOINS, RICHARD A., 127 1-1! eland, Waterloo, Ia., Forester, Wood Pro ducts Div., Weyerhaeuser Co., Marshfield, Wis. AMES FORESTER 75 GOTTSACKER, JAMES H., 293 Village Dr., Ames, Iowa, Extension 1962 Forester~ Iowa Slate Univ tJrsity. ABBOTT, LYNN CARL, R.R. 3, Clarion, Ia. HALBLEIB, DUANE W., 210 Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois, Military ARGANBRIGHT, DONALD GENE, Iowa State Univ., gwduate student. Service. BACHMAN, JAMES HENRY, Box 18, Route I, Vale, Oregon, Nange HALVERSON, HOWARD GENE, c/o Dept. of Watershed Mgt. Univer Conservationist, B LM. sity of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Graduate Research Ass't. BUGENHOGEN, jON L., "C" BTRY, 2/ 7 ARTY, Al'O 112, US Forces. HANKS, LELAND F., 1106 Sells Ave., Apt. E. Columbus, Ohio, Re BERG, MELVIN D., Shelby, Ia. search Forester, Central States Forest Exp. Sta. BERNATZ, joel R., Address uncertain, Forester, Fremont Nat'!. Forest, HANSON, RICHARD L., 75 Rosewood Ave., Eugene, Oregon, Forester, USFS. BLM. BERTLSHOFER, LOUIS jOHN, P.O. Box 145, Cohlbran, Colo., Asst. JENSEN, KEITH F., 23 Blymer St., Deleware, Ohio, Forest Insects and Dist. Ranger, USFS, Colo. Grand M esa-Unc. Nat!. Forest. Disease Lab. BOLINGER, DON MLCHAEL, Box 176, RF No. I, Fredericktown, Mis JOENS, ROBERT L., Box 128, Willow Springs, Missouri, Nuclear souri, Asst. D ist. Ranger, Clark Nat'/. Forest. Weapons Officer, US Army. BOYLE, JAMES REID, % Kenneth H. Anderson, 232 Fairfield Ave., Elm KNUPP, JOHN F., Alexandria, Louisiana, Forester, Roy 0. Martin hurst, Ill., Fulbright Grad Student, Finland. Lumber Co. CARTER, STANLEY WM. JR., Box 156, Waldport, Oregon, Forester LITTLE, HARRY G., 354 Colorado, Bend, Ore., Range Conservationist, Waldport Ranger Dist. Siuslaw Nat'!. Forest. Deschutes N .F. CHAPMAN, DOUGLAS A., Elgin, Iowa. MADSEN, ARNOLD R ., Box 284, Prairie City, Ore., Forester, USFS. CHRIST, GERALD FRANK, Box 195, Pease AFB, N.H., 03803, Lt. G. F. MESSERSCHMIDT, DALE L., 4667 Auburn Rd. Salem, Ore. Christ. ONKEN, GENE A., USS Larson, DDR, 830 FPO, San Francisco, Calif., CLINE, JAMES !'., 2617 Broadwell Dr., Raleigh, N.C., 27874, Field For- U.S. Navy. PFISTER, ROBERT D., 607 Taylor, Moscow, Idaho, Research Forester, ester, Halifax Paper Co. USFS. CORPORON, LAVERN RONALD, R.F.D., Sheffield, Iowa. PIERCE, EDWIN C., 283 Bucktel, Akron Ohio. DOOLITTLE, RICHARD C., 19 Balsam St., Middletown, R. Island. PRUETT, EMERSON W., S. Slaughter Dr., Athens, Ohio, U.S.F.S. GAGEN, MICHAEL HENRY, 4995 Orange Ave., San Diego 15, Calif. RASH, JAMES K., 16914 Cameron, Southgate, Mich., Wood T ech- GREEN, JAMES RUSSELL, Pagosa Springs, Colo., Forester, Piedra nologist, Fabricon Products, Div. of Eagle Picher Corp. Ranger Dist., San juan Nat'l. Forest. RECKLER, DONAD VERNON, 1623 Center St., Des Moines, Ia., Wright GUTCHER, DO ALD GERALD, 1378 Capital Street, N.E., Salem, Oreg., Tree Service. Forester, Bureau of Land Management, Salem, Oreg. RYAN, STEPHEN 0., 119 State St., RFD 3, Amherst, Mass. HIGHLEY, TERRY LEONARD, 3290 Philomath Road, Corvallis, Oreg., SAMPSON, GEORGE R., Dept. A, 55 State Street, Dover, Delaware. Research Asst., School of For.-Oregon Stale Univ . SCHELMAAS, JAMES A., Silver Lake R.S., Silver Lake, Oregon, Forester, HOWARD, RICHARD ALBERT, Grad Student, School of Forestry, U. Fremont N.F. of Calif., Berkeley 4, Calif. SMITH, DAVID W., 427 D Ave., Coronado, Calif., Operations Officer, LUNSTRUM, STA .FORD j ., 816- 12th S.E., Mason .City, Iowa. Pallet USN. Mfg., Co. SOMMERFELD, PHILIP, 2IO'h Columbia, Lawton, Oklahoma. McDONALD, KENT A., Route I, Black Earth, Wise., Forest Products SPENCER, GERRY LEE, 2500 Watrous, Des Moines, Ia., Dist. Manager, Technologist-Forest Products Laboratory. Unit Structures Div., Koppers Co. NORTON, CALVIN LEE, R.R. 3, Ava, 1vlissouri., U.S.F.S. YOUKER, JOHN C., 900 Grove, Fort Atkinson, Wash. PIERCE, RICHARD F., Tonesket, Washington. PRITCHARD, RONALD COURTNEY, 3045 Tongass Ave., Ketchikan, Alaska, U.S.F.S. RYDBERG, RONALD VERNON, 7247 Brent Road, Upper Darby, Pa. 1961 Research Forester- N .E. Forest Ex pt. Station. SCHNEPF, GERALD FREDERICK, Graduate Student-Recreation, Univ. AER~~;;;~·NJ?HN C., 2526 White, Klamath Falls, Ore., For~.vter, of Minn. SHADLE, JAMES NORMAN, 2047 Grand Ave., San Diego 9, Calif. For ALLEN, EDWARD ERNST, Ripplebrook Ranger Station, Estacada, ester, Kaniksu Nat'l. Forest. Oregon. SIEVERDING, THOMAS VICTOR, BLM, Redding, Calif., Forester BLM. APPENZELLER ,ROBERT STEPHEN, 319 North Washington, Mag- SPENCER, ELBERT WESLEY, 307 South San Juan, Montrose, Colo. nolia, Arkansas, Project Service Analyst Unit Structures.. Inc. Range Conservationist-BLM, Montrose, Colo. BARKER, DONALD MAX, Storm Lake, Iowa, Banker. STATE, THOMAS EARLE, 912 Iowa Ave., Muscatine, Ia., Forester, BLM, BIRD, CLINTON CLYDE, Box 208, Crescent, Oregon. Salem, Oreg. BORCHERS, HAROLD ALLISON, 3824 Pammel Court, Ames, Iowa. STEPANEK, DEAN EUGENE, Box 59, Coeur d ' Alene, Idaho. Range BRISBIN, ROBERT L., 88 East Essex, Lansdown, Penn., Research For- Conservationist, BLM, Idaho. ester, Northeast Forest Expt. Sta. VERMILLION, DENNIS LYNN, Forester U.S.F.S., Coeur d ' Alene Nat'l. BUCKNER, WAYNE L., L., Box 1333, Orofino, Idaho, Forester, Clear Forest, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. water Nat'!. Forest. VOSS, RONALD LEE, 2600 Crase Lane, Sparks, Nevada, Asst. Forester CHERRY JAMES LEE, 3517 Tripp, Ames, Ia. Intern, Univ. Lutheran, Tahoe Timber Co. of Nev.- PO Box 649, Reno, Navada. Ames. WHERRY, KEITH DE WAYNE, Osmose Corp., Ames, Iowa. CONE, RICHARD ALLEN, 3347 Tulagi Place, Trewa Terr., N.C. WITTRUP, BRUCE ARDEN, Dept. of Forest Products, Mich. State DILLMAN, ]., 200 S. Vine, Marshfield, Wis., Quality Control, Weyer Univ., East Lansing, Mich., Graduate Student, Forest Products. hauser Co. FAILOR, GENE A., 308 Cross St., Oneida, Tenn., DeveloPment and 1963 quality control, Tippals Flooring Co. GINGERICH, RAYMOND EARL, 4312 McKay Drive, Salem, Oregon, ADAMS, DENNIS D., Webb, Iowa. Forester, Bureau of Land Management. BALLANTYNE, MARVIN DEAN, Soldier, Iowa, Military Service. GORDON,- jOHN C., Iowa State University, Graduate student. BASSETT, RICHARD LEE, 216 W . Juniper Ave., Flagstaff, Ariz. GUTCHER, DAVID EARL. BLOTT, JAMES TURNER, 2234 College Ave., Davenport, Iowa. HANSON, DAVID C., H / MS/15, MAG/ 15, 3D MAW, Air FMEPAC, CARPENTER, ROBERT LEE, Box 275, Ogden, Iowa. M.C.A.S., US Marine Corps. EASTER, GILBERT, H., JR., U.S.F.S., Stonyford, Calif., Forester, HISZCZYNSKYJI, LUBON, c/o Mrs. Vina Chattin, Browning, Montana. U.S.F.S., Stonyford, Calif. HOWELLS, BENJAMIN D., Rt. 2, Kalispell, Mont., Forester, Northern FOLEY, CLETIS DOW, Mark Twain Dr., P.O. Box 693, Twain Harte, Pacific Railway. Calif. HUFF, VIRGIL DARWIN. FONKEN, ALLAN DONALD, W. 2816 Rowan, Spokane, Wash. JESSEN, JAY L., 115 jefferson St., Williamsburg, Virginia, Park Ranger, FORTIER, JOHN ALAN, 445 Gramatan Ave., Mt. Vernon, New York. National Park Service, jamestown, Virginia. FRUEH, LEO HENRY, Peace Corps, India. KANEY, DAVID W., 8608, John Downer Rd.; SW 10 Tacoma 99, Wash. HALL, RUSSELL VERL, 4401 N. Ruby St., Shiller Park, Ill. T imber KENT, HAROLD DAVID, Bullen Hall, At. 61I, Utah State Univ., Logan, Structures, Inc., Sales. Utah, Graduate Student, Watershed Mgt. HATHAWAY, MICHAEL B., 263 Arthur St., Manistee, Mich., Forester, KLINE, JOHN PHILIP, Box 621, Chiloquin, Oregon. U.S.F.S. KRUSE, JOHN LESTER, VA/155, c/o FPO, San Francisco, Calif. HUNZIZKER, ROGER FREDRICK, Crystal Lake, Ill. Forester, Owens LESLIE, JERRY LEE, 11248 NE Fremont Court; Portland, Ore., Timber lllinois Co. Structures, Inc. JOHNSON, KENNETH HUMPHREY, 612 N.W. 1st Ave., Hallandale, MAEGLIN, ROBERT R., RR I, Verona, Wis., Forest Products T echnolo Fla. gist, U.S. Forest Products Laboratory. KESSELRING, RONALD DUANE, 702 Carney, Marinette, Wise. MANWILLER, FLOYD GEORGE, 519 9th, Graduate Student, Iowa State MELTZER, WM. D., Box 322, Stanford Ky., Service Forester, Common Univ. wealth of K y. MAR TENS, DAVID GUSTAV, Princeton, W. Va., Northeastern Forest MORRISON, NEAL JAMES, Cincinnati, Iowa. Expt. Station. NETHERTON, DALE LEROY, R .R. I, Mufreesboro, Ark. Forester, Inti. MORDHURST, RONALD LEE. Paper Co. MULHOLLAND, JOHN PATRICK, Clinton, Iowa, Nursery Operator. PETERSON, JOHN JANIS, 223 So. 15th Ave., Maywood, Ill. RENKEN, DENNIS P., Prospect Ranger Sta., Prospect, Ore., ]r. For- RITCHIE, JOHN MARION, 2460 Athens Ave., Redding, Calif., Forester, ester, USFS. BLM. REVES, ROGER GERALD, Minburn, Ia., Communications Officer, US ROCCA, JAMES PETER, Service Forester, Ia. Cons. Comm., Indepen· Army Signal Corps. dence, Iowa. SCHLACTENHAUFEN, EDWARD CARL, 1204 Van Buren, Maywood, SCHNEIDER, JAMES FREDERICK, Shenandoah, Iowa. Illinois, Student Theological Lutheran Seminary. SCOTT, LEROY ALLEN, 931 S. Walnut, Casper, Wyo., Range Conserva- SHEPARD, ROGER ARLIGH, Spearfish, South Dakota, Forester, Black tionist, BLM, Casper, Wyo. Hills National Forest, Limestone District. SHATTUCK, RICHARD H., 626 Dimmeydale Dr., Deerfield, Ill. TROCHUCK, RONALD EDWARD, 215 W. Cherry, Flagstaff, Arizona. SHEPARD, JOHN KENDAL, VOLKMAN, DALE ARNOLD. 4004 N. Gaylark Rd., Mobile, Ala., Wood SIEX, DWAYNE REIGLE, Box 755, Greenville, Calif., 95947, Forester, Technologist, International Paper Co., Mobile, Ala. U.S.F.S. SPEER, WM. LAURENCE, Rockford, Illinois. WALK, FREDRICK OTHA, Address Unknown. SPINNER, WM. FRANCIS, Box 176, Lansing, Iowa, Military Service. WARRICK, CARL DWAYNE, Box 38, Texline, Texas, Dist. Ranger, STREEBY, LARRY LEE, 1214 31st St., Des Moines, Iowa, Grad Student, Rita Blanca Dist., Panhandle National Grassland, USFS. Iowa State University. WHITMORE, RALPH EDWARD, Star Rt. I, Box 44, Forks, Washington. TICKNOR, KEITH ALLEN, 137 Sunset Drive, Junction City, Kansas. YOUNKLIN, MAX C., Box 555, Happy Camp, Cal., Timber Sales Military Service. Officer, Klamath Nat'!. Forest. TORRENS, JOHN RICHARD, City Hall, Oshkosh , Wise., City Forester, ZIMMER, MARTIN JOSEPH, 3469 West Harvard, Roseburg, Oregon, Oshkosh, Wise. Bureau of Land Management. WEBB, GARY ALLEN, Burns, Oreg., Range Conservationist, BLM. 76 The 1964 II/IE TREES. flltlt IRIIIT ••d IN/litE WIII.IIIIT$ 6fJ ft. 111 wltlll/INTWEIINT IEtT/fJ/1111. or l.EitfJ/1/t llltiMIIIIJM or lllltlliTfJ/l flfJI.EI '.\~ \J.~ "~~)11/l . UI~YiiW_~ n.S.~YX for Tree Pruning. we recommend a 12 ft. Telescopic Pole which telescopes from 6 ft. to 12 ft. To this pole you can add as many sectional 6 ft. poles as you may need to reach up to 60 or 90 feel The Telescopic Poles permits you to keep the bottom end on the ground. thereby letting the ground do most of the heavy work. As you need a 6 ft. pole added to telescopic pole. all you do is slip it over the end o• telescopic pole and secure it with two bolts with wing nuts. With this type of pole. an elderly man or woman can prune tall trees with 113 the effort required with a #2 AND #9 pole that is too long. that requires slanting or a pole TRIANGULAR that is too short. that requires holding arms over your SAWS head in a tiring position. operation eo .. 3G'" Swedish steel A 12 ft. Telescopic Pole is ...... $ 15.00 Other trimmera blades. The fast· 2-6 ft. Sectional Poles at $5.50 each ...... 11.00 from the bottom: est cuttinq saws when the limb made. Cuts on the A # 1 saw is ...... 8.95 the limb upward and the the blade. A trimmer is ...... 18.95 downward stroke #7 enablinq you to A #9 saw is ...... 11.95 atand on the ground and undercut a limb Additional 6 ft. sections are $5.50 each plus delivery of approximately without climbinq $4.00 out of state. the tree. Has hand grip so vou can use The # 1 saw Is adjustable to 13 positions and Ia Ideal for cuttlnq aa a hand saw to cut trees 24 feet and more in helqht. large limbs after you have them on the ground1 lumber. WORLD'S FINEST $18.95 Brewood. railroad ties. SAWS telephone poles. etc. Curved saw #I #2 CUTS 8" LIMBS $] 0.95 Adjustable to 13 positions instead CUTS 16" LtMBS NEW IMPROVED $11.95 of 3 as on other fiNE CONE HOOK saws. The serra KNIFE CUTTER ted socket hold a #6 our aJumiowa pol• its 20" blade more firmly. Cuts 2 to 5 •Ill Cuts on both the PINE CONE upwcud cmd dowo times faster and AND FRUIT LU-....,....~ $10.95 ward strokes. Cuts easier than I 4" weeds. bushes. suckers. cmd $8.95 or 16" saws. PICKER cnaU green palm !ronda. It will oot cut dead palm Used for pick· lroods. It will deao trees cmd lng applea. cut Yines. Ideal for cutting oranges. pluma. pine cones up to 75 fMt iD Jemona. pears. the air. Entomologists find it '"ry vahu:rble in cutting WINDOW peachea. IJ)edmens of diseased gr(lJ)efrult J I brcmches. Fits our aJuml. SQUEEGEJ crpricota. ete. aam poles. I Made for home uae. $5.00 •111 PRICE - $10.95 $3.95 When orderinq addlllonal attac!hmenta for poles you hcnoe to IIPedfr lfpe and diameter of pole to auure perfectfit. e SWIM POOL - 34 MERCHANDISE J 8 SEBRELL CO 301 So. SAN PEDRO ST•• LOS ANGELES 13. MA 5-26, BE ORDERED FROM • e • OPENSATURDAYTD.L4P.M.-MONDAYTILL9P.M.